Location: ECC_MSK (Rios et al. 1993) @ 25fefc9d5db1 / Doc / MWC_18_experiment.rst

WeiweiAi <wai484@aucklanduni.ac.nz>
2022-07-13 14:40:08+12:00
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MWC-18 model experiment

In the `MWC_18_experiment <Experiments/MWC_18_test.cellml/view>`_, the `MWC-18 model <../Components/MWC_18.cellml>`_ is configured and parameterised with an applied `voltage clamp protocol <../cellLib/Protocols/dPulse_protocol_ms.cellml>`_. 

You can change the parameters of stimulation in the component ``clamp_para``. You can also bypass the parameters in the components ``free_para_10`` and ``Para``, and define your own parameters.

Steady states 

Figure [#]_ shows the voltage dependencies and transfer function in reference simulation.

.. [#]

.. figure::  ../Simulation/simFig13_r.png
   :width: 75%
   :align: center
   :alt: simFig13r
Figure [#]_ shows the voltage dependencies and transfer function in perchlorate simulation.

.. [#]

.. figure::  ../Simulation/simFig13_p.png
   :width: 75%
   :align: center
   :alt: simFig13p

Kinetic transients 

Figure [#]_ shows charge movement transients with different test voltages in reference and perchlorate simulation .

.. [#]

.. figure::  ../Simulation/simFig_14.png
   :width: 75%
   :align: center
   :alt: simFig14