
A Primer on Modular Mass Action Modelling with CellML
A Primer on Modular Mass Action Modelling with CellML
Acikgoz, Karim, Giri, Schmidt-Heck, Bader, 2009
Two compartment model of diazepam biotransformation in an organotypical culture of primary human hepatocytes
Acikgoz, Karim, Giri, Schmidt-Heck, Bader, 2009
Two compartment model of diazepam biotransformation in an organotypical culture of primary human hepatocytes
Aon, Cortassa, 2002
Coherent and robust modulation of a metabolic network by cytoskeletal organization and dynamics
Bakker, Mensonides, Teusink, van Hoek, Michels, Westerhoff, 2000
Compartmentation protects trypanosomes from the dangerous design of glycolysis
Bakker, Michels, Opperdoes, Westerhoff, 1997
Glycolysis in Bloodstream Form Trypanosoma brucei Can Be Understood in Terms of the Kinetics of the Glycolytic Enzymes
Beard, 2005
A biophysical model of the mitochondrial respiratory system and oxidative phosphorylation
Bertram, Pedersen, Luciani, Sherman, 2006
A simplified model for mitochondrial ATP production
Bertram, Satin, Pedersen, Luciani, Sherman, 2007
Intra- and inter-islet synchronization of metabolically driven insulin secretion
Bertram, Satin, Zhang, Smolen, Sherman, 2004
Calcium and Glycolysis Mediate Multiple Bursting Modes in Pancreatic Islets (glycolytic bursting model)
Bertram, Satin, Zhang, Smolen, Sherman, 2004
Calcium and Glycolysis Mediate Multiple Bursting Modes in Pancreatic Islets (compound bursting model)
Bertram, Smolen, Sherman, Mears, Atwater, Martin, Soria, 1995
A role for calcium release-activated current (CRAC) in cholinergic modulation of electrical activity in pancreatic beta-cells
Chassagnole, Rais, Quentin, Fell, Mazat, 2001
An integrated study of Threonine-pathway enzyme kinetics in Escherichia coli
Cloutier, Bolger, Lowry, Wellstead, 2009
An integrative dynamic model of brain energy metabolism using in vivo neurochemical measurements
Cloutier, Wellstead, 2009
The control systems structures of energy metabolism (Version A)
Cloutier, Wellstead, 2009
The control systems structures of energy metabolism (Version B)
Cloutier, Wellstead, 2009
The control systems structures of energy metabolism (Version C)
Cloutier, Wellstead, 2009
The control systems structures of energy metabolism (Version D)
Cloutier, Wellstead, 2009
The control systems structures of energy metabolism (Version E)
Cloutier, Wellstead, 2009
The control systems structures of energy metabolism (Version F)
Cortassa, Aon, Marban, Winslow, O'Rourke, 2003
An Integrated Model of Cardiac Mitrochondrial Energy Metabolism and Calcium Dynamics
Cortassa, Aon, Winslow, O'Rourke, 2004
A mitochondrial oscillator dependent on reactive oxygen species
Cronwright, Rohwer, Prior, 2002
Metabolic Control Analysis of Glycerol Synthesis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Curien, Ravanel, Dumas, 2003
A kinetic model of the branch-point between the methionine and threonine biosynthesis pathways in Arabidopsis thaliana
Dash, Bassingthwaighte, 2004
Blood HbO2 and HbCO2 dissociation curves at varied O2, CO2, pH, 2,3-DPG and temperature levels
Dijkstra, Neal, Beever, France, 1992
Simulation of nutrient digestion, absorption and outflow in the rumen: model description
A model for the dynamics of human weight cycling
Grange, Holford, Guentert, 2001
A pharmacokinetic model to predict the PK interaction of L-dopa and benserazide in rats (L-dopa)
Grange, Holford, Guentert, 2001
A pharmacokinetic model to predict the PK interaction of L-dopa and benserazide in rats (L-dopa + Benserazide)
Gupta, Maurya, Stephens, Dennis, Subramaniam, 2009
An integrated model of eicosanoid metabolism and signaling based on lipidomics flux analysis
Gupta, Maurya, Stephens, Dennis, Subramaniam, 2009
An integrated model of eicosanoid metabolism and signaling based on lipidomics flux analysis
Heyd, Drew, 2003
A mathematical model for elongation of a peptide chain
Hoefnagel, Starrenburg, Martens, Hugenholtz, Kleerebezem, Van Swam, Bongers, Westerhoff, Snoep, 2002
Metabolic engineering of lactic acid bacteria, the combined approach: kinetic modelling, metabolic control and experimental analysis
Hynne, Dano, Sorensen, 2001
Full-scale model of glycolysis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Keener, 2001
Diffusion Induced Oscillatory Insulin Secretion
Kongas, van Beek, 2001
Creatine kinase in energy metabolic signaling in muscle
Korzeniewski, Zoladz, 2001
A model of oxidative phosphorylation in mammaliam skeletal muscle
Lambeth, Kushmerick, 2002
A computational model for glycogenolysis in skeletal muscle
Martinov, Vitvitsky, Mosharov, Banerjee, Ataullakhanov, 2000
A Substrate Switch: A New Mode of Regulation in the Methionine Metabolic Pathway
Martins, Mendes, Coreiro, Freire, 2001
In situ kinetic analysis of glyoxalase I and glyoxalase II in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Michailova, McCulloch, 2001
Model study of ATP and ADP buffering, transport of Ca2+ and Mg2+, and regulation of ion pumps in ventricular myocyte
Michailova, Saucerman, Belik, McCulloch, 2005
Modeling regulation of cardiac KATP and L-type Ca2+ currents by ATP, ADP, and Mg2+
Mijailovich, Butler, Fredburg, 2000
Perturbed Equilibria of Myosin Binding in Airway Smooth Muscle: Bond-Length Distributions, Mechanics and ATP Metabolism
Mitochondrial energetic metabolism: a simplified model of TCA cycle with ATP production (scaled version)
Mitochondrial energetic metabolism: a simplified model of TCA cycle with ATP production (scaled version)
Mitochondrial energetic metabolism: a simplified model of TCA cycle with ATP production (unscaled version)
Mitochondrial energetic metabolism: a simplified model of TCA cycle with ATP production (unscaled version)
Novak, Tyson, 1993
Numerical analysis of a comprehensive model of M-phase control in Xenopus oocyte extracts and intact embryos: parameter values have been taken from the original published paper to reproduce figure 4A.
Novak, Tyson, 1993
Numerical analysis of a comprehensive model of M-phase control in Xenopus oocyte extracts and intact embryos: parameter values have been taken from the SBML model in the BioModels Database and the model simulates the synthesis and degradation of cyclin.
Novak, Tyson, 1993
Numerical analysis of a comprehensive model of M-phase control in Xenopus oocyte extracts and intact embryos: parameter values have been taken from the original published paper to reproduce figure 4A.
Novak, Tyson, 1993
Numerical analysis of a comprehensive model of M-phase control in Xenopus oocyte extracts and intact embryos: parameter values have been taken from the SBML model in the BioModels Database and the model simulates the synthesis and degradation of cyclin.
Olsen, Hauser, Kummer, 2003
Mechanism of protection of peroxidase activity by oscillatory dynamics
Overgaard, Holford, Rytved, Madsen, 2007
PKPD model of interleukin-21 effects on thermoregulation in monkeys (Baseline)
Overgaard, Holford, Rytved, Madsen, 2007
PKPD model of interleukin-21 effects on thermoregulation in monkeys (Pharmacodynamic)
Ralser, Lehrach, Krobitsch, Wamelink, Kowald, Gerisch, Heeren, Struys, Klipp, Jakobs, Breitenbach, 2007
Dynamic rerouting of the carbohydrate flux is key to counteracting oxidative stress
Reed, Nijhout, Sparks, Ulrich, 2004
A mathematical model of the methionine cycle
Salem, Saidel, Stanley, Cabrera, 2002
Mechanistic Model of Myocardial Energy Metabolism Under Normal and Ischemic Conditions
Saucerman, Brunton, Michailova, McCulloch, 2003
Modeling beta-adrenergic control of cardiac myocyte contractility in silico
Saucerman, McCulloch, 2004
Mechanistic systems models of cell signaling networks: a case study of myocyte adrenergic regulation
Sedaghat, Sherman, Quon, 2002
A mathematical model of metabolic insulin signaling pathways (without feedback)
Sedaghat, Sherman, Quon, 2002
A mathematical model of metabolic insulin signaling pathways (with feedback)
Surkis, Peskin, Tranchina, Leonard, 1998
Recovery of Cable Properties Through Active and Passive Modeling of Subthreshold Membrane Responses From Laterodorsal Tegmental Neurons
Teusink, Westerhoff, Snoep, Passarge, Reijenga, Esgalhado, van der Weijden, Schepper, Walsh, Bakker, van Dam, 2000
Can yeast glycolysis be understood in terms of in vitro kinetics of the constituent enzymes? Testing biochemistry.
Tolic, Mosekilde, Sturis, 2000
Modelling the Insulin-Glucose Feedback System: The Significance of Pulsatile Insulin Secretion
Topp, Promislow, de Vries, Miura, Finegood, 2000
A Model of Beta-Cell Mass, Insulin, and Glucose Kinetics: Paythways to Diabetes
Tran, Smith, Loiselle, Crampin, 2009
A metabolite-sensitive, thermodynamically-constrained model of cardiac cross-bridge cycling: Implications for force development during ischemia
Tran, Smith, Loiselle, Crampin, 2010
A metabolite-sensitive, thermodynamically-constrained model of cardiac cross-bridge cycling: Implications for force development during ischemia
van Beek, 2007
Adenine nucleotide-creatine-phosphate module in myocardial metabolic system explains fast phase of dynamic regulation of oxidative phosphorylation
Vaseghi, Baumeister, Rizzi, Reuss, 1999
In Vivo Dynamics of the Pentose Phosphate Pathway in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Vinnakota, Kemp, Kushmeric, 2006
Dynamics of Muscle Glycogenolysis Modeled with pH Time Course Computation and pH-Dependent Reaction Equilibria and Enzyme Kinetics (Experiment 29, 0.2% Glycogen Phosphorylase A)
Vinnakota, Kemp, Kushmeric, 2006
Dynamics of Muscle Glycogenolysis Modeled with pH Time Course Computation and pH-Dependent Reaction Equilibria and Enzyme Kinetics (Experiment 29, 40% Glycogen Phosphorylase A)
Vinnakota, Kemp, Kushmeric, 2006
Dynamics of Muscle Glycogenolysis Modeled with pH Time Course Computation and pH-Dependent Reaction Equilibria and Enzyme Kinetics (Experiment 45)
Vinnakota, Rusk, Palmer, Shankland, Kushmeric, 2010
Common Phenotype of Resting Mouse EDL and SOL Muscles: EDL
Vinnakota, Rusk, Palmer, Shankland, Kushmeric, 2010
Common Phenotype of Resting Mouse EDL and SOL Muscles: SOL
Westermark, Lansner, 2003
A Model of Phosphofructokinase and Glycolytic Oscillations in the Pancreatic Beta-cell
Wierschem, Bertram,
Complex bursting in pancreatic islets: a potential glycolytic mechanism
Wolf, Heinrich, 2000
Effect of cellular interaction on glycolytic oscillations in yeast: a theoretical investigation
Wolf, Passarge, Somsen, Snoep, Heinrich, Westerhoff, 2000
Transduction of Intracellular and Intercellular Dynamics in Yeast Glycolytic Oscillations
Wolf, Sohn, Heinrich, Kuriyama, 2001
Mathematical analysis of a mechanism for autonomous metabolic oscillations in continuous culture of Saccharomyces cerevisae
Wu, Jeneson, Beard, 2006
Oxidative ATP Synthesis in Skeletal Muscle is Controlled by Substrate Feedback
Wu, Yang, Vinnakota, Beard, 2007
Computer Modeling of Mitochondrial Tricarboxylic Acid Cycle, Oxidative Phosphorylation, Metabolite Transport, and Electrophysiology
Yang, Tong, McCarver, Hines, Beard, 2006
Population-Based Analysis of Methadone Distribution and Metabolism Using an Age-Dependent Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic Model