# Size of variable arrays: sizeAlgebraic = 53 sizeStates = 22 sizeConstants = 83 from math import * from numpy import * def createLegends(): legend_states = [""] * sizeStates legend_rates = [""] * sizeStates legend_algebraic = [""] * sizeAlgebraic legend_voi = "" legend_constants = [""] * sizeConstants legend_voi = "time in component environment (hour)" legend_constants[0] = "eps in component E (dimensionless)" legend_constants[1] = "K1 in component A (per_hour)" legend_constants[2] = "K1a in component A (per_hour)" legend_constants[3] = "K2 in component A (per_hour)" legend_constants[4] = "K2a in component A (per_hour)" legend_constants[5] = "K2aa in component A (per_hour)" legend_constants[6] = "K3 in component A (per_hour)" legend_constants[7] = "K3a in component A (per_hour)" legend_constants[8] = "K4 in component A (per_hour)" legend_constants[9] = "J1 in component A (dimensionless)" legend_constants[10] = "J3 in component A (dimensionless)" legend_constants[11] = "J4 in component A (dimensionless)" legend_algebraic[1] = "v_20 in component A (per_hour)" legend_algebraic[21] = "v_21 in component A (per_hour)" legend_algebraic[0] = "v_42 in component A (per_hour)" legend_algebraic[22] = "v_19 in component A (per_hour)" legend_constants[12] = "GA in component A (dimensionless)" legend_constants[13] = "GB in component A (dimensionless)" legend_constants[14] = "GE in component A (dimensionless)" legend_algebraic[12] = "V_2 in component A (per_hour)" legend_algebraic[13] = "V_4 in component A (per_hour)" legend_states[0] = "Cdh1 in component A (dimensionless)" legend_constants[15] = "Cdc20 in component D (dimensionless)" legend_states[1] = "CYCA in component D (dimensionless)" legend_states[2] = "CYCB in component A (dimensionless)" legend_states[3] = "CYCE in component D (dimensionless)" legend_constants[16] = "k15 in component B (per_hour)" legend_constants[17] = "k16 in component B (per_hour)" legend_constants[18] = "k17 in component B (per_hour)" legend_constants[19] = "k17a in component B (per_hour)" legend_constants[20] = "k18 in component B (per_hour)" legend_constants[21] = "K9 in component B (per_hour)" legend_constants[22] = "J17 in component B (dimensionless)" legend_constants[23] = "J15 in component B (dimensionless)" legend_algebraic[14] = "v_1 in component B (per_hour)" legend_algebraic[15] = "v_2 in component B (per_hour)" legend_algebraic[2] = "v_34 in component B (per_hour)" legend_algebraic[5] = "v_39 in component B (per_hour)" legend_algebraic[3] = "v_41 in component B (per_hour)" legend_states[4] = "DRG in component B (dimensionless)" legend_states[5] = "ERG in component B (dimensionless)" legend_constants[24] = "K19 in component C (per_hour)" legend_constants[25] = "K19a in component C (per_hour)" legend_constants[26] = "K20 in component C (per_hour)" legend_constants[27] = "K21 in component C (dimensionless)" legend_constants[28] = "K22 in component C (per_hour)" legend_constants[29] = "K23a in component C (per_hour)" legend_constants[30] = "K23 in component C (per_hour)" legend_constants[31] = "K26 in component C (per_hour)" legend_constants[32] = "K26R in component C (per_hour)" legend_algebraic[16] = "v_29 in component C (per_hour)" legend_algebraic[23] = "v_30 in component C (per_hour)" legend_algebraic[25] = "v_43 in component C (per_hour)" legend_algebraic[27] = "v_44 in component C (per_hour)" legend_algebraic[29] = "v_45 in component C (per_hour)" legend_algebraic[31] = "v_46 in component C (per_hour)" legend_algebraic[33] = "v_47 in component C (per_hour)" legend_algebraic[35] = "v_48 in component C (per_hour)" legend_algebraic[37] = "v_49 in component C (per_hour)" legend_algebraic[40] = "v_50 in component C (per_hour)" legend_algebraic[42] = "v_51 in component C (per_hour)" legend_algebraic[44] = "v_52 in component C (per_hour)" legend_constants[33] = "LA in component C (dimensionless)" legend_constants[34] = "LB in component C (dimensionless)" legend_constants[35] = "LD in component C (dimensionless)" legend_constants[36] = "LE in component C (dimensionless)" legend_constants[37] = "FE in component C (dimensionless)" legend_constants[38] = "FB in component C (dimensionless)" legend_states[6] = "Rb in component C (dimensionless)" legend_states[7] = "PPRb in component C (dimensionless)" legend_states[8] = "E2F in component C (dimensionless)" legend_states[9] = "PE2F in component C (dimensionless)" legend_states[10] = "E2FRb in component C (dimensionless)" legend_states[11] = "PE2FRb in component C (dimensionless)" legend_algebraic[4] = "PP1A in component C (dimensionless)" legend_constants[39] = "PP1T in component C (dimensionless)" legend_constants[40] = "CYCDT in component C (dimensionless)" legend_constants[41] = "K5 in component D (per_hour)" legend_constants[42] = "K6a in component D (per_hour)" legend_constants[43] = "K6 in component D (per_hour)" legend_constants[44] = "K7a in component D (per_hour)" legend_constants[45] = "K7 in component D (per_hour)" legend_constants[46] = "K8a in component D (per_hour)" legend_constants[47] = "K8 in component D (per_hour)" legend_constants[48] = "K10 in component D (per_hour)" legend_constants[49] = "k24 in component D (per_hour)" legend_constants[50] = "k24r in component D (per_hour)" legend_constants[51] = "K25 in component D (per_hour)" legend_constants[52] = "K25R in component D (per_hour)" legend_constants[53] = "K29 in component D (per_hour)" legend_constants[54] = "K30 in component D (per_hour)" legend_constants[55] = "J8 in component D (dimensionless)" legend_algebraic[26] = "v_3 in component D (per_hour)" legend_algebraic[28] = "v_4 in component D (per_hour)" legend_algebraic[30] = "v_5 in component D (per_hour)" legend_algebraic[32] = "v_6 in component D (per_hour)" legend_algebraic[34] = "v_7 in component D (per_hour)" legend_algebraic[36] = "v_8 in component D (per_hour)" legend_algebraic[38] = "v_9 in component D (per_hour)" legend_algebraic[41] = "v_10 in component D (per_hour)" legend_algebraic[43] = "v_11 in component D (per_hour)" legend_algebraic[45] = "v_12 in component D (per_hour)" legend_algebraic[46] = "v_13 in component D (per_hour)" legend_algebraic[49] = "v_14 in component D (per_hour)" legend_algebraic[48] = "v_15 in component D (per_hour)" legend_algebraic[51] = "v_16 in component D (per_hour)" legend_algebraic[39] = "v_17 in component D (per_hour)" legend_algebraic[47] = "v_18 in component D (per_hour)" legend_algebraic[50] = "v_36 in component D (per_hour)" legend_algebraic[52] = "v_38 in component D (per_hour)" legend_constants[79] = "v_40 in component D (per_hour)" legend_constants[56] = "HA in component D (dimensionless)" legend_constants[57] = "HB in component D (dimensionless)" legend_constants[58] = "HE in component D (dimensionless)" legend_constants[59] = "YE in component D (dimensionless)" legend_constants[60] = "YB in component D (dimensionless)" legend_states[12] = "p27 in component D (dimensionless)" legend_algebraic[17] = "V_6 in component D (per_hour)" legend_algebraic[24] = "V_8 in component D (per_hour)" legend_states[13] = "MASS in component E (dimensionless)" legend_states[14] = "CA in component D (dimensionless)" legend_states[15] = "CD in component D (dimensionless)" legend_states[16] = "CE in component D (dimensionless)" legend_states[17] = "CYCD in component D (dimensionless)" legend_constants[61] = "CYCET in component D (dimensionless)" legend_constants[62] = "K27 in component E (per_hour)" legend_constants[63] = "K28 in component E (per_hour)" legend_algebraic[6] = "v_31 in component E (per_hour)" legend_algebraic[18] = "v_32 in component E (per_hour)" legend_algebraic[7] = "v_33 in component E (per_hour)" legend_constants[64] = "r31switch in component E (dimensionless)" legend_constants[65] = "MU in component E (per_hour)" legend_states[18] = "GM in component E (dimensionless)" legend_constants[66] = "K11a in component F (per_hour)" legend_constants[67] = "K11 in component F (per_hour)" legend_constants[68] = "K12 in component F (per_hour)" legend_constants[69] = "K13 in component F (per_hour)" legend_constants[70] = "K14 in component F (per_hour)" legend_constants[71] = "K31 in component F (per_hour)" legend_constants[72] = "K32 in component F (per_hour)" legend_constants[73] = "K33 in component F (per_hour)" legend_constants[74] = "K34 in component F (per_hour)" legend_constants[75] = "J13 in component F (dimensionless)" legend_constants[76] = "J14 in component F (dimensionless)" legend_constants[77] = "J31 in component F (dimensionless)" legend_constants[78] = "J32 in component F (dimensionless)" legend_algebraic[8] = "v_22 in component F (per_hour)" legend_algebraic[9] = "v_23 in component F (per_hour)" legend_algebraic[19] = "v_24 in component F (per_hour)" legend_algebraic[11] = "v_25 in component F (per_hour)" legend_algebraic[10] = "v_26 in component F (per_hour)" legend_constants[80] = "v_27 in component F (per_hour)" legend_constants[81] = "v_28 in component F (per_hour)" legend_algebraic[20] = "v_35 in component F (per_hour)" legend_constants[82] = "v_37 in component F (per_hour)" legend_states[19] = "IEP in component F (dimensionless)" legend_states[20] = "PPX in component F (dimensionless)" legend_states[21] = "Cdc20T in component F (dimensionless)" legend_rates[0] = "d/dt Cdh1 in component A (dimensionless)" legend_rates[2] = "d/dt CYCB in component A (dimensionless)" legend_rates[4] = "d/dt DRG in component B (dimensionless)" legend_rates[5] = "d/dt ERG in component B (dimensionless)" legend_rates[7] = "d/dt PPRb in component C (dimensionless)" legend_rates[8] = "d/dt E2F in component C (dimensionless)" legend_rates[9] = "d/dt PE2F in component C (dimensionless)" legend_rates[6] = "d/dt Rb in component C (dimensionless)" legend_rates[10] = "d/dt E2FRb in component C (dimensionless)" legend_rates[11] = "d/dt PE2FRb in component C (dimensionless)" legend_rates[14] = "d/dt CA in component D (dimensionless)" legend_rates[15] = "d/dt CD in component D (dimensionless)" legend_rates[16] = "d/dt CE in component D (dimensionless)" legend_rates[1] = "d/dt CYCA in component D (dimensionless)" legend_rates[17] = "d/dt CYCD in component D (dimensionless)" legend_rates[3] = "d/dt CYCE in component D (dimensionless)" legend_rates[12] = "d/dt p27 in component D (dimensionless)" legend_rates[18] = "d/dt GM in component E (dimensionless)" legend_rates[13] = "d/dt MASS in component E (dimensionless)" legend_rates[21] = "d/dt Cdc20T in component F (dimensionless)" legend_rates[19] = "d/dt IEP in component F (dimensionless)" legend_rates[20] = "d/dt PPX in component F (dimensionless)" return (legend_states, legend_algebraic, legend_voi, legend_constants) def initConsts(): constants = [0.0] * sizeConstants; states = [0.0] * sizeStates; constants[0] = 1 constants[1] = 0.6 constants[2] = 0.1 constants[3] = 20 constants[4] = 0.05 constants[5] = 1 constants[6] = 140 constants[7] = 7.5 constants[8] = 40 constants[9] = 0.1 constants[10] = 0.01 constants[11] = 0.04 constants[12] = 0.3 constants[13] = 1 constants[14] = 0 states[0] = 0.000653278 constants[15] = 0.00220177 states[1] = 1.4094 states[2] = 2.72898 states[3] = 0.0229112 constants[16] = 0.25 constants[17] = 0.25 constants[18] = 10 constants[19] = 0.35 constants[20] = 10 constants[21] = 2.5 constants[22] = 0.3 constants[23] = 0.1 states[4] = 0.900533 states[5] = 0.0121809 constants[24] = 20 constants[25] = 0 constants[26] = 10 constants[27] = 1 constants[28] = 1 constants[29] = 0.005 constants[30] = 1 constants[31] = 10000 constants[32] = 200 constants[33] = 3 constants[34] = 5 constants[35] = 3.3 constants[36] = 5 constants[37] = 25 constants[38] = 2 states[6] = 0.000190871 states[7] = 9.97574 states[8] = 0.989986 states[9] = 3.98594 states[10] = 0.00478911 states[11] = 0.0192822 constants[39] = 1 constants[40] = 0.010976 constants[41] = 20 constants[42] = 10 constants[43] = 100 constants[44] = 0 constants[45] = 0.6 constants[46] = 0.1 constants[47] = 2 constants[48] = 5 constants[49] = 1000 constants[50] = 10 constants[51] = 1000 constants[52] = 10 constants[53] = 0.05 constants[54] = 20 constants[55] = 0.1 constants[56] = 0.5 constants[57] = 1 constants[58] = 0.5 constants[59] = 1 constants[60] = 0.05 states[12] = 0.00922806 states[13] = 1.68776 states[14] = 0.0356927 states[15] = 0.010976 states[16] = 0.000542587 states[17] = 0.43929 constants[61] = 0.000542587 constants[62] = 0.2 constants[63] = 0.2 constants[64] = 1 constants[65] = 0.061 states[18] = 1.35565 constants[66] = 0 constants[67] = 1.5 constants[68] = 1.5 constants[69] = 5 constants[70] = 2.5 constants[71] = 0.7 constants[72] = 1.8 constants[73] = 0.05 constants[74] = 0.05 constants[75] = 0.005 constants[76] = 0.005 constants[77] = 0.01 constants[78] = 0.01 states[19] = 0.154655 states[20] = 1 states[21] = 2.36733 constants[79] = constants[0]*constants[41] constants[80] = (constants[70]*constants[15])/(constants[76]+constants[15]) constants[81] = constants[68]*constants[15] constants[82] = constants[0]*constants[73] return (states, constants) def computeRates(voi, states, constants): rates = [0.0] * sizeStates; algebraic = [0.0] * sizeAlgebraic algebraic[7] = constants[0]*constants[65]*states[18] rates[13] = algebraic[7] algebraic[8] = constants[74]*states[20] rates[20] = constants[82]-algebraic[8] algebraic[15] = constants[20]*states[4] algebraic[3] = constants[0]*((constants[18]*(power(states[4]/constants[22], 2.00000)))/(power(states[4]/constants[22], 2.00000)+1.00000)+constants[19]*states[5]) rates[4] = algebraic[3]-algebraic[15] algebraic[14] = constants[17]*states[5] algebraic[2] = (constants[0]*constants[16])/(power(states[4]/constants[23], 2.00000)+1.00000) rates[5] = algebraic[2]-algebraic[14] algebraic[6] = constants[62]*states[13]*constants[64] algebraic[18] = constants[63]*states[18] rates[18] = algebraic[6]-algebraic[18] algebraic[11] = constants[68]*states[21] algebraic[20] = constants[0]*constants[66]+constants[67]*states[2] rates[21] = algebraic[20]-algebraic[11] algebraic[9] = (constants[71]*states[2]*(1.00000-states[19]))/((constants[77]-states[19])+1.00000) algebraic[19] = (constants[72]*states[20]*states[19])/(constants[78]+states[19]) rates[19] = algebraic[9]-algebraic[19] algebraic[1] = ((constants[7]+constants[6]*constants[15])*(1.00000-states[0]))/((constants[10]-states[0])+1.00000) algebraic[13] = constants[8]*(constants[12]*states[1]+constants[13]*states[2]+constants[14]*states[3]) algebraic[21] = (algebraic[13]*states[0])/(constants[11]+states[0]) rates[0] = algebraic[1]-algebraic[21] algebraic[0] = constants[0]*((constants[1]*(power(states[2]/constants[9], 2.00000)))/(power(states[2]/constants[9], 2.00000)+1.00000)+constants[2]) algebraic[12] = constants[5]*constants[15]+constants[4]*(1.00000-states[0])+constants[3]*states[0] algebraic[22] = algebraic[12]*states[2] rates[2] = algebraic[0]-algebraic[22] algebraic[16] = states[10]*constants[26]*(constants[40]*constants[35]+constants[33]*states[1]+constants[34]*states[2]+constants[36]*states[3]) algebraic[23] = states[11]*constants[26]*(constants[40]*constants[35]+constants[33]*states[1]+constants[34]*states[2]+constants[36]*states[3]) algebraic[25] = states[6]*constants[26]*(constants[40]*constants[35]+constants[33]*states[1]+constants[34]*states[2]+constants[36]*states[3]) algebraic[4] = constants[39]/(constants[27]*constants[37]*(states[1]+states[3]+constants[38]*states[2])+1.00000) algebraic[27] = states[7]*(constants[25]*(constants[39]-algebraic[4])+constants[24]*algebraic[4]) rates[7] = (algebraic[16]+algebraic[23]+algebraic[25])-algebraic[27] algebraic[29] = states[10]*constants[32] algebraic[31] = states[8]*(constants[29]+constants[30]*(states[1]+states[2])) algebraic[33] = states[9]*constants[28] algebraic[35] = states[8]*states[6]*constants[31] rates[8] = ((algebraic[16]+algebraic[29]+algebraic[33])-algebraic[31])-algebraic[35] algebraic[26] = constants[48]*states[15] algebraic[34] = constants[49]*states[12]*states[17] algebraic[36] = constants[50]*states[15] algebraic[17] = constants[42]+constants[43]*(constants[56]*states[1]+constants[57]*states[2]+constants[58]*states[3]) algebraic[39] = algebraic[17]*states[15] rates[15] = ((algebraic[34]-algebraic[36])-algebraic[39])-algebraic[26] algebraic[5] = constants[0]*constants[21]*states[4] algebraic[28] = constants[48]*states[17] rates[17] = ((algebraic[5]+algebraic[39]+algebraic[36])-algebraic[34])-algebraic[28] algebraic[37] = states[11]*constants[32] algebraic[40] = states[6]*states[9]*constants[31] rates[9] = ((algebraic[23]+algebraic[37]+algebraic[31])-algebraic[33])-algebraic[40] rates[6] = (((algebraic[27]+algebraic[29]+algebraic[37])-algebraic[35])-algebraic[40])-algebraic[25] algebraic[42] = states[11]*constants[28] algebraic[44] = states[10]*(constants[29]+constants[30]*(states[1]+states[2])) rates[10] = (((algebraic[42]+algebraic[35])-algebraic[44])-algebraic[16])-algebraic[29] rates[11] = (((algebraic[44]+algebraic[40])-algebraic[42])-algebraic[23])-algebraic[37] algebraic[32] = constants[51]*states[12]*states[1] algebraic[41] = constants[54]*constants[15]*states[14] algebraic[45] = constants[52]*states[14] algebraic[47] = algebraic[17]*states[14] rates[14] = ((algebraic[32]-algebraic[45])-algebraic[47])-algebraic[41] algebraic[38] = constants[54]*constants[15]*states[1] algebraic[50] = constants[0]*constants[53]*states[8]*states[13] rates[1] = ((algebraic[50]-algebraic[38])-algebraic[32])+algebraic[45]+algebraic[47] algebraic[30] = constants[51]*states[12]*states[3] algebraic[43] = constants[52]*states[16] algebraic[24] = (constants[47]*(constants[59]*(states[1]+states[3])+constants[60]*states[2]))/(constants[61]+constants[55])+constants[46] algebraic[46] = algebraic[24]*states[16] algebraic[48] = algebraic[17]*states[12] rates[12] = (((((constants[79]+algebraic[26]+algebraic[36])-algebraic[48])-algebraic[30])-algebraic[32])-algebraic[34])+algebraic[43]+algebraic[45]+algebraic[46]+algebraic[41] algebraic[51] = algebraic[17]*states[16] rates[16] = ((algebraic[30]-algebraic[43])-algebraic[46])-algebraic[51] algebraic[49] = algebraic[24]*states[3] algebraic[52] = constants[0]*(constants[44]+constants[45]*states[8]) rates[3] = ((algebraic[52]-algebraic[49])-algebraic[30])+algebraic[43]+algebraic[51] return(rates) def computeAlgebraic(constants, states, voi): algebraic = array([[0.0] * len(voi)] * sizeAlgebraic) states = array(states) voi = array(voi) algebraic[7] = constants[0]*constants[65]*states[18] algebraic[8] = constants[74]*states[20] algebraic[15] = constants[20]*states[4] algebraic[3] = constants[0]*((constants[18]*(power(states[4]/constants[22], 2.00000)))/(power(states[4]/constants[22], 2.00000)+1.00000)+constants[19]*states[5]) algebraic[14] = constants[17]*states[5] algebraic[2] = (constants[0]*constants[16])/(power(states[4]/constants[23], 2.00000)+1.00000) algebraic[6] = constants[62]*states[13]*constants[64] algebraic[18] = constants[63]*states[18] algebraic[11] = constants[68]*states[21] algebraic[20] = constants[0]*constants[66]+constants[67]*states[2] algebraic[9] = (constants[71]*states[2]*(1.00000-states[19]))/((constants[77]-states[19])+1.00000) algebraic[19] = (constants[72]*states[20]*states[19])/(constants[78]+states[19]) algebraic[1] = ((constants[7]+constants[6]*constants[15])*(1.00000-states[0]))/((constants[10]-states[0])+1.00000) algebraic[13] = constants[8]*(constants[12]*states[1]+constants[13]*states[2]+constants[14]*states[3]) algebraic[21] = (algebraic[13]*states[0])/(constants[11]+states[0]) algebraic[0] = constants[0]*((constants[1]*(power(states[2]/constants[9], 2.00000)))/(power(states[2]/constants[9], 2.00000)+1.00000)+constants[2]) algebraic[12] = constants[5]*constants[15]+constants[4]*(1.00000-states[0])+constants[3]*states[0] algebraic[22] = algebraic[12]*states[2] algebraic[16] = states[10]*constants[26]*(constants[40]*constants[35]+constants[33]*states[1]+constants[34]*states[2]+constants[36]*states[3]) algebraic[23] = states[11]*constants[26]*(constants[40]*constants[35]+constants[33]*states[1]+constants[34]*states[2]+constants[36]*states[3]) algebraic[25] = states[6]*constants[26]*(constants[40]*constants[35]+constants[33]*states[1]+constants[34]*states[2]+constants[36]*states[3]) algebraic[4] = constants[39]/(constants[27]*constants[37]*(states[1]+states[3]+constants[38]*states[2])+1.00000) algebraic[27] = states[7]*(constants[25]*(constants[39]-algebraic[4])+constants[24]*algebraic[4]) algebraic[29] = states[10]*constants[32] algebraic[31] = states[8]*(constants[29]+constants[30]*(states[1]+states[2])) algebraic[33] = states[9]*constants[28] algebraic[35] = states[8]*states[6]*constants[31] algebraic[26] = constants[48]*states[15] algebraic[34] = constants[49]*states[12]*states[17] algebraic[36] = constants[50]*states[15] algebraic[17] = constants[42]+constants[43]*(constants[56]*states[1]+constants[57]*states[2]+constants[58]*states[3]) algebraic[39] = algebraic[17]*states[15] algebraic[5] = constants[0]*constants[21]*states[4] algebraic[28] = constants[48]*states[17] algebraic[37] = states[11]*constants[32] algebraic[40] = states[6]*states[9]*constants[31] algebraic[42] = states[11]*constants[28] algebraic[44] = states[10]*(constants[29]+constants[30]*(states[1]+states[2])) algebraic[32] = constants[51]*states[12]*states[1] algebraic[41] = constants[54]*constants[15]*states[14] algebraic[45] = constants[52]*states[14] algebraic[47] = algebraic[17]*states[14] algebraic[38] = constants[54]*constants[15]*states[1] algebraic[50] = constants[0]*constants[53]*states[8]*states[13] algebraic[30] = constants[51]*states[12]*states[3] algebraic[43] = constants[52]*states[16] algebraic[24] = (constants[47]*(constants[59]*(states[1]+states[3])+constants[60]*states[2]))/(constants[61]+constants[55])+constants[46] algebraic[46] = algebraic[24]*states[16] algebraic[48] = algebraic[17]*states[12] algebraic[51] = algebraic[17]*states[16] algebraic[49] = algebraic[24]*states[3] algebraic[52] = constants[0]*(constants[44]+constants[45]*states[8]) algebraic[10] = (constants[69]*states[19]*(states[21]-constants[15]))/((constants[75]-constants[15])+states[21]) return algebraic def solve_model(): """Solve model with ODE solver""" from scipy.integrate import ode # Initialise constants and state variables (init_states, constants) = initConsts() # Set timespan to solve over voi = linspace(0, 10, 500) # Construct ODE object to solve r = ode(computeRates) r.set_integrator('vode', method='bdf', atol=1e-06, rtol=1e-06, max_step=1) r.set_initial_value(init_states, voi[0]) r.set_f_params(constants) # Solve model states = array([[0.0] * len(voi)] * sizeStates) states[:,0] = init_states for (i,t) in enumerate(voi[1:]): if r.successful(): r.integrate(t) states[:,i+1] = r.y else: break # Compute algebraic variables algebraic = computeAlgebraic(constants, states, voi) return (voi, states, algebraic) def plot_model(voi, states, algebraic): """Plot variables against variable of integration""" import pylab (legend_states, legend_algebraic, legend_voi, legend_constants) = createLegends() pylab.figure(1) pylab.plot(voi,vstack((states,algebraic)).T) pylab.xlabel(legend_voi) pylab.legend(legend_states + legend_algebraic, loc='best') pylab.show() if __name__ == "__main__": (voi, states, algebraic) = solve_model() plot_model(voi, states, algebraic)