C C There are a total of 10 entries in the algebraic variable array. C There are a total of 4 entries in each of the rate and state variable arrays. C There are a total of 13 entries in the constant variable array. C C C VOI is time in component environment (millisecond). C STATES(1) is V in component membrane (millivolt). C CONSTS(1) is E_R in component membrane (millivolt). C CONSTS(2) is Cm in component membrane (microF_per_cm2). C ALGBRC(1) is i_Na in component sodium_channel (microA_per_cm2). C ALGBRC(5) is i_K in component potassium_channel (microA_per_cm2). C ALGBRC(9) is i_L in component leakage_current (microA_per_cm2). C ALGBRC(10) is Istim in component stimulus_protocol (microA_per_cm2). C CONSTS(3) is g_Na in component sodium_channel (milliS_per_cm2). C CONSTS(11) is E_Na in component sodium_channel (millivolt). C STATES(2) is m in component sodium_channel_m_gate (dimensionless). C STATES(3) is h in component sodium_channel_h_gate (dimensionless). C ALGBRC(2) is alpha_m in component sodium_channel_m_gate (per_millisecond). C ALGBRC(6) is beta_m in component sodium_channel_m_gate (per_millisecond). C ALGBRC(3) is alpha_h in component sodium_channel_h_gate (per_millisecond). C ALGBRC(7) is beta_h in component sodium_channel_h_gate (per_millisecond). C CONSTS(4) is g_K in component potassium_channel (milliS_per_cm2). C CONSTS(12) is E_K in component potassium_channel (millivolt). C STATES(4) is n in component potassium_channel_n_gate (dimensionless). C ALGBRC(4) is alpha_n in component potassium_channel_n_gate (per_millisecond). C ALGBRC(8) is beta_n in component potassium_channel_n_gate (per_millisecond). C CONSTS(5) is g_L in component leakage_current (milliS_per_cm2). C CONSTS(13) is E_L in component leakage_current (millivolt). C CONSTS(6) is IstimStart in component stimulus_protocol (millisecond). C CONSTS(7) is IstimEnd in component stimulus_protocol (millisecond). C CONSTS(8) is IstimAmplitude in component stimulus_protocol (microA_per_cm2). C CONSTS(9) is IstimPeriod in component stimulus_protocol (millisecond). C CONSTS(10) is IstimPulseDuration in component stimulus_protocol (millisecond). C RATES(1) is d/dt V in component membrane (millivolt). C RATES(2) is d/dt m in component sodium_channel_m_gate (dimensionless). C RATES(3) is d/dt h in component sodium_channel_h_gate (dimensionless). C RATES(4) is d/dt n in component potassium_channel_n_gate (dimensionless). C SUBROUTINE initConsts(CONSTS, RATES, STATES) REAL CONSTS(*), RATES(*), STATES(*) STATES(1) = -75 CONSTS(1) = -75 CONSTS(2) = 1 CONSTS(3) = 120 STATES(2) = 0.05 STATES(3) = 0.6 CONSTS(4) = 36 STATES(4) = 0.325 CONSTS(5) = 0.3 CONSTS(6) = 50 CONSTS(7) = 50000 CONSTS(8) = 20 CONSTS(9) = 200 CONSTS(10) = 0.5 CONSTS(11) = CONSTS(1)+115.000 CONSTS(12) = CONSTS(1) - 12.0000 CONSTS(13) = CONSTS(1)+10.6130 RETURN END SUBROUTINE computeRates(VOI, CONSTS, RATES, STATES, ALGBRC) REAL VOI, CONSTS(*), RATES(*), STATES(*), ALGBRC(*) ALGBRC(2) = ( - 0.100000*(STATES(1)+50.0000))/(EXP(- (STATES(1)+50.0000)/10.0000) - 1.00000) ALGBRC(6) = 4.00000*EXP(- (STATES(1)+75.0000)/18.0000) RATES(2) = ALGBRC(2)*(1.00000 - STATES(2)) - ALGBRC(6)*STATES(2) ALGBRC(3) = 0.0700000*EXP(- (STATES(1)+75.0000)/20.0000) ALGBRC(7) = 1.00000/(EXP(- (STATES(1)+45.0000)/10.0000)+1.00000) RATES(3) = ALGBRC(3)*(1.00000 - STATES(3)) - ALGBRC(7)*STATES(3) ALGBRC(4) = ( - 0.0100000*(STATES(1)+65.0000))/(EXP(- (STATES(1)+65.0000)/10.0000) - 1.00000) ALGBRC(8) = 0.125000*EXP((STATES(1)+75.0000)/80.0000) RATES(4) = ALGBRC(4)*(1.00000 - STATES(4)) - ALGBRC(8)*STATES(4) ALGBRC(1) = CONSTS(3)*STATES(2) ** 3.00000*STATES(3)*(STATES(1) - CONSTS(11)) ALGBRC(5) = CONSTS(4)*STATES(4) ** 4.00000*(STATES(1) - CONSTS(12)) ALGBRC(9) = CONSTS(5)*(STATES(1) - CONSTS(13)) ALGBRC(10) = TERNRY(VOI.GE.CONSTS(6).AND.VOI.LE.CONSTS(7).AND.(VOI - CONSTS(6)) - INT((VOI - CONSTS(6))/CONSTS(9))*CONSTS(9).LE.CONSTS(10), CONSTS(8), 0.00000) RATES(1) = - (- ALGBRC(10)+ALGBRC(1)+ALGBRC(5)+ALGBRC(9))/CONSTS(2) RETURN END SUBROUTINE computeVariables(VOI, CONSTS, RATES, STATES, ALGBRC) REAL VOI, CONSTS(*), RATES(*), STATES(*), ALGBRC(*) ALGBRC(2) = ( - 0.100000*(STATES(1)+50.0000))/(EXP(- (STATES(1)+50.0000)/10.0000) - 1.00000) ALGBRC(6) = 4.00000*EXP(- (STATES(1)+75.0000)/18.0000) ALGBRC(3) = 0.0700000*EXP(- (STATES(1)+75.0000)/20.0000) ALGBRC(7) = 1.00000/(EXP(- (STATES(1)+45.0000)/10.0000)+1.00000) ALGBRC(4) = ( - 0.0100000*(STATES(1)+65.0000))/(EXP(- (STATES(1)+65.0000)/10.0000) - 1.00000) ALGBRC(8) = 0.125000*EXP((STATES(1)+75.0000)/80.0000) ALGBRC(1) = CONSTS(3)*STATES(2) ** 3.00000*STATES(3)*(STATES(1) - CONSTS(11)) ALGBRC(5) = CONSTS(4)*STATES(4) ** 4.00000*(STATES(1) - CONSTS(12)) ALGBRC(9) = CONSTS(5)*(STATES(1) - CONSTS(13)) ALGBRC(10) = TERNRY(VOI.GE.CONSTS(6).AND.VOI.LE.CONSTS(7).AND.(VOI - CONSTS(6)) - INT((VOI - CONSTS(6))/CONSTS(9))*CONSTS(9).LE.CONSTS(10), CONSTS(8), 0.00000) RETURN END REAL FUNCTION TERNRY(TEST, VALA, VALB) LOGICAL TEST REAL VALA, VALB IF (TEST) THEN TERNRY = VALA ELSE TERNRY = VALB ENDIF RETURN END