Location: A review of cardiac cellular electrophysiology models @ a80b964384c0 / dojo-presentation / js / dojo / dijit / tests / layout / test_BorderContainer_experimental.html

David Nickerson <nickerso@users.sourceforge.net>
2010-05-04 12:37:19+12:00
adding initial version of SED-ML L1V1 file reproducing what is in graphs/BR-INa-variants.xml
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This is a test

This is only a test. An experiment in dynamically altering a BorderContainer's layout (a seemingly unsupported feature just yet). It Demonstrates how to programatically alter/animate the size of non-center regions though, and several simple layout configurations


Sinlge pane - l1

two panes, vertical split:

Sinlge pane - left
Sinlge pane - center Size Me
Single pane - center (splitter) (this is unsupported, and does not work)
Single pane - right (no splitter)
Single pane - center (no splitter)
Single pane - right (splitter)
Single pane - top (splitter)
Single pane - center
Single pane - center
Single Pane Bottom (splitter)
Single Pane Top (splitter)