Tran 2017 - Cross-bridge model of shortening heat

Computational code to reproduce simulation figures in the J. Physiol publication: "Experimental and modelling evidence of shortening heat in cardiac muscle." DOI: 10.1113/JP274680

Schematic of cross-bridge model.

Schematic of cross-bridge model.


This script sets up and executes the model simulations in the presence of passive force. Run this code to simulate Figures 3, 4, 7 and 8.


After Main.m has been executed, run this script to plot Figures 3, 4, 7 and 8.


This script sets up and executes the model simulations in the absence of passive force. Run this code to simulate Figures 6 and 7.


After Main_noPassive.m has been executed, run this script to plot Figures 6 and 7.


A function that contains the algoritms for setting up isometric and work-loop contractions. This function is called by Main.m and Main_noPassive.m.


This function returns the RHS vector of the Tran et al., (2010) model of cross-bridge cycling.


This function calls XBModel.m to setup the RHS vector. It is also called after completion of a solve to return the Force and ATPase information.


This function returns a Ca transient.


This function returns the passive force.


This script file contains the initial parameters of the cross-bridge model.


This script contains the parameters for the cross-bridge model.


This function is used to detect when the isotonic phase of the work-loop starts. It is used in the work-loop section of XBSolve.m when the ode15s solver is called. The Fevents function is setup using the 'options' argument of the solver on line 36.

Derived from workspace Tran 2017 - Cross-bridge model of shortening heat at changeset 70c85f9bc526.
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