Location: ECC_MSK (Rios et al. 1993) @ 113b9d7fbceb / Components / buildsrc / txt2cellml.ps1

WeiweiAi <wai484@aucklanduni.ac.nz>
2022-07-12 17:11:03+12:00
Change the stimulation protocol to double pulse with conditioning; add steady state equations
Permanent Source URI:

## Convert .txt to .cellml
# If this script cannot be loaded, type "Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope Process" in the PowerShell terminal
# The OpenCOR installation folder path
$dpath= 'C:/Users/wai484/Documents/OpenCOR'
# The text file name
# The model directory where .txt files are saved
# The model directory where .cellml files are saved
# Execute the command to do the conversion
foreach ($txtfile in $txtfiles)
  .$dpath/OpenCOR -c CellMLTextView::export $tpath/$txtfile.txt | out-file $cpath/$txtfile.cellml -encoding utf8
.$dpath/OpenCOR -c CellMLTextView::export $tpath/$txtfile.txt | out-file $cpath/$txtfile.cellml -encoding utf8
.$dpath/OpenCOR -c CellMLTextView::export $tpath/$txtfile.txt | out-file $cpath/$txtfile.cellml -encoding utf8