Location: 12 Labours Kidney Epithelial model @ 74195ac8689f / NaK_Pump_Weinstein / doc / components.rst

leyla <noroozbabaee@gmail.com>
2021-06-28 20:13:23+12:00
Conversion of the Epithelial Modules From Python to CellML
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Components:NaK Pump

CellML divides the mathematical model into distinct components, which are able to be re-used.
The main CellML components are:

- To generate the required variables which will be considered as an input for the SGLT transporter component <../components/Generator.cellml>
- To see the formulation for KCl transporter, go to <../components/NaK.cellml>
- Parameters specified for NaK pump in Weinstein 1992  <../components/Weinstein_NaK_92.cellml>
- To run the experiment, go to <experiment_NaK.cellml>.

Nak CellML model can be  reused in future studies and models.