Location: SPARC MIS Data Model @ c664f73a3975 / prov-o-primer-example.ttl

David Nickerson <david.nickerson@gmail.com>
2018-11-15 17:55:53+13:00
Adding initial attempt at basic provenance classes and properties. * Treating existing 'Resource' class as the core entity as per PROV-O * Adding new 'Agent' and 'Activity' classes * Make the existing 'Researcher' class a subclass of Agent * Adding new 'Software' class as a subclass of the Agent class * Defining the relevant properties to describe the provenance linkages * Software can be described with a text description and/or a URI pointing to the software
Permanent Source URI:

@prefix rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#> .
@prefix prov: <http://www.w3.org/ns/prov#> .
@prefix exn: <http://www.example.org#> .
@prefix exg: <http://www.example.org#> .
@prefix exc: <http://www.example.org#> .
@prefix exb: <http://www.example.org#> .
@prefix dcterms: <http://purl.org/dc/terms/> .
@prefix foaf: <http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/> .
@prefix xsd: <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> .

# The examples below are taken from, and follow the same order
# as in the W3C PROV Primer, http://www.w3.org/TR/prov-primer/

# Entities

exn:article      a prov:Entity ;
                 dcterms:title "Crime rises in cities" .
exg:dataset1     a prov:Entity .
exc:regionList   a prov:Entity .
exc:composition1 a prov:Entity .
exc:chart1       a prov:Entity .

# Activities

exc:compile1    a prov:Activity .
exc:compose1    a prov:Activity .
exc:illustrate1 a prov:Activity .

# Usage and Generation

exc:compose1     prov:used           exg:dataset1 ;
                 prov:used           exc:regionList .
exc:composition1 prov:wasGeneratedBy exc:compose1 .
exc:illustrate1  prov:used           exc:composition1 .
exc:chart1       prov:wasGeneratedBy exc:illustrate1 .

# Agents and Responsibility

exc:compose1    prov:wasAssociatedWith exc:derek .
exc:illustrate1 prov:wasAssociatedWith exc:derek .
exc:derek a prov:Agent ;
          a prov:Person ;
          foaf:givenName "Derek"^^xsd:string ;
          foaf:mbox      <mailto:derek@example.org> .
exc:derek prov:actedOnBehalfOf exc:chartgen .
exc:chartgen a prov:Agent ;
             a prov:Organization ;
             foaf:name "Chart Generators Inc" .
exc:chart1 prov:wasAttributedTo exc:derek .

# Roles
exc:dataToCompose        a prov:Role .
exc:regionsToAggregateBy a prov:Role .
exc:composedData         a prov:Role .
exc:analyst              a prov:Role .
exc:compose1 prov:qualifiedUsage [
               a prov:Usage ;
               prov:entity  exg:dataset1 ;
               prov:hadRole exc:dataToCompose 
] .    
exc:compose1 prov:qualifiedUsage [
               a prov:Usage ;
               prov:entity  exc:regionList ;
               prov:hadRole exc:regionsToAggregateBy
] .
exc:compose1 prov:qualifiedAssociation [
               a prov:Association ;
               prov:agent    exc:derek ;
               prov:hadRole  exc:analyst
] .
exc:composition1 prov:qualifiedGeneration [
                   a prov:Generation ;
                   prov:activity  exc:compose1 ;
                   prov:hadRole   exc:composedData
] .

# Revision and Derivation

exg:dataSet2 a prov:Entity ;
             prov:wasRevisionOf exg:dataset1 .
exc:chart2   a prov:Entity ;
             prov:wasDerivedFrom exg:dataSet2 .
exc:chart2   a prov:Entity ;
             prov:wasRevisionOf exc:chart1 .
# Plans

exg:correct1    a prov:Activity .
exg:edith       a prov:Agent, prov:Person .
exg:instructions a prov:Plan .
exg:correct1 prov:qualifiedAssociation [
               a prov:Association ;
               prov:agent   exg:edith ;
               prov:hadPlan exg:instructions
] .
exg:dataSet2 prov:wasGeneratedBy exg:correct1 .
# Time

exc:chart1 prov:generatedAtTime "2012-03-02T10:30:00"^^xsd:dateTime .
exc:chart2 prov:generatedAtTime "2012-04-01T15:21:00"^^xsd:dateTime .
exg:correct1 prov:startedAtTime "2012-03-31T09:21:00"^^xsd:dateTime ;
             prov:endedAtTime   "2012-04-01T15:21:00"^^xsd:dateTime .
# Alternate Entities and Specialization

exn:quoteInBlogEntry-20130326 a prov:Entity ;
                             prov:wasQuotedFrom exn:article .

exn:articleV1 a prov:Entity ;
              prov:specializationOf exn:article .
exn:articleV2 prov:specializationOf exn:article .
exn:articleV2 prov:alternateOf      exn:articleV1 .