Metabolic Component Library for CellML

Matthias Koenig [1] & Randall Britten [2]
[1] Charite Berlin,
[2] Auckland Bioengineering Institute

Implementation of standardized reaction kinetics in CellML for reuse in metabolic models. The library covers the metabolic function definitions for processes from COPASI 4.8 (Bulid 35).


Substrate(s) : S (S1, S2, ...)
Product(s) : P (P1, P2, ... )
Inhibitor(s) : I (I1, I2, ...)
Activator(s) : A (A1, A2, ...)
Modifier(s) : M (M1, M2, ...)

#* Render the HTML overview dynamically based on the defined components. Changes in the underlying definitions of the components will be directly reflected in the documentation. *# #foreach( $c in $cSet )


(Validation Errors: ${c.getNValidationErrors()})

#foreach ( $var in $c.getVariablesFromKineticsComponent() ) $var
#foreach( $m in $c.getSBGNSet()) $m
#foreach( $m in $c.getSBGNSet()) ${m}    #end
