Location: EMBC 2013 Tutorial - Noble 1962 reproducibility @ e2e13897b3f6 / index.html

David Nickerson <nickerso@users.sourceforge.net>
2013-06-29 17:46:00+12:00
adding an HTML document to use as the documentation for this workspace and to use when creating an exposure
Permanent Source URI:

This is the CellML encoding of the 1962 Noble cardiac cellular electrophysiology model. This version of the model is self-pacing, as demonstrated in the image below. A result such as this could be published in some journal article somewhere.

The image above is a screen shot of the OpenCOR application running this model. The 22 June 2013 snapshot version of OpenCOR was used. The links in the right-hand side menu can be used to navigate to the various aspects of this CellML exposure.