Model is underconstrained. The following variables couldn't be defined: * Glc_i in component Glc_i * V_HK in component V_HK * V_glucose_transport in component V_glucose_transport * Glc_6_P_g in component Glc_6_P_g * Fru_6_P_g in component Fru_6_P_g * V_PFK in component V_PFK * V_ALD in component V_ALD * GA_3_P_g in component GA_3_P_g * DHAP_g in component DHAP_g * V_GAPDH in component V_GAPDH * V_GDH in component V_GDH * V_PGK in component V_PGK * three_PGA in component three_PGA * two_PGA_c in component two_PGA_c * V_PYK in component V_PYK * PEP_c in component PEP_c * V_pyruvate_transport in component V_pyruvate_transport * pyruvate_o in component pyruvate_o * glycerol_g in component glycerol_g * Q in component Q * Gly_3_P_g in component Gly_3_P_g * H2O in component H2O * O2 in component O2 * NAD_g in component NAD_g * V_GK in component V_GK * V_ATP_utilisation in component V_ATP_utilisation * ATP_g in component ATP_g * P_g in component ATP_g * ATP_c in component ATP_c * P_c in component ATP_c * ADP_g in component ADP_g * ADP_c in component ADP_c * AMP_g in component AMP_g * AMP_c in component AMP_c * Km_PEP in component V_PYK * Km_Fru_1_6_BP in component V_ALD * d/dt Glc_i in component Glc_i * d/dt hexose_P_g in component hexose_P_g * d/dt Fru_1_6_BP_g in component Fru_1_6_BP_g * d/dt triose_P in component triose_P * d/dt one_three_BPGA_g in component one_three_BPGA_g * d/dt N in component N * d/dt PYR_c in component PYR_c * d/dt NADH_g in component NADH_g * d/dt P_g in component P_g * d/dt P_c in component P_c