Location: Synchronized Scene Viewer @ bc753db6effa / syncviewer.rst

jagirhussan <r.jagir@auckland.ac.nz>
2016-04-06 08:49:48+12:00
rst changes
Permanent Source URI:

This plugin provides synchronized OpenGL views. All the views react to the mouse actions performed in a view. 
This allows, for instance, to view internal organs, catheters, scopes etc in separate views and in a compound view and orient them.
The rendered structures range from meshes, images and glyphs and can be setup using the OpenCMISS ZINC API.

.. image:: .\SynchronizedViewer.png

The software has been developed by The Software Development Group at the Auckland Bioengineering Institute. 
The plugins are made available under MedTech CORE license and can be accessed by MedTech CORE community free of charge. 
Commercial use requires license.

The following platform specific files are available:

* A `windows DLL <libnz_ac_auckland_abi_medtech_synchronizedviewer.dll/view>`__
* A Linux `shared object <libnz_ac_auckland_abi_medtech_synchronizedviewer.so/view>`__


softgroup at auckland dot ac dot nz