Location: Hodgkin & Huxley (1952) model @ d9231655dc62 / doc / gate_initials.rst

WeiweiAi <wai484@aucklanduni.ac.nz>
2021-08-10 15:00:21+12:00
Add activation_function.cell, gating_experiment.cell and gating_experiment.sedml to simulate activation function and tau as function of V; Modify and add more plot scripts and figures for Physiome articles
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Gate initialization

The `gate_initials.cellml <../components/gate_initials.cellml>`_ computes the initial values of m, n and h based on the value of membrane potential :math:`V`, while the `gate_steady.cellml <../components/gate_steady.cellml>`_ defines the equation of steady state values of m, n and h gates.
This component is imported by experimental models and parameterised according to the experiment settings.