Location: Hodgkin & Huxley (1952) model @ 01b5e3d2e6dd / components / units.cellml

WeiweiAi <wai484@aucklanduni.ac.nz>
2021-04-27 14:28:37+12:00
Change .xml to cellml; Add temperature_factor.cellml and corresponding modification to include tempeature in the model; Add clamped_current.cellml, voltage_clamp_protocol.cellml and voltage_clamp_experiment.cellml to simulate membrance current during voltage clamp ( there is an issue at -10 mV but works fine at other voltage conditions); Add propagated_AP.cellml and AP_propagation_experiment.cellml to simulate propagated action potential (issue: the AP doesn't fall); Add data derived from the figures in the original paper using Engauge Digitizer;
Permanent Source URI:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<model xmlns="http://www.cellml.org/cellml/1.1#" xmlns:cellml="http://www.cellml.org/cellml/1.1#" name="units">
  <units name="ms">
    <unit units="second" prefix="milli"/>
  <units name="per_ms">
    <unit units="ms" exponent="-1"/>
  <units name="per_ms_mV">
    <unit units="ms" exponent="-1"/>
    <unit units="mV" exponent="-1"/>
  <units name="mV">
    <unit units="volt" prefix="milli"/>
  <units name="mV_per_ms">
    <unit units="mV"/>
    <unit units="ms" exponent="-1"/>
  <units name="cm">
    <unit units="metre" prefix="centi"/>
  <units name="uA">
    <unit units="ampere" prefix="micro"/>
  <units name="uA_per_cmsq">
    <unit units="uA"/>
    <unit units="cm" exponent="-2"/>
  <units name="mS">
    <unit units="siemens" prefix="milli"/>
  <units name="mS_per_cmsq">
    <unit units="mS"/>
    <unit units="cm" exponent="-2"/>
  <units name="uF">
    <unit units="farad" prefix="micro"/>
  <units name="uF_per_cmsq">
    <unit units="uF"/>
    <unit units="cm" exponent="-2"/>