package annotate; import pjm.XPCOMDerived; import cellml_api.CellMLComponent; import cellml_api.Model; import cellml_api.RDFRepresentation; import rdf_api.TripleEnumerator; import rdf_api.TripleSet; import rdf_api.Triple; import rdf_api.RDFAPIRepresentation; import rdf_api.DataSource; import rdf_api.Node; import rdf_api.URIReference; import tools.CellMLWriter; /* * Model annotations should be generated as RDF bags in the following format: SBML annotation: CellML annotation: */ public class AnnotationTest { public static void getTripletsFromModel(Model model){ // Retrieve the RDF representation for the model RDFRepresentation rdfrep = model.getRDFRepresentation(""); RDFAPIRepresentation rar = pjm2pcm.rdf_api.RDFAPIRepresentation.queryInterface( (XPCOMDerived) model.getRDFRepresentation( "" ) ); DataSource ds = rar.getSource(); TripleSet tripleSet = ds.getAllTriples(); TripleEnumerator tripleEnumerator = tripleSet.enumerateTriples(); System.out.println("RDF Triplets in current model:"); while (true) { Triple triple = tripleEnumerator.getNextTriple(); if (triple == null) break; System.out.println("--------------------"); // TODO: better RDF output Node nObject = triple.getObject(); System.out.println(nObject.toString()); Node pObject = triple.getPredicate(); System.out.println(pObject.toString()); Node sObject = triple.getSubject(); System.out.println(sObject.toString()); } // TODO: make changes and write the source back rar.setSource(ds); } /* Generate the following RDF annotation test title */ private static void setComponentRdfInModel(CellMLComponent c, Model model){ // get/set the metaID for the component so one can refer in the RDF to it String metaID = c.getCmetaId(); if (metaID == null || metaID.length()==0){ //TODO: what is standard way to create metaIDs? metaID = c.getName() + "_0001"; c.setCmetaId(metaID); } System.out.println("metaID: "+metaID); rdf_api.RDFAPIRepresentation rar = pjm2pcm.rdf_api.RDFAPIRepresentation.queryInterface( (XPCOMDerived) model.getRDFRepresentation( "" ) ); DataSource ds = rar.getSource( ); rar.setSource( ds ); // Get the link reference URIReference compResource = ds.getURIReference( "#" + metaID ); String titleURI = ""; String title = "test title"; URIReference uriRef = ds.getURIReference( titleURI ); compResource.createTripleOutOf( uriRef, ds.getTypedLiteral(title, titleURI ) ); rar.setSource( ds ); //String s = model.getSerialisedText( ); //String formattedS = new XMLFormatter( ).format( s ); //System.out.println( formattedS ); } public void createTriplett(String pSubject, String pBioQualifier, String pResource, String pId){ //When setting RDF annotations, you can use the rdf_api methods (see the documentation for details), e.g. // To refer to a component from RDF, you need to give the component a unique // cmeta:id (if it doesn't already have one)... // mycomponent.setCmetaId("someuniqueidentifier"); // URIReference compResource = ds.getURIReference("#" + mycomponent.getCmetaId()); // compResource.createTripleOutOf(ds.getURIReference(""), ds.getPlainLiteral("my plain English value", "en")); /* new CellmlFileRdfTriple(this, rdfTriple); CellmlFileRdfTriple mType = pType; mModelQualifier = pModelQualifier; mBioQualifier = pBioQualifier; mResource = pResource; mId = pId; // needs the file reference for init CellmlFileRdfTriple CellmlFileRdfTripletElement */ //Node mSubject = new CellmlFileRdfTripleElement() /* CellmlFileRdfTriple::CellmlFileRdfTriple(CellmlFile *pCellmlFile, const QString pSubject, const BioQualifier &pBioQualifier, const QString &pResource, const QString &pId){ // Construct ourselves constructor(pCellmlFile, 0, BioModelsDotNetQualifier, ModelUnknown, pBioQualifier, pResource, pId); // Create our RDF triple elements mSubject = new CellmlFileRdfTripleElement(pSubject); mPredicate = new CellmlFileRdfTripleElement(QString("").arg(bioQualifierAsString(pBioQualifier).remove(QRegularExpression("^bio:")))); mObject = new CellmlFileRdfTripleElement(QString("").arg(pResource, pId)); } */ } public static void main(String[] args){ //String url = ""; String url = "./models/TestModel.cellml"; AnnotateVariable avtest = new AnnotateVariable(url); //avtest.iterateModelElements(); Model model = avtest.getModel(); getTripletsFromModel(model); // set RDF for the first component CellMLComponent c = model.getAllComponents().getComponent("component1"); setComponentRdfInModel(c, model); CellMLWriter.writeToFile(model, "./models/TestModelRDF.cellml"); } }