
Bertram, Satin, Pedersen, Luciani, Sherman, 2007
Intra- and inter-islet synchronization of metabolically driven insulin secretion
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A mathematical model of the regulation system of the secretion of glucocorticoids
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A mathematical model of diurnal variations in human plasma melatonin levels
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A model for the control of testosterone secretion
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A mechanistic model of ACTH-stimulated cortisol secretion
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Rhythmic secretion of prolactin in rats: action of oxytocin coordinated by vasoactive intestinal polypeptide of suprachiasmatic nucleus origin
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On the stability of a model of testosterone dynamics
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Female-specific model and GHRH alone is being injected
Farhy, Bowers, Veldhuis, 2007
Male-specific model and GHRH alone is being injected
Farhy, Bowers, Veldhuis, 2007
Female-specific model and GHRH alone is being injected
Farhy, Bowers, Veldhuis, 2007
Male-specific model and GHRH alone is being injected
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A computer simulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis
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Inclusion of the glucocorticoid receptor in a hypothalamic pituitary adrenal axis model reveals bistability: where a single stress is applied to the model
Gupta, Aslakson, Gurbaxani, Vernon, 2007
Inclusion of the glucocorticoid receptor in a hypothalamic pituitary adrenal axis model reveals bistability: where a pulsatile stress is applied to the model
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Mathematical model of human growth hormone (hGH)-stimulated cell proliferation explains the efficacy of hGH variants as receptor agonists or antagonists (Steady State Model)
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A mathematical model of luteinizing hormone release from ovine pituitary cells in perifusion
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A Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal System Model: Full Model
Jelic, Cupic, Kolar-Anic, 2005
A Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal System Model: Figure 4
Jelic, Cupic, Kolar-Anic, 2005
A Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal System Model: Figure 5
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Mathematical model of paracrine interactions between osteoclasts and osteoblasts predicts anabolic action of parathyroid hormone on bone
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Mathematical model predicts a critical role for osteoclast autocrine regulation in the control of bone remodeling: single bone remodeling cycle
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Mathematical model predicts a critical role for osteoclast autocrine regulation in the control of bone remodeling: multiple bone remodeling cycles
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Parathyroid hormone temporal effects on bone formation and resorption
Kyrylov, Severyanova, Vieira, 2005
Modeling robust oscillatory behavior of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis
Lemaire, Tobin, Greller, Cho, Suva, 2004
Main Model + Adding Osteoblasts
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Main Model + Removing Responding Osteoblasts
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Modelling fluctuation phenomena in the plasma cortisol secretion system in normal man
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A delay-differential equation model of the feedback-controlled hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis in humans
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Modeling insulin kinetics: responses to a single oral glucose administration or ambulatory-fed conditions (Basic Model)
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Modeling insulin kinetics: responses to a single oral glucose administration or ambulatory-fed conditions (Extended Model)
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A dynamical model for the pulsatile secretion of the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis
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Modelling the hypothalamic control of growth hormone secretion: pituitary model only
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Modelling the hypothalamic control of growth hormone secretion: the full pituitary + hypothalamic model
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Mathematical modeling and analysis of force induced bone growth
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A quantitative analysis of cardiac myocyte relaxation: a simulation study
Pedersen, Bertram, Sherman, 2005
Intra- and inter-islet synchronization of metabolically driven insulin secretion
Potter, Greller, Cho, Nuttall, Stroup, Suva, Tobin, 2005
This model recreates continuous PTH dosing model using low doses
Potter, Greller, Cho, Nuttall, Stroup, Suva, Tobin, 2005
This version recreates pulsatile PTH dosing at high doses
Potter, Zager, Barton, 2006
Mathematical model for the androgenic regulation of the prostate in intact and castrated adult male rats.
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A minimal mathematical model of calcium homeostasis
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Modeling of bone formation and resorption mediated by parathyroid hormone: response to estrogen/PTH therapy (core model)
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A model of gonadotropin regulation during the menstrual cycle in women: qualitative features
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A mathematical model of parathyroid hormone response to acute changes in plasma ionized calcium concentration in humans
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Hypothalamic regulation of pituitary secretion of luteinizing hormone. II. Feedback control of gonadotropin secretion
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Low dose of dopamine may stimulate prolactin secretion by increasing fast potassium currents (BK-Type K Current)
Tabak, Toporikova, Freeman, Bertram, 2007
Low dose of dopamine may stimulate prolactin secretion by increasing fast potassium currents (A-Type K Current)
Wang, Li, Kuang, 2007
Mathematical modeling and qualitative analysis of insulin therapies
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Population-Based Analysis of Methadone Distribution and Metabolism Using an Age-Dependent Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic Model
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A delayed nonlinear PBPK model for genistein dosimetry in rats