package componentlibrary; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.TreeMap; import tools.CellMLLoader; import tools.CellMLReader; import cellml_api.CellMLComponent; import cellml_api.CellMLComponentIterator; import cellml_api.CellMLComponentSet; import cellml_api.CellMLVariable; import cellml_api.CellMLVariableIterator; import cellml_api.CellMLVariableSet; import cellml_api.Model; import cellml_services.CellMLValidityError; import cellml_services.CellMLValidityErrorSet; import cellml_services.VACSService; /* Exented RComponent which also handles the CellMLComponent information * defined for the RComponent, thereby providing access to the variables * and math. */ public class RCellMLComponent extends RComponent{ private static String LIBRARY_FOLDER = "C:/Users/mkoenig/Desktop/CellML/models/MetabolicLibraryCellML/"; private CellMLLoader cLoader; private Model model; public RCellMLComponent(RComponent c){ super(c); cLoader = new CellMLLoader(); model = loadCellmlModelForRComponent(); assert(model.getName() == this.getName()); assert(getKineticsComponent() != null); assert(getTestComponent() != null); //TODO: how to make asserts that are tested? } public Model getModel(){ return model; } public String getCellmlFile(){ return LIBRARY_FOLDER + "library/" + this.getName() + ".cellml"; } private Model loadCellmlModelForRComponent() { Model model = CellMLReader.loadFromURL(cLoader.getCellMLBootstrap(), this.getCellmlFile()); return model; } private CellMLComponent getComponentByName(String name){ CellMLComponentSet componentSet = model.getModelComponents(); // use the iterator to find the respective component CellMLComponentIterator iter = componentSet.iterateComponents(); for(int i = 0; i < componentSet.getLength(); i++){ CellMLComponent c = iter.nextComponent(); if (c.getName().equals(name)){ return c; } } return null; } /* Returns the test component */ public CellMLComponent getTestComponent(){ String name = "Test"; return getComponentByName(name); } /* Returns the kinetics component */ public CellMLComponent getKineticsComponent(){ String name = this.getName(); return getComponentByName(name); } public List getVariablesFromKineticsComponent(){ CellMLComponent comp = this.getKineticsComponent(); List vars = getVariablesFromComponent(comp); return vars; } /* Returns list of the variables and the respective units for the components */ private static List getVariablesFromComponent(CellMLComponent c){ List vars = new LinkedList(); CellMLVariableSet variableSet = c.getVariables(); CellMLVariableIterator varIter = variableSet.iterateVariables(); for (int j = 0; j < variableSet.getLength(); j++) { CellMLVariable variable = varIter.nextVariable(); String s = (variable.getName() + " ["+ variable.getUnitsName() + "]"); vars.add(s); } return vars; } public static TreeMap generateRCellMLComponents(TreeMap cMap){ TreeMap rccMap = new TreeMap(); for (String key: cMap.keySet()){ RCellMLComponent rcc = new RCellMLComponent(cMap.get(key)); rccMap.put(key, rcc); } return rccMap; } /* TODO: proper parsing of the validation information * TODO: every call makes a full validation against the CellML * API specification */ public long getNValidationErrors(){ // validate the CellML file (VACSS) System.loadLibrary("java_vacss"); VACSService vService = cellml_bootstrap.VACSSBootstrap.createVACSService(); CellMLValidityErrorSet vErrorSet = vService.validateModel(model); long NErrors = vErrorSet.getNValidityErrors(); if (NErrors != 0){ System.out.println("Validation errors: " + NErrors); for (int k=0; k " + vError.toString()); System.out.println(vError.getDescription()); } } return NErrors; } }