Location: BG_crossbridge_TRPN @ 32c639d05623 / exposure / exposure_frontpage.rst

Shelley Fong <s.fong@auckland.ac.nz>
2022-01-27 10:10:30+13:00
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About this model

This is a bond-graph model of cardiac contraction in the human cardiomyocyte.

        - Intracellular calcium transient [Ca]_i
        - Tension generated by sarcomere
        - R.TRPN_Ca: Binding of Ca to troponin (TRPN)
        - R.BU: Spontaneous switching of crossbridge from B (blocked) to U (unbound) states
        - R.UW: Spontaneous switching of crossbridge from U to W (pre-powerstroke) states
        - R.WS: Spontaneous switching of crossbridge from W to S (powerstroke) states
        - R.SU: Spontaneous switching of crossbridge from S to U states

Model status

The current CellML implementation runs in OpenCOR.

Model overview
This model is based on existing kinetic model, where the mathematics are translated into the bond-graph formalism. This describes the model in energetic terms and forces adherence to the laws of thermodynamics. 

For the following bond-graphs, all enzymes are shown in maroon.
A '0' node refers to a junction where all chemical potentials are the same. A '1' node refers to all fluxes being the same going in and out of the junction.

.. csv-table:: List of chemical species
   :header: "Abbreviation", "Name"
   :widths: 5, 15 
   "Gs", "Gs protein"

Biochemical reactions

For reaction TRPN_Ca, the rate of Ca unbinding from TRPN is tension dependent. The term was fitted with an exponential function, which is then used as a transformer **TF** in the resultant bond-graph.

.. figure:: exposure/XBstates.png
   :width: 100%
   :align: center
   :alt: BG BUWS
   Fig. 1. Bond-graph formulation of calcium binding troponin, with the resulting complex participating in the crossbridge cycle with states B (blocked), U (unbound), W( pre-powerstroke), S (powerstroke).


Tension generation

For differential terms involving tension and displacement, a mass-spring-damper system was used to approximate the model in order to enable translation into bond-graph mathematics.
Length terms were dimensionalised through the resting sarcomere length SL_0, and quantities of crossbridge units were dimensionalised through the estimated number of myosin binding sites per sarcomere.

.. figure:: exposure/BG_dampers.png
   :width: 65%
   :align: center
   :alt: BG dampers
   Fig. 1. Bond-graph formulations for distortion states, leading to calculation of active tension (Ta). Each of the three equations are modelled as a 1 node, with sum of potentials of the bonds equalling zero.

Parameter finding
A description of the process to find bond-graph parameters is shown in the folder    `parameter_finder <parameter_finder>`_, which relies on the:

1. stoichiometry of system

2. kinetic constants for forward/reverse reactions

  - If not already, all reactions are made reversible by assigning a small value to the reverse  direction.
3. `linear algebra script <https://models.physiomeproject.org/workspace/7f9/file/81651458e3a778c5aabafa5556d3713829682b19/parameter_finder/kinetic_parameters_crossbridge.py>`_. 

Here, this solve process is performed in Python.

Original kinetic model
Land et al: `A model of cardiac contraction based on novel measurements of tension development in human cardiomyocytes <https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28392437>`_

Additional detail on the binding of TRPN to Ca was taken from 
Niederer et al: `A quantitative analysis of cardiac myocyte relaxation: a simulation study <https://models.physiomeproject.org/exposure/d3849e5de91b0b94de79c30548a44a79>`_