Generated Code

The following is f77 code generated by the CellML API from this CellML file. (Back to language selection)

The raw code is available.

C There are a total of 0 entries in the algebraic variable array.
C There are a total of 18 entries in each of the rate and state variable arrays.
C There are a total of 37 entries in the constant variable array.
C VOI is time in component environment (second).
C CONSTS(1) is mostot in component total_concs (micromolar).
C CONSTS(2) is e1tot in component total_concs (micromolar).
C CONSTS(3) is e2tot in component total_concs (micromolar).
C CONSTS(4) is mektot in component total_concs (micromolar).
C CONSTS(5) is mekpasetot in component total_concs (micromolar).
C CONSTS(6) is mapktot in component total_concs (micromolar).
C CONSTS(7) is mapkpasetot in component total_concs (micromolar).
C CONSTS(8) is a1 in component rate_constants (second_order_rate_constant_units).
C CONSTS(9) is a2 in component rate_constants (second_order_rate_constant_units).
C CONSTS(10) is a3 in component rate_constants (second_order_rate_constant_units).
C CONSTS(11) is a4 in component rate_constants (second_order_rate_constant_units).
C CONSTS(12) is a5 in component rate_constants (second_order_rate_constant_units).
C CONSTS(13) is a6 in component rate_constants (second_order_rate_constant_units).
C CONSTS(14) is a7 in component rate_constants (second_order_rate_constant_units).
C CONSTS(15) is a8 in component rate_constants (second_order_rate_constant_units).
C CONSTS(16) is a9 in component rate_constants (second_order_rate_constant_units).
C CONSTS(17) is a10 in component rate_constants (second_order_rate_constant_units).
C CONSTS(18) is d1 in component rate_constants (second_order_rate_constant_units).
C CONSTS(19) is d2 in component rate_constants (second_order_rate_constant_units).
C CONSTS(20) is d3 in component rate_constants (second_order_rate_constant_units).
C CONSTS(21) is d4 in component rate_constants (second_order_rate_constant_units).
C CONSTS(22) is d5 in component rate_constants (second_order_rate_constant_units).
C CONSTS(23) is d6 in component rate_constants (second_order_rate_constant_units).
C CONSTS(24) is d7 in component rate_constants (second_order_rate_constant_units).
C CONSTS(25) is d8 in component rate_constants (second_order_rate_constant_units).
C CONSTS(26) is d9 in component rate_constants (second_order_rate_constant_units).
C CONSTS(27) is d10 in component rate_constants (second_order_rate_constant_units).
C CONSTS(28) is k1 in component rate_constants (first_order_rate_constant_units).
C CONSTS(29) is k2 in component rate_constants (first_order_rate_constant_units).
C CONSTS(30) is k3 in component rate_constants (first_order_rate_constant_units).
C CONSTS(31) is k4 in component rate_constants (first_order_rate_constant_units).
C CONSTS(32) is k5 in component rate_constants (first_order_rate_constant_units).
C CONSTS(33) is k6 in component rate_constants (first_order_rate_constant_units).
C CONSTS(34) is k7 in component rate_constants (first_order_rate_constant_units).
C CONSTS(35) is k8 in component rate_constants (first_order_rate_constant_units).
C CONSTS(36) is k9 in component rate_constants (first_order_rate_constant_units).
C CONSTS(37) is k10 in component rate_constants (first_order_rate_constant_units).
C STATES(1) is mos in component mos (micromolar).
C STATES(2) is mosstar in component mosstar (micromolar).
C STATES(3) is mose1 in component mose1 (micromolar).
C STATES(4) is mosstare2 in component mosstare2 (micromolar).
C STATES(5) is mekstarmosstar in component mekstarmosstar (micromolar).
C STATES(6) is mekmosstar in component mekmosstar (micromolar).
C STATES(7) is mekstar in component mekstar (micromolar).
C STATES(8) is mekstarstar in component mekstarstar (micromolar).
C STATES(9) is mekstarmekpase in component mekstarmekpase (micromolar).
C STATES(10) is mekstarstarmekpase in component mekstarstarmekpase (micromolar).
C STATES(11) is mapkmekstarstar in component mapkmekstarstar (micromolar).
C STATES(12) is mapkstarmekstarstar in component mapkstarmekstarstar (micromolar).
C STATES(13) is mek in component mek (micromolar).
C STATES(14) is mapkstar in component mapkstar (micromolar).
C STATES(15) is mapkstarstar in component mapkstarstar (micromolar).
C STATES(16) is mapkstarmapkpase in component mapkstarmapkpase (micromolar).
C STATES(17) is mapkstarstarmapkpase in component mapkstarstarmapkpase (micromolar).
C STATES(18) is mapk in component mapk (micromolar).
C RATES(1) is d/dt mos in component mos (micromolar).
C RATES(3) is d/dt mose1 in component mose1 (micromolar).
C RATES(2) is d/dt mosstar in component mosstar (micromolar).
C RATES(4) is d/dt mosstare2 in component mosstare2 (micromolar).
C RATES(13) is d/dt mek in component mek (micromolar).
C RATES(6) is d/dt mekmosstar in component mekmosstar (micromolar).
C RATES(7) is d/dt mekstar in component mekstar (micromolar).
C RATES(9) is d/dt mekstarmekpase in component mekstarmekpase (micromolar).
C RATES(5) is d/dt mekstarmosstar in component mekstarmosstar (micromolar).
C RATES(8) is d/dt mekstarstar in component mekstarstar (micromolar).
C RATES(10) is d/dt mekstarstarmekpase in component mekstarstarmekpase (micromolar).
C RATES(18) is d/dt mapk in component mapk (micromolar).
C RATES(11) is d/dt mapkmekstarstar in component mapkmekstarstar (micromolar).
C RATES(14) is d/dt mapkstar in component mapkstar (micromolar).
C RATES(12) is d/dt mapkstarmekstarstar in component mapkstarmekstarstar (micromolar).
C RATES(15) is d/dt mapkstarstar in component mapkstarstar (micromolar).
C RATES(16) is d/dt mapkstarmapkpase in component mapkstarmapkpase (micromolar).
C RATES(17) is d/dt mapkstarstarmapkpase in component mapkstarstarmapkpase (micromolar).
      CONSTS(1) = 0.003
      CONSTS(2) = 0.0003
      CONSTS(3) = 0.0003
      CONSTS(4) = 1.2
      CONSTS(5) = 0.0003
      CONSTS(6) = 1.2
      CONSTS(7) = 0.12
      CONSTS(8) = 1000
      CONSTS(9) = 1000
      CONSTS(10) = 1000
      CONSTS(11) = 1000
      CONSTS(12) = 1000
      CONSTS(13) = 1000
      CONSTS(14) = 1000
      CONSTS(15) = 1000
      CONSTS(16) = 1000
      CONSTS(17) = 1000
      CONSTS(18) = 150
      CONSTS(19) = 150
      CONSTS(20) = 150
      CONSTS(21) = 150
      CONSTS(22) = 150
      CONSTS(23) = 150
      CONSTS(24) = 150
      CONSTS(25) = 150
      CONSTS(26) = 150
      CONSTS(27) = 150
      CONSTS(28) = 150
      CONSTS(29) = 150
      CONSTS(30) = 150
      CONSTS(31) = 150
      CONSTS(32) = 150
      CONSTS(33) = 150
      CONSTS(34) = 150
      CONSTS(35) = 150
      CONSTS(36) = 150
      CONSTS(37) = 150
      STATES(1) = 0.003
      STATES(2) = 0
      STATES(3) = 0
      STATES(4) = 0
      STATES(5) = 0
      STATES(6) = 0
      STATES(7) = 0
      STATES(8) = 0
      STATES(9) = 0
      STATES(10) = 0
      STATES(11) = 0
      STATES(12) = 0
      STATES(13) = 1.2
      STATES(14) = 0
      STATES(15) = 0
      STATES(16) = 0
      STATES(17) = 0
      STATES(18) = 1.2
      RATES(1) =  - CONSTS(8)*(((((CONSTS(1) - STATES(2)) - STATES(3)) - STATES(4)) - STATES(6)) - STATES(5))*(CONSTS(2) - STATES(3))+ CONSTS(18)*STATES(3)+ CONSTS(29)*STATES(4)
      RATES(3) =  CONSTS(8)*(((((CONSTS(1) - STATES(2)) - STATES(3)) - STATES(4)) - STATES(6)) - STATES(5))*(CONSTS(2) - STATES(3)) -  (CONSTS(18)+CONSTS(28))*STATES(3)
      RATES(2) = ((( - CONSTS(9)*STATES(2)*(CONSTS(3) - STATES(4))+ CONSTS(19)*STATES(4)+ CONSTS(28)*STATES(3)+ (CONSTS(30)+CONSTS(20))*STATES(6)) -  CONSTS(10)*STATES(2)*((((((((CONSTS(4) - STATES(7)) - STATES(8)) - STATES(9)) - STATES(10)) - STATES(6)) - STATES(5)) - STATES(11)) - STATES(12)))+ (CONSTS(32)+CONSTS(22))*STATES(5)) -  CONSTS(12)*STATES(7)*STATES(2)
      RATES(4) =  CONSTS(9)*STATES(2)*(CONSTS(3) - STATES(4)) -  (CONSTS(19)+CONSTS(29))*STATES(4)
      RATES(13) =  - CONSTS(10)*((((((((CONSTS(4) - STATES(7)) - STATES(8)) - STATES(9)) - STATES(10)) - STATES(6)) - STATES(5)) - STATES(11)) - STATES(12))*STATES(2)+ CONSTS(20)*STATES(6)+ CONSTS(31)*STATES(9)
      RATES(6) =  CONSTS(10)*((((((((CONSTS(4) - STATES(7)) - STATES(8)) - STATES(9)) - STATES(10)) - STATES(6)) - STATES(5)) - STATES(11)) - STATES(12))*STATES(2) -  (CONSTS(20)+CONSTS(30))*STATES(6)
      RATES(7) = ( - CONSTS(11)*STATES(7)*((CONSTS(5) - STATES(9)) - STATES(10))+ CONSTS(21)*STATES(9)+ CONSTS(30)*STATES(6)+ CONSTS(33)*STATES(10)+ CONSTS(22)*STATES(5)) -  CONSTS(12)*STATES(7)*STATES(2)
      RATES(9) =  CONSTS(11)*STATES(7)*((CONSTS(5) - STATES(9)) - STATES(10)) -  (CONSTS(21)+CONSTS(31))*STATES(9)
      RATES(5) =  CONSTS(12)*STATES(7)*STATES(2) -  (CONSTS(22)+CONSTS(32))*STATES(5)
      RATES(8) = (((( CONSTS(32)*STATES(5) -  CONSTS(13)*STATES(8)*((CONSTS(5) - STATES(9)) - STATES(10)))+ CONSTS(23)*STATES(10)) -  CONSTS(14)*STATES(8)*((((((CONSTS(6) - STATES(14)) - STATES(15)) - STATES(16)) - STATES(17)) - STATES(11)) - STATES(12)))+ (CONSTS(24)+CONSTS(34))*STATES(11)+ (CONSTS(26)+CONSTS(36))*STATES(12)) -  CONSTS(16)*STATES(14)*STATES(8)
      RATES(10) =  CONSTS(13)*STATES(8)*((CONSTS(5) - STATES(9)) - STATES(10)) -  (CONSTS(23)+CONSTS(33))*STATES(10)
      RATES(18) =  - CONSTS(14)*((((((CONSTS(6) - STATES(14)) - STATES(15)) - STATES(16)) - STATES(17)) - STATES(11)) - STATES(12))*STATES(8)+ CONSTS(24)*STATES(11)+ CONSTS(35)*STATES(16)
      RATES(11) =  CONSTS(14)*((((((CONSTS(6) - STATES(14)) - STATES(15)) - STATES(16)) - STATES(17)) - STATES(11)) - STATES(12))*STATES(8) -  (CONSTS(24)+CONSTS(34))*STATES(11)
      RATES(14) = ((( CONSTS(34)*STATES(11) -  CONSTS(15)*STATES(14)*((CONSTS(7) - STATES(16)) - STATES(17)))+ CONSTS(25)*STATES(16)) -  CONSTS(16)*STATES(14)*STATES(8))+ CONSTS(26)*STATES(12)+ CONSTS(37)*STATES(17)
      RATES(12) =  CONSTS(16)*STATES(14)*STATES(8) -  (CONSTS(26)+CONSTS(36))*STATES(12)
      RATES(15) =  - CONSTS(17)*STATES(15)*((CONSTS(7) - STATES(16)) - STATES(17))+ CONSTS(27)*STATES(17)+ CONSTS(36)*STATES(12)
      RATES(16) =  CONSTS(15)*STATES(14)*((CONSTS(7) - STATES(16)) - STATES(17)) -  (CONSTS(25)+CONSTS(35))*STATES(16)
      RATES(17) =  CONSTS(17)*STATES(15)*((CONSTS(7) - STATES(16)) - STATES(17)) -  (CONSTS(27)+CONSTS(37))*STATES(17)