C C There are a total of 15 entries in the algebraic variable array. C There are a total of 1 entries in each of the rate and state variable arrays. C There are a total of 17 entries in the constant variable array. C C C VOI is time in component environment (second). C STATES(1) is HCO3_i in component Concentrations (mM). C CONSTS(1) is HCO3_e in component Concentrations (mM). C CONSTS(2) is Cl_i in component Concentrations (mM). C CONSTS(3) is Cl_e in component Concentrations (mM). C CONSTS(4) is x_Tmax in component Concentrations (nmol_per_cm2). C ALGBRC(1) is x_T in component Concentrations (nmol_per_cm2). C CONSTS(5) is K_I in component AE1_rate_constants (mM). C CONSTS(6) is Kc_p in component AE1_rate_constants (mM). C CONSTS(7) is Kc_pp in component AE1_rate_constants (mM). C CONSTS(8) is Kb_p in component AE1_rate_constants (mM). C CONSTS(9) is Kb_pp in component AE1_rate_constants (mM). C CONSTS(10) is Pc_p in component AE1_rate_constants (per_s). C CONSTS(11) is Pc_pp in component AE1_rate_constants (per_s). C CONSTS(12) is Pb_p in component AE1_rate_constants (per_s). C CONSTS(13) is Pb_pp in component AE1_rate_constants (per_s). C CONSTS(14) is beta_p in component AE1 (dimensionless). C ALGBRC(2) is beta_pp in component AE1 (dimensionless). C CONSTS(15) is gamma_p in component AE1 (dimensionless). C CONSTS(16) is gamma_pp in component AE1 (dimensionless). C ALGBRC(9) is sigma in component AE1 (per_s). C ALGBRC(10) is x_p in component AE1 (nmol_per_cm2). C ALGBRC(11) is x_pp in component AE1 (nmol_per_cm2). C ALGBRC(12) is J_HCO3 in component AE1 (nmol_per_s_per_cm2). C ALGBRC(15) is J_Cl in component AE1 (nmol_per_s_per_cm2). C ALGBRC(13) is Jb_influx in component AE1 (nmol_per_s_per_cm2). C ALGBRC(14) is Jc_influx in component AE1 (nmol_per_s_per_cm2). C ALGBRC(3) is Jo_bm in component AE1 (nmol_per_s_per_cm2). C ALGBRC(4) is Ji_bm in component AE1 (nmol_per_s_per_cm2). C ALGBRC(5) is Js_bm in component AE1 (nmol_per_s_per_cm2). C ALGBRC(6) is Jo_cm in component AE1 (nmol_per_s_per_cm2). C ALGBRC(7) is Ji_cm in component AE1 (nmol_per_s_per_cm2). C ALGBRC(8) is Js_cm in component AE1 (nmol_per_s_per_cm2). C RATES(1) is d/dt HCO3_i in component Concentrations (mM). C SUBROUTINE initConsts(CONSTS, RATES, STATES) REAL CONSTS(*), RATES(*), STATES(*) STATES(1) = 0 CONSTS(1) = 26 CONSTS(2) = 29 CONSTS(3) = 114 CONSTS(4) = 1 CONSTS(5) = 172 CONSTS(6) = 50 CONSTS(7) = 50 CONSTS(8) = 198 CONSTS(9) = 198 CONSTS(10) = 562 CONSTS(11) = 61 CONSTS(12) = 1247 CONSTS(13) = 135 CONSTS(14) = CONSTS(1)/CONSTS(8) CONSTS(16) = 60.0000 CONSTS(15) = CONSTS(3)/CONSTS(6) CONSTS(16) = CONSTS(2)/CONSTS(7) RETURN END SUBROUTINE computeRates(VOI, CONSTS, RATES, STATES, ALGBRC) REAL VOI, CONSTS(*), RATES(*), STATES(*), ALGBRC(*) RATES(1) = CONSTS(16) RETURN END SUBROUTINE computeVariables(VOI, CONSTS, RATES, STATES, ALGBRC) REAL VOI, CONSTS(*), RATES(*), STATES(*), ALGBRC(*) ALGBRC(1) = CONSTS(4)/(1.00000+STATES(1)/CONSTS(5)) ALGBRC(2) = STATES(1)/CONSTS(9) ALGBRC(3) = (1.00000/ALGBRC(1))*(1.00000/CONSTS(12)+1.00000/CONSTS(13)+CONSTS(9)/( CONSTS(13)*STATES(1))) ** - 1.00000 ALGBRC(4) = (1.00000/ALGBRC(1))*(1.00000/CONSTS(12)+1.00000/CONSTS(13)+CONSTS(8)/( CONSTS(12)*CONSTS(1))) ** - 1.00000 ALGBRC(5) = (1.00000/ALGBRC(1))*(1.00000/CONSTS(12)+1.00000/CONSTS(13)) ** - 1.00000 ALGBRC(6) = (1.00000/ALGBRC(1))*(1.00000/CONSTS(10)+1.00000/CONSTS(11)+CONSTS(7)/( CONSTS(11)*CONSTS(2))) ** - 1.00000 ALGBRC(7) = (1.00000/ALGBRC(1))*(1.00000/CONSTS(10)+1.00000/CONSTS(11)+CONSTS(6)/( CONSTS(10)*CONSTS(3))) ** - 1.00000 ALGBRC(8) = (1.00000/ALGBRC(1))*(1.00000/CONSTS(10)+1.00000/CONSTS(11)) ** - 1.00000 ALGBRC(9) = (1.00000+CONSTS(14)+CONSTS(15))*( CONSTS(13)*ALGBRC(2)+ CONSTS(11)*CONSTS(16))+ (1.00000+ALGBRC(2)+CONSTS(16))*( CONSTS(12)*CONSTS(14)+ CONSTS(10)*CONSTS(15)) ALGBRC(10) = ( ALGBRC(1)*( CONSTS(13)*ALGBRC(2)+ CONSTS(11)*CONSTS(16)))/ALGBRC(9) ALGBRC(11) = ( ALGBRC(1)*( CONSTS(12)*CONSTS(14)+ CONSTS(10)*CONSTS(15)))/ALGBRC(9) ALGBRC(12) = (ALGBRC(1)/ALGBRC(9))*( CONSTS(13)*ALGBRC(2)*CONSTS(10)*CONSTS(15) - CONSTS(12)*CONSTS(14)*CONSTS(11)*CONSTS(16)) ALGBRC(13) = (ALGBRC(1)/ALGBRC(9))*CONSTS(12)*CONSTS(14)*( CONSTS(13)*ALGBRC(2)+ CONSTS(11)*CONSTS(16)) ALGBRC(14) = (ALGBRC(1)/ALGBRC(9))*CONSTS(10)*CONSTS(15)*( CONSTS(13)*ALGBRC(2)+ CONSTS(11)*CONSTS(16)) ALGBRC(15) = - ALGBRC(12) RETURN END