Location: A review of cardiac cellular electrophysiology models @ 797bc599b7ec / dojo-presentation / js / dojo / dojox / gfx / demos / data / buratino.json

David Nickerson <david.nickerson@gmail.com>
2021-09-15 23:15:11+12:00
update jupyter notebook with FK model results
Permanent Source URI:

	{name: "bg",			shape: {type: "image", width: 321, height: 355, src: "data/buratino-bg.png"}},
	{name: "left-arm",		shape: {type: "image", width: 111, height:  40, src: "data/buratino-left-arm.png"}},
	{name: "right-arm",		shape: {type: "image", width:  59, height: 130, src: "data/buratino-right-arm.png"}},
	{name: "left-leg",		shape: {type: "image", width: 152, height:  99, src: "data/buratino-left-leg.png"}},
	{name: "right-leg",		shape: {type: "image", width: 104, height: 158, src: "data/buratino-right-leg.png"}},
	{name: "torso",			shape: {type: "image", width:  90, height: 130, src: "data/buratino-torso.png"}},
	{name: "head",			shape: {type: "image", width: 116, height: 139, src: "data/buratino-head.png"}},
	{name: "nose-medium",	shape: {type: "image", width:  50, height:  43, src: "data/buratino-nose-medium.png"}},
	{name: "nose-large",	shape: {type: "image", width:  70, height:  66, src: "data/buratino-nose-large.png"}},
	{name: "lollipop",		shape: {type: "image", width:  82, height: 144, src: "data/buratino-lollipop.png"}}