Generated Code
The following is f77 code generated by the CellML API from this CellML file. (Back to language selection)
The raw code is available.
C C There are a total of 53 entries in the algebraic variable array. C There are a total of 7 entries in each of the rate and state variable arrays. C There are a total of 114 entries in the constant variable array. C C C VOI is time in component environment (day). C STATES(1) is OBp in component OBp (pM). C CONSTS(1) is OBp_t0 in component OBp (pM). C ALGBRC(50) is OBp_in in component OBp (flux). C ALGBRC(10) is OBp_out in component OBp (flux). C CONSTS(2) is OBu_t0 in component model_parameters (pM). C CONSTS(78) is DifferOBpNormal in component OBp (first_order_rate_constant). C CONSTS(3) is D_OBp_t0 in component model_parameters (first_order_rate_constant). C CONSTS(4) is TGFbNormal in component OBp (pM). C CONSTS(5) is KD_TGF_beta_repress in component model_parameters (pM). C CONSTS(82) is ProlifOBpNormal in component OBp (first_order_rate_constant). C CONSTS(6) is frac_prolifOBp_vs_differOBu in component OBp (dimensionless). C CONSTS(7) is OBpNormal in component OBp (pM). C CONSTS(8) is OBp_sat in component OBp (pM). C CONSTS(87) is DifferOBu in component OBp (first_order_rate_constant). C ALGBRC(2) is ProlifOBp in component OBp (first_order_rate_constant). C CONSTS(9) is D_OBu_t0 in component model_parameters (first_order_rate_constant). C CONSTS(10) is pd_OBp_t0 in component model_parameters (flux). C CONSTS(83) is Pi_TGFbeta_OBu_act_t0 in component TGF_beta (dimensionless). C ALGBRC(9) is Pi_TGFbeta_OBp_rep in component TGF_beta (dimensionless). C ALGBRC(47) is Pi_WNT in component Wnt (dimensionless). C CONSTS(113) is Pi_WNT_0 in component Wnt (dimensionless). C STATES(2) is OBa in component OBa (pM). C ALGBRC(11) is OBa_in in component OBa (flux). C ALGBRC(3) is OBa_out in component OBa (flux). C CONSTS(11) is pd_OBa_t0 in component model_parameters (flux). C CONSTS(12) is D_OBa_t0 in component model_parameters (first_order_rate_constant). C CONSTS(13) is A_OBa_t0 in component model_parameters (first_order_rate_constant). C STATES(3) is OCp in component OCp (pM). C ALGBRC(53) is OCp_in in component OCp (flux). C ALGBRC(48) is OCp_out in component OCp (flux). C CONSTS(14) is OCu_t0 in component model_parameters (pM). C ALGBRC(45) is Pi_RANKL_act_OCp in component RANK_RANKL_OPG (dimensionless). C ALGBRC(51) is Pi_RANKL_act_OCu in component RANK_RANKL_OPG (dimensionless). C CONSTS(15) is D_OCu_t0 in component model_parameters (first_order_rate_constant). C CONSTS(16) is pd_OCp_t0 in component model_parameters (flux). C CONSTS(17) is D_OCp_t0 in component model_parameters (first_order_rate_constant). C STATES(4) is OCa in component OCa (pM). C ALGBRC(52) is OCa_in in component OCa (flux). C ALGBRC(8) is OCa_out in component OCa (flux). C CONSTS(18) is pd_OCa_t0 in component model_parameters (flux). C CONSTS(19) is A_OCa_t0 in component model_parameters (first_order_rate_constant). C ALGBRC(6) is Pi_TGFbeta_OCa_act in component TGF_beta (dimensionless). C STATES(5) is fbm in component fbm (dimensionless). C CONSTS(20) is K_form in component model_parameters (second_order_rate_constant). C CONSTS(21) is K_res in component model_parameters (second_order_rate_constant). C ALGBRC(1) is dfbmdt in component fbm (first_order_rate_constant). C STATES(6) is OCY in component OCY (pM). C ALGBRC(4) is OCY_act in component OCY (pM). C CONSTS(80) is OCY_act_0 in component OCY (pM). C CONSTS(22) is fact_0 in component model_parameters (pM). C STATES(7) is vm in component vm (dimensionless). C CONSTS(23) is XKAPPA in component model_parameters (first_order_rate_constant). C CONSTS(24) is vmmax in component model_parameters (dimensionless). C CONSTS(81) is PTH_tot in component PTH (pM). C CONSTS(84) is Pi_PTH_act in component PTH (dimensionless). C CONSTS(85) is Pi_PTH_rep in component PTH (dimensionless). C CONSTS(25) is Beta_PTH in component model_parameters (flux). C CONSTS(26) is P_PTH_d in component model_parameters (flux). C CONSTS(27) is Deg_PTH in component model_parameters (first_order_rate_constant). C CONSTS(28) is KD_PTH_act in component model_parameters (pM). C CONSTS(29) is KD_PTH_rep in component model_parameters (pM). C ALGBRC(37) is RANK in component RANK_RANKL_OPG (pM). C ALGBRC(38) is RANKL in component RANK_RANKL_OPG (pM). C ALGBRC(39) is OPG in component RANK_RANKL_OPG (pM). C ALGBRC(40) is RANKL_tot in component RANK_RANKL_OPG (pM). C CONSTS(86) is RANKL_max in component RANK_RANKL_OPG (pM). C ALGBRC(41) is P_RANKL1 in component RANK_RANKL_OPG (flux). C ALGBRC(42) is P_RANKL2 in component RANK_RANKL_OPG (flux). C ALGBRC(43) is P_RANKL in component RANK_RANKL_OPG (flux). C CONSTS(30) is P_RANKL_d in component model_parameters (flux). C ALGBRC(35) is Pi_NO_PTH_act_rep in component NO_PTH (dimensionless). C CONSTS(31) is N_RANK_OCp in component model_parameters (dimensionless). C CONSTS(32) is N_RANKL_OBp_max in component model_parameters (dimensionless). C CONSTS(33) is K_RANK_RANKL in component model_parameters (pM). C CONSTS(34) is Beta_OPG in component model_parameters (first_order_rate_constant). C CONSTS(35) is OPG_max in component model_parameters (pM). C CONSTS(36) is Deg_OPG in component model_parameters (first_order_rate_constant). C CONSTS(37) is Deg_OPG_RANKL in component model_parameters (first_order_rate_constant). C CONSTS(38) is K_OPG_RANKL in component model_parameters (pM). C CONSTS(39) is Beta_RANKL_OCY in component model_parameters (first_order_rate_constant). C CONSTS(40) is Beta_RANKL_OBp in component model_parameters (first_order_rate_constant). C CONSTS(41) is Deg_RANKL in component model_parameters (first_order_rate_constant). C CONSTS(42) is Deg_RANK_RANKL in component model_parameters (first_order_rate_constant). C CONSTS(43) is KD_RANKL_act_OCp in component model_parameters (pM). C CONSTS(44) is KD_RANKL_act_OCu in component model_parameters (pM). C ALGBRC(5) is TGF_beta in component TGF_beta (pM). C CONSTS(79) is TGF_beta_t0 in component TGF_beta (pM). C CONSTS(45) is OCa_t0 in component TGF_beta (pM). C CONSTS(46) is Alpha in component model_parameters (dimensionless). C CONSTS(47) is KD_TGF_beta_activate in component model_parameters (pM). C ALGBRC(7) is Pi_TGFbeta_OBu_act in component TGF_beta (dimensionless). C ALGBRC(46) is Scl in component Scl (pM). C CONSTS(112) is Scl_0 in component Scl (pM). C ALGBRC(49) is P_Scl_b in component Scl (flux). C CONSTS(114) is P_Scl_b_0 in component Scl (flux). C ALGBRC(34) is A in component Scl (second_order_rate_constant). C CONSTS(109) is A_0 in component Scl (second_order_rate_constant). C ALGBRC(36) is B in component Scl (first_order_rate_constant). C CONSTS(110) is B_0 in component Scl (first_order_rate_constant). C ALGBRC(44) is C in component Scl (flux). C CONSTS(111) is C_0 in component Scl (flux). C ALGBRC(32) is OCYprod in component Scl (flux). C CONSTS(108) is OCYprod_0 in component Scl (flux). C CONSTS(90) is Wnt in component Wnt (pM). C CONSTS(48) is Wnt_0 in component model_parameters (pM). C ALGBRC(30) is Pi_eps_rep in component SED (dimensionless). C CONSTS(107) is Pi_eps_rep_stst in component SED (dimensionless). C CONSTS(88) is Beta_Scl in component Scl (first_order_rate_constant). C CONSTS(49) is Beta_Scl_0 in component model_parameters (first_order_rate_constant). C CONSTS(50) is KD_SclLRP5 in component model_parameters (pM). C CONSTS(51) is Deg_Scl in component model_parameters (first_order_rate_constant). C CONSTS(52) is Scl_max in component model_parameters (pM). C CONSTS(53) is KD_WntLRP5 in component model_parameters (pM). C CONSTS(54) is Deg_SclLRP5 in component model_parameters (first_order_rate_constant). C CONSTS(55) is LRP5perCell in component model_parameters (dimensionless). C ALGBRC(12) is LRP5tot in component Scl (pM). C CONSTS(89) is LRP5tot_0 in component Scl (pM). C CONSTS(56) is P_Scl_d in component model_parameters (flux). C CONSTS(91) is PTH_tot in component NO_PTH (pM). C ALGBRC(31) is NO_tot in component NO_PTH (pM). C CONSTS(104) is NO_eq in component NO_PTH (pM). C CONSTS(92) is Beta_NO in component NO_PTH (first_order_rate_constant). C CONSTS(57) is Beta_NO_0 in component model_parameters (first_order_rate_constant). C CONSTS(58) is P_NO_d in component model_parameters (flux). C CONSTS(59) is Deg_NO in component model_parameters (first_order_rate_constant). C ALGBRC(29) is Pi_eps_act in component SED (dimensionless). C CONSTS(103) is Pi_eps_act_stst in component SED (dimensionless). C CONSTS(60) is NO_max in component model_parameters (pM). C CONSTS(105) is KD_rep_NO in component NO_PTH (pM). C CONSTS(61) is aa in component NO_PTH (dimensionless). C CONSTS(93) is Pi_PTH_act in component NO_PTH (dimensionless). C ALGBRC(33) is Pi_NO_rep in component NO_PTH (dimensionless). C CONSTS(62) is lambda_s in component model_parameters (dimensionless). C CONSTS(63) is lambda_c in component model_parameters (dimensionless). C ALGBRC(27) is SED in component SED (MPa). C ALGBRC(28) is SED_bm in component SED (MPa). C CONSTS(64) is sig_macro_t0 in component model_parameters (MPa). C CONSTS(65) is de_sig_macro in component model_parameters (MPa). C CONSTS(99) is sig_macro in component SED (MPa). C CONSTS(94) is sig_1 in component SED (MPa). C CONSTS(95) is sig_2 in component SED (MPa). C CONSTS(100) is sig_3 in component SED (MPa). C CONSTS(96) is sig_4 in component SED (MPa). C CONSTS(97) is sig_5 in component SED (MPa). C CONSTS(98) is sig_6 in component SED (MPa). C ALGBRC(21) is eps_1 in component SED (dimensionless). C ALGBRC(22) is eps_2 in component SED (dimensionless). C ALGBRC(23) is eps_3 in component SED (dimensionless). C ALGBRC(24) is eps_4 in component SED (dimensionless). C ALGBRC(25) is eps_5 in component SED (dimensionless). C ALGBRC(26) is eps_6 in component SED (dimensionless). C ALGBRC(13) is dens_tis in component SED (g_per_cm3). C CONSTS(66) is vo in component model_parameters (dimensionless). C CONSTS(67) is rho_m in component model_parameters (g_per_cm3). C CONSTS(68) is rho_o in component model_parameters (g_per_cm3). C ALGBRC(14) is fvas in component SED (dimensionless). C ALGBRC(15) is dens in component SED (g_per_cm3). C ALGBRC(16) is dens_1 in component SED (dimensionless). C ALGBRC(17) is E_mod in component SED (MPa). C CONSTS(69) is nu in component model_parameters (dimensionless). C ALGBRC(18) is S_11 in component SED (per_MPa). C ALGBRC(19) is S_12 in component SED (per_MPa). C ALGBRC(20) is S_44 in component SED (per_MPa). C CONSTS(70) is omega in component model_parameters (dimensionless). C CONSTS(101) is valeq in component SED (dimensionless). C CONSTS(71) is taueq in component model_parameters (MPa). C CONSTS(72) is alphaAct in component model_parameters (dimensionless). C CONSTS(73) is alphaRep in component model_parameters (dimensionless). C CONSTS(74) is gammaAct in component model_parameters (dimensionless). C CONSTS(75) is gammaRep in component model_parameters (dimensionless). C CONSTS(76) is rhoAct in component model_parameters (dimensionless). C CONSTS(77) is rhoRep in component model_parameters (dimensionless). C CONSTS(102) is deltaAct in component SED (MPa). C CONSTS(106) is deltaRep in component SED (MPa). C RATES(1) is d/dt OBp in component OBp (pM). C RATES(2) is d/dt OBa in component OBa (pM). C RATES(3) is d/dt OCp in component OCp (pM). C RATES(4) is d/dt OCa in component OCa (pM). C RATES(5) is d/dt fbm in component fbm (dimensionless). C RATES(6) is d/dt OCY in component OCY (pM). C RATES(7) is d/dt vm in component vm (dimensionless). C SUBROUTINE initConsts(CONSTS, RATES, STATES) REAL CONSTS(*), RATES(*), STATES(*) STATES(1) = 1.1631869976e-03 CONSTS(1) = 1.1631869976e-03 CONSTS(2) = 0.01 CONSTS(3) = 0.185 CONSTS(4) = 0.0001 CONSTS(5) = 0.000175426051821094 CONSTS(6) = 0.5 CONSTS(7) = 0.001 CONSTS(8) = 0.005 CONSTS(9) = 0.166 CONSTS(10) = 0 STATES(2) = 9.1880026722e-04 CONSTS(11) = 0 CONSTS(12) = 0.0212 CONSTS(13) = 0.1908 STATES(3) = 1.3556879825e-03 CONSTS(14) = 0.01 CONSTS(15) = 0.0219 CONSTS(16) = 0 CONSTS(17) = 0.01958 STATES(4) = 1.8376005344e-05 CONSTS(18) = 0 CONSTS(19) = 10 STATES(5) = 15 CONSTS(20) = 50 CONSTS(21) = 2500 STATES(6) = 1.2734398187e-02 CONSTS(22) = 0.000414138 STATES(7) = 3.5893417161e-01 CONSTS(23) = 0.007 CONSTS(24) = 0.516 CONSTS(25) = 250 CONSTS(26) = 0 CONSTS(27) = 86 CONSTS(28) = 0.65 CONSTS(29) = 0.222581427709954 CONSTS(30) = 0 CONSTS(31) = 4160 CONSTS(32) = 2703476 CONSTS(33) = 10 CONSTS(34) = 162490033.783568 CONSTS(35) = 131.428571428571 CONSTS(36) = 532608.695652174 CONSTS(37) = 10.132471014805 CONSTS(38) = 0.0151142857142857 CONSTS(39) = 5660 CONSTS(40) = 23600 CONSTS(41) = 10.132471014805 CONSTS(42) = 10.132471014805 CONSTS(43) = 3.34 CONSTS(44) = 16.7 CONSTS(45) = 0.0001 CONSTS(46) = 1 CONSTS(47) = 0.000563278809675429 CONSTS(48) = 170 CONSTS(49) = 24000 CONSTS(50) = 10 CONSTS(51) = 1 CONSTS(52) = 70 CONSTS(53) = 1000 CONSTS(54) = 50 CONSTS(55) = 5 CONSTS(56) = 0 CONSTS(57) = 3440 CONSTS(58) = 0 CONSTS(59) = 0.0021 CONSTS(60) = 200000000 CONSTS(61) = 2 CONSTS(62) = 0.450454 CONSTS(63) = 0.900909 CONSTS(64) = -0.1457 CONSTS(65) = 0 CONSTS(66) = 0.428571428571428 CONSTS(67) = 3.2 CONSTS(68) = 1.41 CONSTS(69) = 0.3 CONSTS(70) = 0.95 CONSTS(71) = 0.006652 CONSTS(72) = 1 CONSTS(73) = 1 CONSTS(74) = 7 CONSTS(75) = 8.01559 CONSTS(76) = 0 CONSTS(77) = 0 CONSTS(78) = ( CONSTS(3)*1.00000)/(1.00000+CONSTS(4)/CONSTS(5)) CONSTS(79) = CONSTS(46)*CONSTS(45) CONSTS(80) = CONSTS(22)*20.0000 CONSTS(81) = (CONSTS(25)+CONSTS(26))/CONSTS(27) CONSTS(82) = ( CONSTS(6)*CONSTS(78))/(1.00000 - CONSTS(7)/CONSTS(8)) CONSTS(83) = CONSTS(79)/(CONSTS(47)+CONSTS(79)) CONSTS(84) = CONSTS(81)/(CONSTS(81)+CONSTS(28)) CONSTS(85) = 1.00000/(1.00000+CONSTS(81)/CONSTS(29)) CONSTS(86) = CONSTS(32)*CONSTS(1) CONSTS(87) = (1.00000 - CONSTS(6))*CONSTS(9)*CONSTS(83) CONSTS(88) = CONSTS(49) CONSTS(89) = CONSTS(55)*CONSTS(1) CONSTS(90) = CONSTS(48) CONSTS(91) = (CONSTS(25)+CONSTS(26))/CONSTS(27) CONSTS(92) = CONSTS(57) CONSTS(93) = CONSTS(91)/(CONSTS(91)+CONSTS(28)) CONSTS(94) = 0.00000 CONSTS(95) = 0.00000 CONSTS(96) = 0.00000 CONSTS(97) = 0.00000 CONSTS(98) = 0.00000 CONSTS(99) = CONSTS(64)+CONSTS(65) CONSTS(100) = CONSTS(99) CONSTS(101) = CONSTS(70) CONSTS(102) = CONSTS(71)*(CONSTS(72) - CONSTS(101))/(CONSTS(101) - CONSTS(76)) ** 1.00000/CONSTS(74) CONSTS(103) = CONSTS(76)+( (CONSTS(72) - CONSTS(76))*CONSTS(71) ** CONSTS(74))/(CONSTS(102) ** CONSTS(74)+CONSTS(71) ** CONSTS(74)) CONSTS(104) = ( CONSTS(57)*CONSTS(103)*CONSTS(80))/(CONSTS(59)+( CONSTS(57)*CONSTS(103)*CONSTS(80))/CONSTS(60)) CONSTS(105) = CONSTS(104)/CONSTS(61) CONSTS(106) = CONSTS(71)*(CONSTS(101) - CONSTS(77))/(CONSTS(73) - CONSTS(101)) ** 1.00000/CONSTS(75) CONSTS(107) = CONSTS(73) - ( (CONSTS(73) - CONSTS(77))*CONSTS(71) ** CONSTS(75))/(CONSTS(106) ** CONSTS(75)+CONSTS(71) ** CONSTS(75)) CONSTS(108) = CONSTS(49)*CONSTS(80)*CONSTS(107) CONSTS(109) = (1.00000/CONSTS(50))*(CONSTS(51)+CONSTS(108)/CONSTS(52)) CONSTS(110) = ( CONSTS(109)*CONSTS(50)*(1.00000+CONSTS(48)/CONSTS(53))+( CONSTS(54)*CONSTS(89))/CONSTS(50)) - (CONSTS(56)+CONSTS(108))/CONSTS(50) CONSTS(111) = - (CONSTS(56)+CONSTS(108))*(1.00000+CONSTS(48)/CONSTS(53)) CONSTS(112) = (- CONSTS(110)+ (CONSTS(110) ** 2.00000 - 4.00000*CONSTS(109)*CONSTS(111)) ** (1.0 / 2))/( 2.00000*CONSTS(109)) CONSTS(113) = CONSTS(48)/( CONSTS(53)*(1.00000+CONSTS(48)/CONSTS(53)+CONSTS(112)/CONSTS(50))) CONSTS(114) = CONSTS(108)*(1.00000 - CONSTS(112)/CONSTS(52)) RETURN END SUBROUTINE computeRates(VOI, CONSTS, RATES, STATES, ALGBRC) REAL VOI, CONSTS(*), RATES(*), STATES(*), ALGBRC(*) RATES(7) = CONSTS(23)*(CONSTS(24) - STATES(7)) - ( STATES(7)*CONSTS(20)*STATES(2))/STATES(5) ALGBRC(1) = CONSTS(20)*STATES(2) - CONSTS(21)*STATES(4) RATES(5) = ALGBRC(1) RATES(6) = CONSTS(22)*ALGBRC(1) ALGBRC(5) = CONSTS(46)*STATES(4) ALGBRC(9) = 1.00000/(1.00000+ALGBRC(5)/CONSTS(5)) ALGBRC(10) = CONSTS(3)*ALGBRC(9)*STATES(1) ALGBRC(11) = ALGBRC(10)+CONSTS(11) ALGBRC(3) = (CONSTS(12)+CONSTS(13))*STATES(2) RATES(2) = ALGBRC(11) - ALGBRC(3) ALGBRC(2) = CONSTS(82)*(1.00000 - STATES(1)/CONSTS(8)) ALGBRC(4) = CONSTS(22)*STATES(5) ALGBRC(13) = 1.00000+ (CONSTS(67) - 1.00000)*STATES(7)+ (CONSTS(68) - 1.00000)*CONSTS(66) ALGBRC(15) = ( ALGBRC(13)*STATES(5))/100.000 ALGBRC(16) = ALGBRC(15)/1.00000 ALGBRC(17) = TERNRY(ALGBRC(16).LT.1.20000, 2014.00*ALGBRC(16) ** 2.50000, 1763.00*ALGBRC(16) ** 3.20000) ALGBRC(18) = 1.00000/ALGBRC(17) ALGBRC(19) = - CONSTS(69)/ALGBRC(17) ALGBRC(21) = ALGBRC(18)*CONSTS(94)+ ALGBRC(19)*CONSTS(95)+ ALGBRC(19)*CONSTS(100) ALGBRC(22) = ALGBRC(19)*CONSTS(94)+ ALGBRC(18)*CONSTS(95)+ ALGBRC(19)*CONSTS(100) ALGBRC(23) = ALGBRC(19)*CONSTS(94)+ ALGBRC(19)*CONSTS(95)+ ALGBRC(18)*CONSTS(100) ALGBRC(20) = (2.00000+ 2.00000*CONSTS(69))/ALGBRC(17) ALGBRC(24) = ALGBRC(20)*CONSTS(96) ALGBRC(25) = ALGBRC(20)*CONSTS(97) ALGBRC(26) = ALGBRC(20)*CONSTS(98) ALGBRC(27) = 0.500000*( CONSTS(94)*ALGBRC(21)+ CONSTS(95)*ALGBRC(22)+ CONSTS(100)*ALGBRC(23)+ CONSTS(96)*ALGBRC(24)+ CONSTS(97)*ALGBRC(25)+ CONSTS(98)*ALGBRC(26)) ALGBRC(14) = 1.00000 - STATES(5)/100.000 ALGBRC(28) = ALGBRC(27)/1.00000 - ALGBRC(14) ** 2.00000 ALGBRC(30) = CONSTS(73) - ( (CONSTS(73) - CONSTS(77))*ALGBRC(28) ** CONSTS(75))/(CONSTS(106) ** CONSTS(75)+ALGBRC(28) ** CONSTS(75)) ALGBRC(32) = CONSTS(88)*ALGBRC(4)*ALGBRC(30) ALGBRC(34) = (1.00000/CONSTS(50))*(CONSTS(51)+ALGBRC(32)/CONSTS(52)) ALGBRC(12) = CONSTS(55)*STATES(1) ALGBRC(36) = ( ALGBRC(34)*CONSTS(50)*(1.00000+CONSTS(90)/CONSTS(53))+( CONSTS(54)*ALGBRC(12))/CONSTS(50)) - (CONSTS(56)+ALGBRC(32))/CONSTS(50) ALGBRC(44) = - (CONSTS(56)+ALGBRC(32))*(1.00000+CONSTS(90)/CONSTS(53)) ALGBRC(46) = (- ALGBRC(36)+ (ALGBRC(36) ** 2.00000 - 4.00000*ALGBRC(34)*ALGBRC(44)) ** (1.0 / 2))/( 2.00000*ALGBRC(34)) ALGBRC(47) = CONSTS(90)/( CONSTS(53)*(1.00000+CONSTS(90)/CONSTS(53)+ALGBRC(46)/CONSTS(50))) ALGBRC(50) = CONSTS(87)*CONSTS(2)+( ALGBRC(2)*STATES(1)*ALGBRC(47))/CONSTS(113)+CONSTS(10) RATES(1) = ALGBRC(50) - ALGBRC(10) ALGBRC(29) = CONSTS(76)+( (CONSTS(72) - CONSTS(76))*ALGBRC(28) ** CONSTS(74))/(CONSTS(102) ** CONSTS(74)+ALGBRC(28) ** CONSTS(74)) ALGBRC(31) = ( CONSTS(92)*ALGBRC(29)*ALGBRC(4)+CONSTS(58))/(CONSTS(59)+( CONSTS(92)*ALGBRC(29)*ALGBRC(4))/CONSTS(60)) ALGBRC(33) = 1.00000/(1.00000+ALGBRC(31)/CONSTS(105)) ALGBRC(35) = CONSTS(62)*(CONSTS(93)+ALGBRC(33))+ CONSTS(63)*CONSTS(93)*ALGBRC(33) CALL minimize(minfunc_0, CONSTS, VARIABLES, <VAR>) ALGBRC(45) = ALGBRC(38)/(CONSTS(43)+ALGBRC(38)) ALGBRC(48) = CONSTS(17)*ALGBRC(45)*STATES(3) ALGBRC(52) = ALGBRC(48)+CONSTS(18) ALGBRC(6) = ALGBRC(5)/(CONSTS(47)+ALGBRC(5)) ALGBRC(8) = CONSTS(19)*ALGBRC(6)*STATES(4) RATES(4) = ALGBRC(52) - ALGBRC(8) ALGBRC(51) = ALGBRC(38)/(CONSTS(44)+ALGBRC(38)) ALGBRC(53) = CONSTS(15)*CONSTS(14)*ALGBRC(51)+CONSTS(16) RATES(3) = ALGBRC(53) - ALGBRC(48) RETURN END SUBROUTINE computeVariables(VOI, CONSTS, RATES, STATES, ALGBRC) REAL VOI, CONSTS(*), RATES(*), STATES(*), ALGBRC(*) ALGBRC(1) = CONSTS(20)*STATES(2) - CONSTS(21)*STATES(4) ALGBRC(5) = CONSTS(46)*STATES(4) ALGBRC(9) = 1.00000/(1.00000+ALGBRC(5)/CONSTS(5)) ALGBRC(10) = CONSTS(3)*ALGBRC(9)*STATES(1) ALGBRC(11) = ALGBRC(10)+CONSTS(11) ALGBRC(3) = (CONSTS(12)+CONSTS(13))*STATES(2) ALGBRC(2) = CONSTS(82)*(1.00000 - STATES(1)/CONSTS(8)) ALGBRC(4) = CONSTS(22)*STATES(5) ALGBRC(13) = 1.00000+ (CONSTS(67) - 1.00000)*STATES(7)+ (CONSTS(68) - 1.00000)*CONSTS(66) ALGBRC(15) = ( ALGBRC(13)*STATES(5))/100.000 ALGBRC(16) = ALGBRC(15)/1.00000 ALGBRC(17) = TERNRY(ALGBRC(16).LT.1.20000, 2014.00*ALGBRC(16) ** 2.50000, 1763.00*ALGBRC(16) ** 3.20000) ALGBRC(18) = 1.00000/ALGBRC(17) ALGBRC(19) = - CONSTS(69)/ALGBRC(17) ALGBRC(21) = ALGBRC(18)*CONSTS(94)+ ALGBRC(19)*CONSTS(95)+ ALGBRC(19)*CONSTS(100) ALGBRC(22) = ALGBRC(19)*CONSTS(94)+ ALGBRC(18)*CONSTS(95)+ ALGBRC(19)*CONSTS(100) ALGBRC(23) = ALGBRC(19)*CONSTS(94)+ ALGBRC(19)*CONSTS(95)+ ALGBRC(18)*CONSTS(100) ALGBRC(20) = (2.00000+ 2.00000*CONSTS(69))/ALGBRC(17) ALGBRC(24) = ALGBRC(20)*CONSTS(96) ALGBRC(25) = ALGBRC(20)*CONSTS(97) ALGBRC(26) = ALGBRC(20)*CONSTS(98) ALGBRC(27) = 0.500000*( CONSTS(94)*ALGBRC(21)+ CONSTS(95)*ALGBRC(22)+ CONSTS(100)*ALGBRC(23)+ CONSTS(96)*ALGBRC(24)+ CONSTS(97)*ALGBRC(25)+ CONSTS(98)*ALGBRC(26)) ALGBRC(14) = 1.00000 - STATES(5)/100.000 ALGBRC(28) = ALGBRC(27)/1.00000 - ALGBRC(14) ** 2.00000 ALGBRC(30) = CONSTS(73) - ( (CONSTS(73) - CONSTS(77))*ALGBRC(28) ** CONSTS(75))/(CONSTS(106) ** CONSTS(75)+ALGBRC(28) ** CONSTS(75)) ALGBRC(32) = CONSTS(88)*ALGBRC(4)*ALGBRC(30) ALGBRC(34) = (1.00000/CONSTS(50))*(CONSTS(51)+ALGBRC(32)/CONSTS(52)) ALGBRC(12) = CONSTS(55)*STATES(1) ALGBRC(36) = ( ALGBRC(34)*CONSTS(50)*(1.00000+CONSTS(90)/CONSTS(53))+( CONSTS(54)*ALGBRC(12))/CONSTS(50)) - (CONSTS(56)+ALGBRC(32))/CONSTS(50) ALGBRC(44) = - (CONSTS(56)+ALGBRC(32))*(1.00000+CONSTS(90)/CONSTS(53)) ALGBRC(46) = (- ALGBRC(36)+ (ALGBRC(36) ** 2.00000 - 4.00000*ALGBRC(34)*ALGBRC(44)) ** (1.0 / 2))/( 2.00000*ALGBRC(34)) ALGBRC(47) = CONSTS(90)/( CONSTS(53)*(1.00000+CONSTS(90)/CONSTS(53)+ALGBRC(46)/CONSTS(50))) ALGBRC(50) = CONSTS(87)*CONSTS(2)+( ALGBRC(2)*STATES(1)*ALGBRC(47))/CONSTS(113)+CONSTS(10) ALGBRC(29) = CONSTS(76)+( (CONSTS(72) - CONSTS(76))*ALGBRC(28) ** CONSTS(74))/(CONSTS(102) ** CONSTS(74)+ALGBRC(28) ** CONSTS(74)) ALGBRC(31) = ( CONSTS(92)*ALGBRC(29)*ALGBRC(4)+CONSTS(58))/(CONSTS(59)+( CONSTS(92)*ALGBRC(29)*ALGBRC(4))/CONSTS(60)) ALGBRC(33) = 1.00000/(1.00000+ALGBRC(31)/CONSTS(105)) ALGBRC(35) = CONSTS(62)*(CONSTS(93)+ALGBRC(33))+ CONSTS(63)*CONSTS(93)*ALGBRC(33) ALGBRC(45) = ALGBRC(38)/(CONSTS(43)+ALGBRC(38)) ALGBRC(48) = CONSTS(17)*ALGBRC(45)*STATES(3) ALGBRC(52) = ALGBRC(48)+CONSTS(18) ALGBRC(6) = ALGBRC(5)/(CONSTS(47)+ALGBRC(5)) ALGBRC(8) = CONSTS(19)*ALGBRC(6)*STATES(4) ALGBRC(51) = ALGBRC(38)/(CONSTS(44)+ALGBRC(38)) ALGBRC(53) = CONSTS(15)*CONSTS(14)*ALGBRC(51)+CONSTS(16) ALGBRC(7) = ALGBRC(5)/(CONSTS(47)+ALGBRC(5)) ALGBRC(49) = ALGBRC(32)*(1.00000 - ALGBRC(46)/CONSTS(52)) RETURN END REAL FUNCTION minfunc_0(CONSTS, VARIABLES) REAL CONSTS(*), VARIABLES(*) minfunc_0[1] = abs(ALGBRC(37) - ( CONSTS(31)*STATES(3))/(1.00000+ (1.00000/CONSTS(33))*ALGBRC(38))) minfunc_0[2] = abs(ALGBRC(39) - ( CONSTS(34)*CONSTS(85)*STATES(2))/(( CONSTS(34)*CONSTS(85)*STATES(2))/CONSTS(35)+CONSTS(36)+ (CONSTS(37)/CONSTS(38))*ALGBRC(38))) minfunc_0[3] = abs(ALGBRC(40) - ALGBRC(38)*(1.00000+ALGBRC(37)/CONSTS(33)+ALGBRC(39)/CONSTS(38))) minfunc_0[4] = abs(ALGBRC(41) - CONSTS(39)*(1.00000 - ALGBRC(40)/CONSTS(86))*ALGBRC(4)) minfunc_0[5] = abs(ALGBRC(42) - CONSTS(40)*ALGBRC(35)*(1.00000 - ALGBRC(40)/CONSTS(86))*STATES(1)) minfunc_0[6] = abs(ALGBRC(43) - (ALGBRC(41)+ALGBRC(42))) minfunc_0[7] = abs(ALGBRC(38) - (ALGBRC(43)+CONSTS(30))/(CONSTS(41)+ (CONSTS(42)/CONSTS(33))*ALGBRC(37)+ (CONSTS(37)/CONSTS(38))*ALGBRC(39))) RETURN END REAL FUNCTION TERNRY(TEST, VALA, VALB) LOGICAL TEST REAL VALA, VALB IF (TEST) THEN TERNRY = VALA ELSE TERNRY = VALB ENDIF RETURN END