Location: BG_B1AR @ de4ddbbb4986 / exposure / exposure_frontpage.rst

Shelley Fong <s.fong@auckland.ac.nz>
2021-11-17 11:24:58+13:00
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About this model

This is a bond graph model of beta-1 adrenergic receptor ( :math:`{\beta}` 1AR) metabolism in the cardiac cell.

        - Ligand stimulus e.g. isoproterenol
        - Change in molar amount of :math:`{\beta}` 1AR, :math:`{\beta}` 1AR\ :sub:`p`\, :math:`{\beta}` 1AR\ :sub:`d`\

Model status

The current CellML implementation runs in OpenCOR.

Model overview
This model is made by from an existing kinetic model, and translating the mathematics into the bond-graph formalism. 

A description of the process to find bond-graph parameter is shown in the folder    `parameter_finder <parameter_finder>`_, which relies on the:

1. stoichiometry of system

2. kinetic constants for forward/reverse reactions

  - If not already, all reactions are made reversible by assigning a small value to the reverse  direction.
3. `linear algebra script <https://models.physiomeproject.org/workspace/6ba/file/c32be022513dc4b620d74803a6ace6ca2d817e11/parameter_finder/find_BG_parameters.py>`_. 

Here, this solve process is performed in Python.

Original kinetic model
Saucerman et al: `Modeling beta-adrenergic control of cardiac myocyte contractility in silico. <https://models.physiomeproject.org/exposure/9766d9bd0325c31e47a31b291e26ccad>`_