Generated Code

The following is c_ida code generated by the CellML API from this CellML file. (Back to language selection)

The raw code is available.

   There are a total of 10 entries in the algebraic variable array.
   There are a total of 4 entries in each of the rate and state variable arrays.
   There are a total of 8 entries in the constant variable array.
 * VOI is time in component environment (millisecond).
 * STATES[0] is V in component membrane (millivolt).
 * CONSTANTS[0] is E_R in component membrane (millivolt).
 * CONSTANTS[1] is Cm in component membrane (microF_per_cm2).
 * ALGEBRAIC[1] is i_Na in component sodium_channel (microA_per_cm2).
 * ALGEBRAIC[6] is i_K in component potassium_channel (microA_per_cm2).
 * ALGEBRAIC[9] is i_L in component leakage_current (microA_per_cm2).
 * ALGEBRAIC[0] is i_Stim in component membrane (microA_per_cm2).
 * CONSTANTS[2] is g_Na in component sodium_channel (milliS_per_cm2).
 * CONSTANTS[5] is E_Na in component sodium_channel (millivolt).
 * STATES[1] is m in component sodium_channel_m_gate (dimensionless).
 * STATES[2] is h in component sodium_channel_h_gate (dimensionless).
 * ALGEBRAIC[2] is alpha_m in component sodium_channel_m_gate (per_millisecond).
 * ALGEBRAIC[3] is beta_m in component sodium_channel_m_gate (per_millisecond).
 * ALGEBRAIC[4] is alpha_h in component sodium_channel_h_gate (per_millisecond).
 * ALGEBRAIC[5] is beta_h in component sodium_channel_h_gate (per_millisecond).
 * CONSTANTS[3] is g_K in component potassium_channel (milliS_per_cm2).
 * CONSTANTS[6] is E_K in component potassium_channel (millivolt).
 * STATES[3] is n in component potassium_channel_n_gate (dimensionless).
 * ALGEBRAIC[7] is alpha_n in component potassium_channel_n_gate (per_millisecond).
 * ALGEBRAIC[8] is beta_n in component potassium_channel_n_gate (per_millisecond).
 * CONSTANTS[4] is g_L in component leakage_current (milliS_per_cm2).
 * CONSTANTS[7] is E_L in component leakage_current (millivolt).
 * RATES[0] is d/dt V in component membrane (millivolt).
 * RATES[1] is d/dt m in component sodium_channel_m_gate (dimensionless).
 * RATES[2] is d/dt h in component sodium_channel_h_gate (dimensionless).
 * RATES[3] is d/dt n in component potassium_channel_n_gate (dimensionless).
 * There are a total of 2 condition variables.
initConsts(double* CONSTANTS, double* RATES, double *STATES)
STATES[0] = 0;
CONSTANTS[2] = 120;
STATES[1] = 0.05;
STATES[2] = 0.6;
CONSTANTS[3] = 36;
STATES[3] = 0.325;
CONSTANTS[4] = 0.3;
CONSTANTS[5] = CONSTANTS[0] - 115.000;
CONSTANTS[6] = CONSTANTS[0]+12.0000;
CONSTANTS[7] = CONSTANTS[0] - 10.6130;
RATES[0] = 0.1001;
RATES[1] = 0.1001;
RATES[2] = 0.1001;
RATES[3] = 0.1001;
computeResiduals(double VOI, double* CONSTANTS, double* RATES, double* OLDRATES, double* STATES,
                 double* OLDSTATES, double* ALGEBRAIC, double* CONDVARS)
resid[1] = RATES[1] -  ALGEBRAIC[2]*(1.00000 - STATES[1]) -  ALGEBRAIC[3]*STATES[1];
resid[2] = RATES[2] -  ALGEBRAIC[4]*(1.00000 - STATES[2]) -  ALGEBRAIC[5]*STATES[2];
resid[3] = RATES[3] -  ALGEBRAIC[7]*(1.00000 - STATES[3]) -  ALGEBRAIC[8]*STATES[3];
computeVariables(double VOI, double* CONSTANTS, double* RATES, double* STATES, double* ALGEBRAIC)
computeEssentialVariables(double VOI, double* CONSTANTS, double* RATES, double* STATES, double* ALGEBRAIC)
ALGEBRAIC[0] = (CONDVAR[0]>=0.00000&&CONDVAR[1]<=0.00000 ? - 20.0000 : 0.00000);
ALGEBRAIC[1] =  CONSTANTS[2]*pow(STATES[1], 3.00000)*STATES[2]*(STATES[0] - CONSTANTS[5]);
ALGEBRAIC[2] = ( 0.100000*(STATES[0]+25.0000))/(exp((STATES[0]+25.0000)/10.0000) - 1.00000);
ALGEBRAIC[3] =  4.00000*exp(STATES[0]/18.0000);
ALGEBRAIC[4] =  0.0700000*exp(STATES[0]/20.0000);
ALGEBRAIC[5] = 1.00000/(exp((STATES[0]+30.0000)/10.0000)+1.00000);
ALGEBRAIC[6] =  CONSTANTS[3]*pow(STATES[3], 4.00000)*(STATES[0] - CONSTANTS[6]);
ALGEBRAIC[7] = ( 0.0100000*(STATES[0]+10.0000))/(exp((STATES[0]+10.0000)/10.0000) - 1.00000);
ALGEBRAIC[8] =  0.125000*exp(STATES[0]/80.0000);
getStateInformation(double* SI)
SI[0] = 1.0;
SI[1] = 1.0;
SI[2] = 1.0;
SI[3] = 1.0;
computeRoots(double VOI, double* CONSTANTS, double* RATES, double* OLDRATES, double* STATES,
             double* OLDSTATES, double* ALGEBRAIC, double* CONDVARS)
CONDVAR[0] = VOI - 10.0000;
CONDVAR[1] = VOI - 10.5000;