Location: Takotsubo modelling, Land et al. 2014 @ 43f172b9541e / readme.txt

Sander Land <sander.land@kcl.ac.uk>
2015-12-09 11:13:55+00:00
Bug fix for filament overlap function
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This workspace contains the contraction models for "Computational modelling of Takotsubo cardiomyopathy", Land et al. AJP 2014

Land_et_al_2012 v2 : Original cell model from Land et al. Journal of Physiology, 2012
Takotsubo_Ca    : Model adapted for spatially varying Ca due to beta-adrenergic stimulation. Includes Ca transients
Takotsubo_Ca50  : Likewise, but for calcium sensitivity
Takotsubo_Tref  : Likewise, but for maximum active tension

Update December 2015: Bug fixed in filament overlap function (lambda_s)