Location: ECC_MSK (Rios et al. 1993) @ 113b9d7fbceb / Simulation / src / simFig4.py

WeiweiAi <wai484@aucklanduni.ac.nz>
2022-07-12 17:11:03+12:00
Change the stimulation protocol to double pulse with conditioning; add steady state equations
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# importing modules
import sys as sys
import os 
import numpy

# Getting the name of the directory where this file is present.
current = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))  # src
# Getting the parent directory name where the current directory is present.
parent = os.path.dirname(current) # Simulation
# Getting the grandparent directory name
gparent = os.path.dirname(parent) # RecruitmentSynchronization_SMCs
# The path where the simExp.py is saved
mpath = gparent + '\\cellLib\\Scripts'
# appending a path
import simExp
# The simulation .sedml file
simfile = gparent+'\\Experiments\\MWC_10_test.sedml'
# Set the parameters for simulation
start, ending, pointInterval = 0, 420, 0.01

indexStart = int(200/pointInterval)
indexEnd = int(ending/pointInterval) + 1  
varSet = {'clamp_para/t_act':{'constants':200},'free_para_10/K':{'constants':4.5},'free_para_10/V0':{'constants':-20}}
varLoop = {'clamp_para/V_actTest':{'constants':numpy.array(range(-100, 52, 2))}}
varSave = {'clamp_para/V_actTest':{'constants':True},'output_10/P_o':{'algebraic':True},'output_10/Q':{'algebraic':True},'output_10/P_ss':{'algebraic':True},'output_10/Q_ss':{'algebraic':True}}
simExp.simExp(simfile, savefiles,start, ending, pointInterval,indexStart,indexEnd,varSet,varLoop,varSave)