Generated Code

The following is f77 code generated by the CellML API from this CellML file. (Back to language selection)

The raw code is available.

C There are a total of 5 entries in the algebraic variable array.
C There are a total of 13 entries in each of the rate and state variable arrays.
C There are a total of 45 entries in the constant variable array.
C VOI is time in component environment (minute).
C STATES(1) is r in component r (dimensionless).
C ALGBRC(1) is c1 in component c1 (dimensionless).
C STATES(2) is c2 in component c2 (dimensionless).
C CONSTS(1) is L in component model_parameters (nanomolar).
C CONSTS(2) is kt in component model_parameters (first_order_rate_constant).
C CONSTS(3) is kxR0 in component model_parameters (first_order_rate_constant).
C CONSTS(4) is k_minusx in component model_parameters (first_order_rate_constant).
C CONSTS(5) is KDL in component model_parameters (nanomolar).
C CONSTS(6) is ke in component model_parameters (first_order_rate_constant).
C ALGBRC(2) is e_PI3K in component e_PI3K (dimensionless).
C CONSTS(7) is kappa_PI3K in component e_PI3K (dimensionless).
C CONSTS(8) is alpha_PI3K in component e_PI3K (dimensionless).
C STATES(3) is m_3PI in component m_3PI (dimensionless).
C CONSTS(9) is k_3PI in component m_3PI (first_order_rate_constant).
C ALGBRC(3) is e_GEF in component e_GEF (dimensionless).
C CONSTS(10) is K_GR in component e_GEF (dimensionless).
C CONSTS(11) is K_GP in component e_GEF (dimensionless).
C STATES(4) is f_GEF in component f_GEF (dimensionless).
C STATES(5) is m_Ras in component m_Ras (dimensionless).
C CONSTS(12) is k_Ras in component m_Ras (first_order_rate_constant).
C CONSTS(13) is gamma in component m_Ras (dimensionless).
C STATES(6) is x1 in component x1 (dimensionless).
C CONSTS(14) is kd_x1 in component x1 (first_order_rate_constant).
C CONSTS(15) is KM_x11 in component model_parameters (dimensionless).
C CONSTS(16) is KM_x12 in component model_parameters (dimensionless).
C STATES(7) is y in component y (dimensionless).
C ALGBRC(4) is yp in component yp (dimensionless).
C STATES(8) is x2 in component x2 (dimensionless).
C CONSTS(17) is kd_x2 in component x2 (first_order_rate_constant).
C CONSTS(18) is K_x2 in component x2 (dimensionless).
C CONSTS(19) is KM_x21 in component model_parameters (dimensionless).
C CONSTS(20) is KM_x22 in component model_parameters (dimensionless).
C CONSTS(21) is Vmax_yph1_KM_yph1 in component y (first_order_rate_constant).
C CONSTS(22) is KM_yph1 in component model_parameters (dimensionless).
C CONSTS(23) is KM_yph2 in component model_parameters (dimensionless).
C CONSTS(24) is Vmax_x11_KM_x11 in component model_parameters (first_order_rate_constant).
C CONSTS(25) is Vmax_x21_KM_x21 in component model_parameters (first_order_rate_constant).
C STATES(9) is ypp in component ypp (dimensionless).
C CONSTS(26) is Vmax_yph2_KM_yph2 in component ypp (first_order_rate_constant).
C CONSTS(27) is KM_y1 in component model_parameters (dimensionless).
C CONSTS(28) is KM_y2 in component model_parameters (dimensionless).
C CONSTS(29) is Vmax_x12_KM_x12 in component model_parameters (first_order_rate_constant).
C CONSTS(30) is Vmax_x22_KM_x22 in component model_parameters (first_order_rate_constant).
C STATES(10) is z in component z (dimensionless).
C ALGBRC(5) is zp in component zp (dimensionless).
C CONSTS(31) is Vmax_zph1_KM_zph1 in component z (first_order_rate_constant).
C CONSTS(32) is Vmax_y1_KM_y1 in component z (first_order_rate_constant).
C CONSTS(33) is KM_zph1 in component model_parameters (dimensionless).
C CONSTS(34) is KM_zph2 in component model_parameters (dimensionless).
C STATES(11) is zpp in component zpp (dimensionless).
C STATES(12) is e_ph in component e_ph (dimensionless).
C CONSTS(35) is Vmax_zph2_KM_zph2 in component zpp (first_order_rate_constant).
C CONSTS(36) is Vmax_y2_KM_y2 in component zpp (first_order_rate_constant).
C CONSTS(37) is n in component f_GEF (dimensionless).
C CONSTS(38) is Kf in component f_GEF (dimensionless).
C CONSTS(39) is Zf in component f_GEF (dimensionless).
C CONSTS(40) is k_FB_f in component f_GEF (first_order_rate_constant).
C STATES(13) is w in component w (dimensionless).
C CONSTS(41) is kd_w in component w (first_order_rate_constant).
C CONSTS(42) is k_FB_ph in component e_ph (first_order_rate_constant).
C CONSTS(43) is p in component e_ph (dimensionless).
C CONSTS(44) is Wph in component e_ph (dimensionless).
C CONSTS(45) is Kph in component e_ph (dimensionless).
C RATES(1) is d/dt r in component r (dimensionless).
C RATES(2) is d/dt c2 in component c2 (dimensionless).
C RATES(3) is d/dt m_3PI in component m_3PI (dimensionless).
C RATES(5) is d/dt m_Ras in component m_Ras (dimensionless).
C RATES(6) is d/dt x1 in component x1 (dimensionless).
C RATES(8) is d/dt x2 in component x2 (dimensionless).
C RATES(7) is d/dt y in component y (dimensionless).
C RATES(9) is d/dt ypp in component ypp (dimensionless).
C RATES(10) is d/dt z in component z (dimensionless).
C RATES(11) is d/dt zpp in component zpp (dimensionless).
C RATES(4) is d/dt f_GEF in component f_GEF (dimensionless).
C RATES(13) is d/dt w in component w (dimensionless).
C RATES(12) is d/dt e_ph in component e_ph (dimensionless).
      STATES(1) = 0.5
      STATES(2) = 0.0
      CONSTS(1) = 1.0
      CONSTS(2) = 0.005
      CONSTS(3) = 0.3
      CONSTS(4) = 0.07
      CONSTS(5) = 1.5
      CONSTS(6) = 0.2
      CONSTS(7) = 0.3
      CONSTS(8) = 80.0
      STATES(3) = 0.0
      CONSTS(9) = 1.0
      CONSTS(10) = 495.0
      CONSTS(11) = 5.09
      STATES(4) = 1.0
      STATES(5) = 0.0
      CONSTS(12) = 1.0
      CONSTS(13) = 0.1
      STATES(6) = 0.0
      CONSTS(14) = 0.745
      CONSTS(15) = 30.3
      CONSTS(16) = 45.5
      STATES(7) = 1.0
      STATES(8) = 0.0
      CONSTS(17) = 2.85
      CONSTS(18) = 6.77
      CONSTS(19) = 21.6
      CONSTS(20) = 15.7
      CONSTS(21) = 4.40
      CONSTS(22) = 44.0
      CONSTS(23) = 12.7
      CONSTS(24) = 1.18
      CONSTS(25) = 0.405
      STATES(9) = 0.0
      CONSTS(26) = 6.77
      CONSTS(27) = 31.9
      CONSTS(28) = 8.81
      CONSTS(29) = 4.71
      CONSTS(30) = 2.41
      STATES(10) = 1.0
      CONSTS(31) = 0.451
      CONSTS(32) = 11.8
      CONSTS(33) = 14.0
      CONSTS(34) = 31.5
      STATES(11) = 0.0
      STATES(12) = 1.0
      CONSTS(35) = 0.228
      CONSTS(36) = 31.9
      CONSTS(37) = 1.03
      CONSTS(38) = 3.76
      CONSTS(39) = 0.272
      CONSTS(40) = 0.976
      STATES(13) = 0.0
      CONSTS(41) = 0.0333
      CONSTS(42) = 2.34
      CONSTS(43) = 1.98
      CONSTS(44) = 0.385
      CONSTS(45) = 4.64
      RATES(4) =  - CONSTS(40)*( (STATES(11) ** CONSTS(37)/(CONSTS(39) ** CONSTS(37)+STATES(11) ** CONSTS(37)))*STATES(4) -  (1.00000/CONSTS(38))*(1.00000 - STATES(4)))
      RATES(13) =  CONSTS(41)*(STATES(11) - STATES(13))
      RATES(12) =  CONSTS(42)*(STATES(13) ** CONSTS(43)/(CONSTS(44) ** CONSTS(43)+STATES(13) ** CONSTS(43)) -  (1.00000/CONSTS(45))*(STATES(12) - 1.00000))
      ALGBRC(1) = ( CONSTS(1)*STATES(1))/CONSTS(5)
      RATES(1) =  1.00000+CONSTS(1)/CONSTS(5) ** -1.00000*( CONSTS(2)*(1.00000 - (STATES(1)+ALGBRC(1)))+ 2.00000*( CONSTS(4)*STATES(2) -  CONSTS(3)*ALGBRC(1) ** 2.00000))
      RATES(2) =  CONSTS(3)*ALGBRC(1) ** 2.00000 -  (CONSTS(4)+CONSTS(6))*STATES(2)
      ALGBRC(2) = ((1.00000+CONSTS(7)+ 2.00000*CONSTS(8)*STATES(2)) -  1.00000+CONSTS(7)+ 2.00000*CONSTS(8)*STATES(2) ** 2.00000 ** (1.0 / 2))/2.00000
      RATES(3) =  CONSTS(9)*(ALGBRC(2) - STATES(3))
      ALGBRC(3) =  (( CONSTS(10)*STATES(2)+ CONSTS(11)*STATES(3))/(1.00000+ CONSTS(10)*STATES(2)+ CONSTS(11)*STATES(3)))*STATES(4)
      RATES(5) =  CONSTS(12)*( (1.00000+CONSTS(13))*ALGBRC(3) -  (1.00000+ CONSTS(13)*ALGBRC(3))*STATES(5))
      ALGBRC(4) = 1.00000 - (STATES(7)+STATES(9))
      RATES(6) =  CONSTS(14)*(STATES(5) - STATES(6)/(1.00000+STATES(7)/CONSTS(15)+ALGBRC(4)/CONSTS(16)))
      RATES(8) =  CONSTS(17)*(( (1.00000+CONSTS(18))*STATES(3))/(1.00000+ CONSTS(18)*STATES(3)) - STATES(8)/(1.00000+STATES(7)/CONSTS(19)+ALGBRC(4)/CONSTS(20)))
      RATES(7) = ( CONSTS(21)*ALGBRC(4))/(1.00000+ALGBRC(4)/CONSTS(22)+STATES(9)/CONSTS(23)) - (( CONSTS(24)*STATES(6)*STATES(7))/(1.00000+STATES(7)/CONSTS(15)+ALGBRC(4)/CONSTS(16))+( CONSTS(25)*STATES(8)*STATES(7))/(1.00000+STATES(7)/CONSTS(19)+ALGBRC(4)/CONSTS(20)))
      ALGBRC(5) = 1.00000 - (STATES(10)+STATES(11))
      RATES(9) = (( CONSTS(29)*STATES(6)*ALGBRC(4))/(1.00000+STATES(7)/CONSTS(15)+ALGBRC(4)/CONSTS(16))+( CONSTS(30)*STATES(8)*ALGBRC(4))/(1.00000+STATES(7)/CONSTS(19)+ALGBRC(4)/CONSTS(20))) - (( CONSTS(26)*STATES(9))/( (1.00000+STATES(10)/CONSTS(27)+ALGBRC(5)/CONSTS(16))*(1.00000+ALGBRC(4)/CONSTS(22))+STATES(9)/CONSTS(23)))
      RATES(10) = ( CONSTS(31)*STATES(12)*ALGBRC(5))/(1.00000+ALGBRC(5)/CONSTS(33)+STATES(11)/CONSTS(34)) - ( CONSTS(32)*STATES(9))/(1.00000+STATES(10)/CONSTS(27)+ALGBRC(5)/CONSTS(28))
      RATES(11) = ( CONSTS(36)*ALGBRC(5))/(1.00000+STATES(10)/CONSTS(27)+ALGBRC(5)/CONSTS(28)) - ( CONSTS(35)*STATES(12)*STATES(11))/(1.00000+ALGBRC(5)/CONSTS(33)+STATES(11)/CONSTS(34))
      ALGBRC(1) = ( CONSTS(1)*STATES(1))/CONSTS(5)
      ALGBRC(2) = ((1.00000+CONSTS(7)+ 2.00000*CONSTS(8)*STATES(2)) -  1.00000+CONSTS(7)+ 2.00000*CONSTS(8)*STATES(2) ** 2.00000 ** (1.0 / 2))/2.00000
      ALGBRC(3) =  (( CONSTS(10)*STATES(2)+ CONSTS(11)*STATES(3))/(1.00000+ CONSTS(10)*STATES(2)+ CONSTS(11)*STATES(3)))*STATES(4)
      ALGBRC(4) = 1.00000 - (STATES(7)+STATES(9))
      ALGBRC(5) = 1.00000 - (STATES(10)+STATES(11))