
Paci, Hyttinen, Aalto-Setala, Severi,
Computational models of ventricular- and atrial-like human induced pluripotent stem cell derived cardiomyocytes
Paci, Hyttinen, Aalto-Setala, Severi,
Computational models of ventricular- and atrial-like human induced pluripotent stem cell derived cardiomyocytes
Pandit, 2002
Mouse ventricular myocyte model
Pandit, Clark, Giles, Demir, 2001
Rat ventricular myocyte model from the original Pandit 2001 paper: epicardial cell
Pandit, Clark, Giles, Demir, 2001
Rat ventricular myocyte model from the original Pandit 2001 paper: endocardial cell
Pandit, Clark, Giles, Demir, 2001
Rat ventricular myocyte model modified to simulate conditions in type-I diabetes
Pandit, Giles, Demir, 2003
A Mathematical Model of the Electrophysiological Alterations in Rat Ventricular Myocytes in Type-I Diabetes
Pasek, Simurda, Christe, 2006
CellML 1.0 version of the model which stabilises at 1Hz
Pasek, Simurda, Christe, 2006
CellML 1.0 version of the model which stabilises at 5Hz
Pasek, Simurda, Christe, 2006
CellML 1.1 version of the model
Pasek, Simurda, Orchard, Christe, 2008
A model of the guinea-pig ventricular cardiac myocyte incorporating a transverse-axial tubular system
Plant, 1981
Bifurcation and resonance in a model for bursting nerve cells
Poh, Corrias, Cheng, Buist, 2012
A Quantitative Model of Human Jejunal Smooth Muscle Cell Electrophysiology
Priebe, Beuckelmann, 1998
Simulation Study of Cellular Electrical Properties in Heart Failure
Puglisi, Bers, 2001
LabHEART: an interactive computer model of rabbit ventricular myocyte ion channels and Ca transport
Purvis, Butera, 2005
Ionic Current Model of a Hypoglossal Motoneuron
Purvis, Smith, Koizumi, Butera, 2007
Intrinsic Bursters Increase the Robustness of Rythm Generation in an Excitatory Network: Single Pacemaker Cell
Purvis, Smith, Koizumi, Butera, 2007
Intrinsic Bursters Increase the Robustness of Rythm Generation in an Excitatory Network: Single Non-Pacemaker Cell
Ramirez, Nattel, Courtemanche, 2000
Mathematical analysis of canine atrial action potentials: rate, regional factors, and electrical remodeling
Razumova, Bukatina, Campbell, 1999
Stiffness-distortion sacromere model for muscle stimulation
Reidl, Borowski, Sensse, Starke, Zapotocky, Eiswirth, 2006
Model of Calcium Oscillations Due to Negative Feedback in Olfactory Cilia
Rice, Jafri, Winslow, 2000
Modeling short-term interval-force relations in cardiac muscle
Rice, Winslow, Hunter, 1999
Comparison of putative cooperative mechanisms in cardiac muscle: length dependence and dynamic responses (model 1)
Rice, Winslow, Hunter, 1999
Comparison of putative cooperative mechanisms in cardiac muscle: length dependence and dynamic responses (model 2)
Rice, Winslow, Hunter, 1999
Comparison of putative cooperative mechanisms in cardiac muscle: length dependence and dynamic responses (model 3)
Rice, Winslow, Hunter, 1999
Comparison of putative cooperative mechanisms in cardiac muscle: length dependence and dynamic responses (model 4)
Rice, Winslow, Hunter, 1999
Comparison of putative cooperative mechanisms in cardiac muscle: length dependence and dynamic responses (model 5)
Rice, Winslow, Jafri, 1999
Modeling Gain and Gradedness of Ca2+ Release in the Functional Unit of the Cardiac Diadic Space
Riemer, Sobie, Tung, 1998
Stretch-induced changes in arrhythmogenesis and excitability in experimentally based heart cell models
Rogers, McCulloch, 1994
A collocation--Galerkin finite element model of cardiac action potential propagation
Sachse, Glanzel, Seemann, 2003
Modeling of Protein Interactions Involved in Cardiac Tension Development
Sachse, Moreno, Abildskov, 2008
Electrophysiological Modeling of Fibroblasts and Their Interaction with Myocytes (Coupled Fibroblast-Myocyte Model)
Sachse, Moreno, Abildskov, 2008
Electrophysiological Modeling of Fibroblasts and Their Interaction with Myocytes (Fibroblast Model)
Sakmann, Spindler, Bryant, Linz, Noble, 2000
Distribution of a persistent sodium current across the ventricular wall in guinea pigs (Epicardial Cell)
Sakmann, Spindler, Bryant, Linz, Noble, 2000
Distribution of a persistent sodium current across the ventricular wall in guinea pigs (Endocardial Cell)
Sakmann, Spindler, Bryant, Linz, Noble, 2000
Distribution of a persistent sodium current across the ventricular wall in guinea pigs (Midmyocardial Cell)
Sarai, Matsuoka, Kuratomi, Ono, Noma, 2003
Role of individual ionic current systems in the SA node hypothesized by a model study
Saucerman, Bers, 2008
Calmodulin Mediates Differential Sensitivity of CAMKII and Calcineurin to Local Ca2+ in Cardiac Myocytes
Saucerman, Brunton, Michailova, McCulloch, 2003
Modeling beta-adrenergic control of cardiac myocyte contractility in silico
Saucerman, McCulloch, 2004
Mechanistic systems models of cell signaling networks: a case study of myocyte adrenergic regulation
Schneider, Shimayoshi, Amano, Matsuda, 2006
Mechanism of the Frank-Starling law-- A simulation study with a novel cardiac muscle contraction model that includes titin and tropomyosin
Schuster, Beny, Meister, 2003
Modelling the electrophysiological endothelial cell response to bradykinin
Seemann, Sachse, Weib, Dossel, 2003
Quantitative Reconstruction of Cardiac Electromechanics in Human Myocardium: Regional Heterogeneity
Severi, Fantini, Charawi, DiFrancesco,
An updated computational model of rabbit sinoatrial action potential to investigate the mechanisms of heart rate modulation.
Shannon, Wang, Puglisi, Weber, Bers, 2004
Modified version of the model which runs to recreate the published results.
Shannon, Wang, Puglisi, Weber, Bers, 2004
The original version of the model, true to the published set of equations, replete with typographical errors contained in the publication.
Shaw, Rudy, 1997
Electrophysiological effects of acute myocardial ischemia: a theoretical study of altered cell excitability and action potential duration
Shiferaw, Watanabe, Garfinkel, Weiss, Karma, 2003
Model of Intracellular Calcium Cycling in Ventricular Myocytes
Shorten, Robson, McKinnon, Wall, 2000
CRH-induced Electrical Activity and Calcium Signalling in Pituitary Corticotrophs
Shorten, Wall, 2000
A Hodgkin-Huxley Model Exhibiting Bursting Oscillations
Simulation of the Effects of Extracellular Calcium Changes Leads to a Novel Computational Model of Human Ventricular Action Potential With a Revised Calcium Handling
Simulation of the Effects of Extracellular Calcium Changes Leads to a Novel Computational Model of Human Ventricular Action Potential With a Revised Calcium Handling
Skouibine, Trayanova, Moore, 1999
Anode/cathode make and break phenomena in a model of defibrillation
Smith, Crampin, 2004
Development of models of active ion transport for whole-cell modelling: cardiac sodium-potassium pump as a case study
Snyder, Palmer, Moore, 2000
A Mathematical Model of Cardiocyte Ca2+ Dynamics with a Novel Representation of Sarcoplasmic Reticular Ca2+ Control
Sobie, Dilly, dos Santos Cruz, Lederer, Jafri, 2002
Termination of Cardiac Ca2+ Sparks: An Investigative Mathematical Model of Calcium-Induced Calcium Release
Stern, Song, Sham, Yang, Boheler, Rios, 1999
Local Control Models of Cardiac Excitation-Contraction Coupling A Possible Role for Allosteric Interactions between Ryanodine Receptors
Stewart, Aslanidi, Noble, Noble, Boyett, Zhang, 2009
Mathematical models of the electrical action potential of Purkinje fibre cells
Sulman, Katnelson, Solovyova, Markhasin,
Mathematical modeling of mechanically modulated rhythm disturbances in homogeneous and heterogeneous myocardium with attenuated activity of na+-k+ pump
Surkis, Peskin, Tranchina, Leonard, 1998
Recovery of Cable Properties Through Active and Passive Modeling of Subthreshold Membrane Responses From Laterodorsal Tegmental Neurons
Tabak, Mascagni, Bertram, 2010
Mechanism for the Universal Pattern of Activity in Developing Neuronal Networks
Ten Tusscher, Noble, Noble, Panfilov, 2004
A model for human ventricular tissue
Ten Tusscher, Noble, Noble, Panfilov, 2004
A model for human ventricular tissue (Midmyocardial Cell)
Ten Tusscher, Noble, Noble, Panfilov, 2004
A model for human ventricular tissue (Epicardial Cell)
Ten Tusscher, Noble, Noble, Panfilov, 2004
A model for human ventricular tissue (Endocardial Cell)
ten Tusscher, Panfilov, 2006
Alternans and spiral breakup in a human ventricular tissue model (Endocardial Model)
ten Tusscher, Panfilov, 2006
Alternans and spiral breakup in a human ventricular tissue model (Epicardial Model)
ten Tusscher, Panfilov, 2006
Alternans and spiral breakup in a human ventricular tissue model (Midmyocardial Model)
ten Tusscher, Panfilov, 2006
Alternans and spiral breakup in a human ventricular tissue model (Epicardial Model)
ten Tusscher, Panfilov, 2006
Alternans and spiral breakup in a human ventricular tissue model (Endocardial Model)
ten Tusscher, Panfilov, 2006
Alternans and spiral breakup in a human ventricular tissue model (Midmyocardial Model)
Terkildsen, Niederer, Crampin, Hunter, Smith, 2008
Using Physiome standards to couple cellular functions for rat cardiac excitation-contraction
Tomek, Jakub, et al. (2019)- A computational human ventricular electrophysiological model (endocardial)
Tomek, Jakub, et al. (2019)- A computational human ventricular electrophysiological model (endocardial)
Tomek, Jakub, et al. (2019)- A computational human ventricular electrophysiological model (epicardial)
Tomek, Jakub, et al. (2019)- A computational human ventricular electrophysiological model (epicardial)
Tomek, Jakub, et al. (2019)- A computational human ventricular electrophysiological model (midmyocardial)
Tomek, Jakub, et al. (2019)- A computational human ventricular electrophysiological model (midmyocardial)
Tong, Choi, Kharche, Holden, Zhang, Taggart,
A computational model of the ionic currents, Ca2+ dynamics and action potentials underlying contraction of isolated uterine smooth muscle
Tong, Choi, Kharche, Holden, Zhang, Taggart,
A computational model of the ionic currents, Ca2+ dynamics and action potentials underlying contraction of isolated uterine smooth muscle
Tong, Ghouri, Taggart,
Updated Faber and Rudy 2000 model with a corrected description of T-type calcium current
Tong, Ghouri, Taggart,
Updated previously modified (with Ito and Irel) Faber and Rudy 2000 model with a corrected description of T-type calcium current
Tong, Tribe, Smith, Taggart,
Computational modeling reveals key contributions of KCNQ and hERG currents to the malleability of uterine action potentials underpinning labor
Tran, Smith, Loiselle, Crampin, 2009
A Thermodynamic Model of the Cardiac Sarcoplasmic/Endoplasmic Ca(2+) (SERCA) Pump: the three-state SERCA model
Tran, Smith, Loiselle, Crampin, 2009
A Thermodynamic Model of the Cardiac Sarcoplasmic/Endoplasmic Ca(2+) (SERCA) Pump: the two-state SERCA model
Trovato, Passini, Nagy, et al. (2019),A computational human cardiac Purkinje electrophysiological model (sedml)
Trovato, Passini, Nagy, et al. (2019),A computational human cardiac Purkinje electrophysiological model (sedml)
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Computer simulation of arrhythmias in a network of coupled excitable elements
Van der Pol, Van der Mark, 1928
The Heartbeat Considered as a Relaxation Oscillation, and an Electrical Model of the Heart.
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Amplitude-Dependent Spike-Broadening and Enhanced Ca2+ Signaling in GnRH-Secreting Neurons
Vendelin, Kongas, Saks, 2000
Regulation of mitochondrial respiration in heart cells analyzed by reaction-diffusion model of energy transfer
Voigt, Heijman et al. 2013 Human Atrial AP model
Voigt, Heijman et al. 2013 Human Atrial AP model
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mRNA expression levels in failing human hearts predict cellular electrophysiological remodeling: A population-based simulation study
Wang, Lin, Lin, Wu, 2008
Effect of riluzole on action potential in cultured human skeletal muscle cells
Wang, Sobie, 2008
Mathematical model of the neonatal mouse ventricular action potential
Wang, Sobie, 2008
Mathematical model of the neonatal mouse ventricular action potential
Warashina, Ogura, 2004
Modeling of simulation-secretion coupling in a chromaffin cell
Warren, Tawhai, Crampin, 2010
Mathematical modelling of calcium wave propagation in mammalian airway epithelium: evidence for regenerative ATP release
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A mathematical model of the inner medullary collecting duct of the rat: acid/base transport (Gastric H+/K+ ATPase Variant)
Weinstein, 1998
A mathematical model of the inner medullary collecting duct of the rat: acid/base transport (Renal H+/K+ ATPase Variant)
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Hyperpolarization-activated graded persistent activity in the prefrontal cortex
Winslow, Rice, Jafri, Marban, O'Rorke, 1999
Mechanisms of Altered Excitation-Contraction Coupling in Canine Tachycardia-Induced Heart Failure, II Model Studies
Winslow, Rice, Jafri, Marban, O'Rorke, 1999
Mechanisms of Altered Excitation-Contraction Coupling in Canine Tachycardia-Induced Heart Failure, II Model Studies
Yanagihara, Noma, Irisawa, 1980
Reconstruction of sino-atrial node pacemaker potential based on the voltage clamp experiments
Yang, Clark, Bryan, Robertson, 2003
The myogenic response in isolated rat cerebrovascular arteries: smooth muscle cell model
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Crossbridge Model Compatible with the Linear Relationship between Left Ventricular Oxygen Consumption and Pressure-Volume Area
Yi, Fogelson, Keener, Peskin, 2003
A Mathematical Study of Volume Shifts and Ionic Concentration Changes during Ischemia and Hypoxia
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A mathematical model of pacemaker activity recorded from mouse small intestine
Zeng, Laurita, Rosenbaum, Rudy, 1995
Two Components of the Delayed Rectifier K+ Current in Ventricular Myocytes of the Guinea Pig Type
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Mathematical models of action potentials in the periphery and center of the rabbit sinoatrial node.