package annotate; import tools.CellMLLoader; import tools.CellMLReader; import cellml_api.CellMLComponent; import cellml_api.CellMLComponentIterator; import cellml_api.CellMLComponentSet; import cellml_api.CellMLVariable; import cellml_api.CellMLVariableIterator; import cellml_api.CellMLVariableSet; import cellml_api.Connection; import cellml_api.ConnectionIterator; import cellml_api.ConnectionSet; import cellml_api.MapComponents; import cellml_api.MapVariables; import cellml_api.MapVariablesIterator; import cellml_api.MapVariablesSet; import cellml_api.Model; public class AnnotateVariable { CellMLLoader cLoader; Model model; public AnnotateVariable(){ cLoader = new CellMLLoader(); } public AnnotateVariable(String url){ cLoader = new CellMLLoader(); loadModel(url); } /** Load model from URL */ private void loadModel(String url){ model = CellMLReader.loadFromURL(cLoader.getCellMLBootstrap(), url); System.out.println("Model Name:" + model.getName() + "\n"); } public Model getModel(){ return model; } /** Annotate component */ private void annotateComponent(CellMLComponent comp, AnnotationInformation info){ } /** Iterate over the CellML model elements. */ public void iterateModelElements(){ if (model==null){ System.out.println("No model loaded !"); return; } // iterate over the components from model CellMLComponentSet componentSet = model.getModelComponents(); CellMLComponentIterator iter = componentSet.iterateComponents(); for(int i = 0; i < componentSet.getLength(); i++){ CellMLComponent comp = iter.nextComponent(); System.out.println("Component Name:" + comp.getName()); // iterate ove all variables in the component CellMLVariableSet variableSet = comp.getVariables(); CellMLVariableIterator varIter = variableSet.iterateVariables(); for(int j = 0; j < variableSet.getLength(); j ++){ CellMLVariable variable = varIter.nextVariable(); System.out.println("Variable Name:"+variable.getName()+ " [" + variable.getUnitsName() + "]"); } System.out.println(); } // iterate over the connections of the components ConnectionSet connectionSet = model.getConnections(); ConnectionIterator conIter = connectionSet.iterateConnections(); for(int i = 0; i < connectionSet.getLength(); i++){ Connection connection = conIter.nextConnection(); MapComponents mapComponent = connection.getComponentMapping(); System.out.println("Connection Component1: "+mapComponent.getFirstComponentName() + " Component2: " + mapComponent.getSecondComponentName()); MapVariablesSet variableSet = connection.getVariableMappings(); MapVariablesIterator varIter = variableSet.iterateMapVariables(); for(int j =0; j < variableSet.getLength(); j++){ MapVariables mapVar = varIter.nextMapVariable(); System.out.println("\t Variable1: "+mapVar.getFirstVariableName() + " Variable2: " + mapVar.getSecondVariableName()); } System.out.println(); } } public static void main(String [] args ){ String url = ""; AnnotateVariable avtest = new AnnotateVariable(url); avtest.iterateModelElements(); } }