Location: A review of cardiac cellular electrophysiology models @ a80b964384c0 / dojo-presentation / js / dojo / dojox / color / Generator.js

David Nickerson <nickerso@users.sourceforge.net>
2010-05-04 12:37:19+12:00
adding initial version of SED-ML L1V1 file reproducing what is in graphs/BR-INa-variants.xml
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dojo.deprecated("dojox.color.Generator", 1.3);

dojox.color.Generator = new (function(){
	var dxc=dojox.color;

	//	common helper functions
	var prep=function(obj){
			console.warn("dojox.color.Generator:: no base color was passed. ", obj);
			return null;
			//	either a raw string or object, return a Color.
			obj=new dxc.Color(obj);
		return obj;

	var factors=function(n, high, low){
		var ret=[], i, step=(high-low)/n, cur=high;
		for(i=0; i<n; i++,cur-=step){ ret.push(cur); }
		return ret;

	var fill=function(color, num, factors){
		var c=factors.length-1, a=[], r, g, b;
		for(var i=0; i<num; i++){
				 a.push(new dxc.Color({ r:r, g:g, b:b }));
			else if(i==factors.length){
			else {
				if(c<0){ c=factors.length-1; }	//	just in case.
				a.push(new dxc.Color({ r:r, g:g, b:b }));
		return a;
	var flatten=function(matrix, limit){
		var ret=[];
		for(var i=0; i<matrix[0].length; i++){
			for(var j=0; j<matrix.length; j++){
		return ret.slice(0, limit);

	dojox.color.__AnalogousArgs = function(){
		//	base: String | dojox.Color
		//		The base color from which to derive all other colors.
		//	series: Number
		//		The number of lines to generate
		//	num: Number
		//		The number of colors to generate
		//	angleHigh: Number
		//		The high hue angle of difference from the base color, subtracted
		//	angleLow: Number
		//		The low hue angle of difference from the base color, added
		//	high: Float
		//		The high part of the range to generate tints and shades
		//	low: Float
		//		The low part of the range to generate tints and shades
		this.base = base;
		this.series = series;
		this.num = num;
		this.angleHigh = angleHigh;
		this.angleLow = angleLow;
		this.high = high;
		this.low = low;
	this.analogous= function(/* dojox.color.__AnalogousArgs */kwArgs){
		//	summary
		//	generates n colors based on a base color, based on a fixed hue angle delta
		//	(relative to the base hue) with slight variations in saturation.
			series:4,				//	number of analogous lines to generate
			num:32,					//	number of colors to derive
			angleHigh:30,			//	the angle of difference to use, subtracted
			angleLow:8,				//	the angle of difference to use, added
			high:0.5,				//	high part of range to generate tints and shades
			low:0.15				//	low part of range to generate tints and shades
		}, kwArgs||{});
		var base=prep(kwArgs.base, "analogous");
		if(!base){ return []; }

		//	let start the generation.  We use series to move further away from the center.
		var num=kwArgs.num, hsv=base.toHsv();
		var rows=kwArgs.series+1, cols=Math.ceil(num/rows);
		var fs=factors(Math.floor(cols/2), kwArgs.high, kwArgs.low);

		//	generate the angle differences
		var ang=[];
		var gen=Math.floor(kwArgs.series/2);
		for(var i=1; i<=gen; i++){
			var a=hsv.h+((kwArgs.angleLow*i)+1);
			if(a>=360){ a-=360; }
		for(i=1; i<=gen; i++){
			if(a<0){ a+=360; }

		var m=[], cur=0;
		for(i=0; i<rows; i++){
			m.push(fill(dxc.fromHsv({ h: ang[cur++], s:hsv.s, v:hsv.v }), cols, fs));
		return flatten(m, num);	//	Array
	dojox.color.__GeneratorArgs = function(){
		//	base: String | dojox.Color
		//		The base color from which to derive all other colors.
		//	num: Number
		//		The number of colors to generate
		//	high: Float
		//		The high part of the range to generate tints and shades
		//	low: Float
		//		The low part of the range to generate tints and shades
		this.base = base;
		this.num = num;
		this.high = high;
		this.low = low;
	this.monochromatic = function(/* dojox.color.__GeneratorArgs */kwArgs){
		//	summary
		//	generates n colors based on a base color, using alterations to the RGB model only.
			num:32,					//	number of colors to derive
			high:0.5,				//	high factor to generate tints and shades
			low:0.15				//	low factor to generate tints and shades
		}, kwArgs||{});
		var base=prep(kwArgs.base, "monochromatic");
		if(!base){ return []; }

		var fs=factors(Math.floor(kwArgs.num/2), kwArgs.high, kwArgs.low);
		var a=fill(base, kwArgs.num, fs);
		return a;	// Array
	this.triadic = function(/* dojox.color.__GeneratorArgs */kwArgs){
		//	summary
		//	generates n colors from a base color, using the triadic rules, rough
		//	approximation from kuler.adobe.com.
			num:32,					//	number of colors to derive
			high:0.5,				//	high factor to generate tints and shades
			low:0.15				//	low factor to generate tints and shades
		}, kwArgs||{});
		var base=prep(kwArgs.base, "triadic");
		if(!base){ return []; }

		var num=kwArgs.num, rows=3, cols=Math.ceil(num/rows), fs=factors(Math.floor(cols/2), kwArgs.high, kwArgs.low);
		var m=[], hsv=base.toHsv();

		//	hue calculations
		var h1=hsv.h+57, h2=hsv.h-157;
		if(h1>360){ h1-=360; }
		if(h2<0){ h2+=360; }

		//	sat calculations
		var s1=(hsv.s>=20) ? hsv.s-10 : hsv.s+10;
		var s2=(hsv.s>=95) ? hsv.s-5 : hsv.s+5;

		//	value calcs
		var v2=(hsv.v>=70) ? hsv.v-30 : hsv.v+30;
		m.push(fill(dojox.color.fromHsv({ h:h1, s:s1, v:hsv.v }), cols, fs));
		m.push(fill(base, cols, fs));
		m.push(fill(dojox.color.fromHsv({ h:h2, s:s2, v:v2 }), cols, fs));
		return flatten(m, num);	//	Array
	this.complementary = function(/* dojox.color.__GeneratorArgs */kwArgs){
		//	summary
		//	generates n colors from a base color, using complimentary rules.
			num:32,					//	number of colors to derive
			high:0.5,				//	high factor to generate tints and shades
			low:0.15				//	low factor to generate tints and shades
		}, kwArgs||{});
		var base=prep(kwArgs.base, "complimentary");
		if(!base){ return []; }

		var num=kwArgs.num, rows=2, cols=Math.ceil(num/rows), fs=factors(Math.floor(cols/2), kwArgs.high, kwArgs.low);
		var m=[], hsv=base.toHsv();
		var compliment=(hsv.h+120)%360;
		m.push(fill(base, cols, fs));
		m.push(fill(dojox.color.fromHsv({ h:compliment, s:hsv.s, v:hsv.v }), cols, fs));
		return flatten(m, num);	//	Array
	dojox.color.__GeneratorAngleArgs = function(){
		//	base: String | dojox.Color
		//		The base color from which to derive all other colors.
		//	num: Number
		//		The number of colors to generate
		//	angle: Number
		//		The angle of hue difference from the base color to use
		//	high: Float
		//		The high part of the range to generate tints and shades
		//	low: Float
		//		The low part of the range to generate tints and shades
		this.base = base;
		this.num = num;
		this.angle = angle;
		this.high = high;
		this.low = low;
	this.splitComplementary = function(/* dojox.color.__GeneratorAngleArgs */kwArgs){
		//	summary
		//	generates n colors from a base color, using split complimentary rules.
			num:32,					//	number of colors to derive
			angle:30,				//	the angle of difference to use
			high:0.5,				//	high factor to generate tints and shades
			low:0.15				//	low factor to generate tints and shades
		}, kwArgs||{});
		var base=prep(kwArgs.base, "splitComplementary");
		if(!base){ return []; }

		var num=kwArgs.num, rows=3, cols=Math.ceil(num/rows), fs=factors(Math.floor(cols/2), kwArgs.high, kwArgs.low);
		var m=[], hsv=base.toHsv();
		var compliment=(hsv.h+120)%360;
		var comp1=compliment-kwArgs.angle, comp2=(compliment+kwArgs.angle)%360;
		if(comp1<0){ comp1+=360; }
		m.push(fill(base, cols, fs));
		m.push(fill(dojox.color.fromHsv({ h:comp1, s:hsv.s, v:hsv.v }), cols, fs));
		m.push(fill(dojox.color.fromHsv({ h:comp2, s:hsv.s, v:hsv.v }), cols, fs));
		return flatten(m, num);	//	Array
	this.compound = function(/* dojox.color.__GeneratorAngleArgs */kwArgs){
		//	summary
		//	generates n colors from a base color, using a *very* rough approximation
		//	of the Compound rules at http://kuler.adobe.com
			num:32,					//	number of colors to derive
			angle:30,				//	the angle of difference to use
			high:0.5,				//	high factor to generate tints and shades
			low:0.15				//	low factor to generate tints and shades
		}, kwArgs||{});
		var base=prep(kwArgs.base, "compound");
		if(!base){ return []; }

		var num=kwArgs.num, rows=4, cols=Math.ceil(num/rows), fs=factors(Math.floor(cols/2), kwArgs.high, kwArgs.low);
		var m=[], hsv=base.toHsv();
		var comp=(hsv.h+120)%360;		//	other base angle.

		//	hue calculations
		var h1=(hsv.h+kwArgs.angle)%360, h2=comp-kwArgs.angle, h3=comp-(kwArgs.angle/2);
		if(h2<0){ h2+=360; }
		if(h3<0){ h3+=360; }

		//	saturation calculations
		var s1=(hsv.s>=90 && hsv.s<=100)? hsv.s-10 : hsv.s+10;
		var s2=(hsv.s<=35) ? hsv.s+25 : hsv.s-25;

		//	value calculations
		var v1=hsv.v-20;
		var v2=hsv.v;
		m.push(fill(base, cols, fs));
		m.push(fill(dojox.color.fromHsv({ h:h1, s:s1, v:v1 }), cols, fs));
		m.push(fill(dojox.color.fromHsv({ h:h2, s:s1, v:v1 }), cols, fs));
		m.push(fill(dojox.color.fromHsv({ h:h3, s:s2, v:v2 }), cols, fs));
		return flatten(m, num);	//	Array
	this.shades = function(/* dojox.color.__GeneratorArgs */kwArgs){
		//	summary
		//	generates n colors based on a base color using only changes
		//	in value.  Similar to monochromatic but a bit more linear.
			num:32,					//	number of colors to derive
			high:1.5,				//	high factor to generate tints and shades
			low:0.5					//	low factor to generate tints and shades
		}, kwArgs||{});
		var base=prep(kwArgs.base, "shades");
		if(!base){ return []; }

		var num=kwArgs.num, hsv=base.toHsv();
		var step=(kwArgs.high-kwArgs.low)/num, cur=kwArgs.low;
		var a=[];
		for(var i=0; i<num; i++,cur+=step){
			a.push(dxc.fromHsv({ h:hsv.h, s:hsv.s, v:Math.min(Math.round(hsv.v*cur),100) }));
		return a;	// Array