Location: A review of cardiac cellular electrophysiology models @ a80b964384c0 / dojo-presentation / js / dojo / dojox / color / Palette.js

David Nickerson <nickerso@users.sourceforge.net>
2010-05-04 12:37:19+12:00
adding initial version of SED-ML L1V1 file reproducing what is in graphs/BR-INa-variants.xml
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	var dxc = dojox.color;
	*	dojox.color.Palette
	*	The Palette object is loosely based on the color palettes
	*	at Kuler (http://kuler.adobe.com).  They are 5 color palettes
	*	with the base color considered to be the third color in the
	*	palette (for generation purposes).
	*	Palettes can be generated from well-known algorithms or they
	* 	can be manually created by passing an array to the constructor.
	*	Palettes can be transformed, using a set of specific params
	*	similar to the way shapes can be transformed with dojox.gfx.
	*	However, unlike with transformations in dojox.gfx, transforming
	* 	a palette will return you a new Palette object, in effect
	* 	a clone of the original.

	//	ctor ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
	dxc.Palette = function(/* String|Array|dojox.color.Color|dojox.color.Palette */base){
		//	summary
		//		An object that represents a palette of colors.
		//	description
		//		A Palette is a representation of a set of colors.  While the standard
		//		number of colors contained in a palette is 5, it can really handle any
		//		number of colors.
		//		A palette is useful for the ability to transform all the colors in it
		//		using a simple object-based approach.  In addition, you can generate
		//		palettes using dojox.color.Palette.generate; these generated palettes
		//		are based on the palette generators at http://kuler.adobe.com.
		//	colors: dojox.color.Color[]
		//		The actual color references in this palette.
		this.colors = [];
		if(base instanceof dojox.color.Palette){
			this.colors = base.colors.slice(0);
		else if(base instanceof dojox.color.Color){
			this.colors = [ null, null, base, null, null ];
		else if(dojo.isArray(base)){
			this.colors = dojo.map(base.slice(0), function(item){
				if(dojo.isString(item)){ return new dojox.color.Color(item); }
				return item;
		else if (dojo.isString(base)){
			this.colors = [ null, null, new dojox.color.Color(base), null, null ];

	//	private functions ---------------------------------------------------------------

	//	transformations
	function tRGBA(p, param, val){
		var ret = new dojox.color.Palette();
		ret.colors = [];
		dojo.forEach(p.colors, function(item){
			var r=(param=="dr")?item.r+val:item.r,
			ret.colors.push(new dojox.color.Color({
				r: Math.min(255, Math.max(0, r)),
				g: Math.min(255, Math.max(0, g)),
				b: Math.min(255, Math.max(0, b)),
				a: Math.min(1, Math.max(0, a))
		console.log("The return colors are ", ret.colors, " from the original colors ", p.colors);
		return ret;

	function tCMY(p, param, val){
		var ret = new dojox.color.Palette();
		ret.colors = [];
		dojo.forEach(p.colors, function(item){
			var o=item.toCmy(), 
				Math.min(100, Math.max(0, c)),
				Math.min(100, Math.max(0, m)),
				Math.min(100, Math.max(0, y))
		return ret;

	function tCMYK(p, param, val){
		var ret = new dojox.color.Palette();
		ret.colors = [];
		dojo.forEach(p.colors, function(item){
			var o=item.toCmyk(), 
				Math.min(100, Math.max(0, c)),
				Math.min(100, Math.max(0, m)),
				Math.min(100, Math.max(0, y)),
				Math.min(100, Math.max(0, k))
		return ret;

	function tHSL(p, param, val){
		var ret = new dojox.color.Palette();
		ret.colors = [];
		dojo.forEach(p.colors, function(item){
			var o=item.toHsl(), 
			ret.colors.push(dojox.color.fromHsl(h%360, Math.min(100, Math.max(0, s)), Math.min(100, Math.max(0, l))));
		return ret;

	function tHSV(p, param, val){
		var ret = new dojox.color.Palette();
		ret.colors = [];
		dojo.forEach(p.colors, function(item){
			var o=item.toHsv(), 
			ret.colors.push(dojox.color.fromHsv(h%360, Math.min(100, Math.max(0, s)), Math.min(100, Math.max(0, v))));
		return ret;

	//	helper functions
	function rangeDiff(val, low, high){
		//	given the value in a range from 0 to high, find the equiv
		//		using the range low to high.
		return high-((high-val)*((high-low)/high));

	//	object methods ---------------------------------------------------------------
	dojo.extend(dxc.Palette, {
		transform: function(/* Object */kwArgs){
			//	summary
			//		Transform the palette using a specific transformation function
			//		and a set of transformation parameters.
			//	description
			//		{palette}.transform is a simple way to uniformly transform
			//		all of the colors in a palette using any of 5 formulae:
			//		RGBA, HSL, HSV, CMYK or CMY.
			//		Once the forumula to be used is determined, you can pass any
			//		number of parameters based on the formula "d"[param]; for instance,
			//		{ use: "rgba", dr: 20, dg: -50 } will take all of the colors in
			//		palette, add 20 to the R value and subtract 50 from the G value.
			//		Unlike other types of transformations, transform does *not* alter
			//		the original palette but will instead return a new one.
			var fn=tRGBA;	//	the default transform function.
				//	we are being specific about the algo we want to use.
				var use=kwArgs.use.toLowerCase();
					if(use.charAt(2)=="l"){ fn=tHSL; }
					else { fn=tHSV; }
				else if(use.indexOf("cmy")==0){
					if(use.charAt(3)=="k"){ fn=tCMYK; }
					else { fn=tCMY; }
			//	try to guess the best choice.
			else if("dc" in kwArgs || "dm" in kwArgs || "dy" in kwArgs){
				if("dk" in kwArgs){ fn = tCMYK; }
				else { fn = tCMY; }
			else if("dh" in kwArgs || "ds" in kwArgs){
				if("dv" in kwArgs){ fn = tHSV; }
				else { fn = tHSL; }

			var palette = this;
			for(var p in kwArgs){
				//	ignore use
				if(p=="use"){ continue; }
				palette = fn(palette, p, kwArgs[p]);
			return palette;		//	dojox.color.Palette
		clone: function(){
			//	summary
			//		Clones the current palette.
			return new dxc.Palette(this);	//	dojox.color.Palette

	//	static methods ---------------------------------------------------------------
	dojo.mixin(dxc.Palette, {
		generators: {
			analogous:function(/* Object */args){
				var high=args.high||60, 	//	delta between base hue and highest hue (subtracted from base)
					low=args.low||18,		//	delta between base hue and lowest hue (added to base)
					base = dojo.isString(args.base)?new dojox.color.Color(args.base):args.base,

				//	generate our hue angle differences
				var h=[

				var s1=Math.max(10, (hsv.s<=95)?hsv.s+5:(100-(hsv.s-95))),
					v1=(hsv.v>=92)?hsv.v-9:Math.max(hsv.v+9, 20),
					v2=(hsv.v<=90)?Math.max(hsv.v+5, 20):(95+Math.ceil((hsv.v-90)/2)),
					s=[ s1, s2, hsv.s, s1, s1 ],
					v=[ v1, v2, hsv.v, v1, v2 ]

				return new dxc.Palette(dojo.map(h, function(hue, i){
					return dojox.color.fromHsv(hue, s[i], v[i]);
				}));		//	dojox.color.Palette

			monochromatic: function(/* Object */args){
				var base = dojo.isString(args.base)?new dojox.color.Color(args.base):args.base,
					hsv = base.toHsv();
				//	figure out the saturation and value
				var s1 = (hsv.s-30>9)?hsv.s-30:hsv.s+30,
					s2 = hsv.s,
					v1 = rangeDiff(hsv.v, 20, 100),
					v2 = (hsv.v-20>20)?hsv.v-20:hsv.v+60,
					v3 = (hsv.v-50>20)?hsv.v-50:hsv.v+30;

				return new dxc.Palette([
					dojox.color.fromHsv(hsv.h, s1, v1),
					dojox.color.fromHsv(hsv.h, s2, v3),
					dojox.color.fromHsv(hsv.h, s1, v3),
					dojox.color.fromHsv(hsv.h, s2, v2)
				]);		//	dojox.color.Palette

			triadic: function(/* Object */args){
				var base = dojo.isString(args.base)?new dojox.color.Color(args.base):args.base,
					hsv = base.toHsv();

				var h1 = (hsv.h+57+360)%360,
					h2 = (hsv.h-157+360)%360,
					s1 = (hsv.s>20)?hsv.s-10:hsv.s+10,
					s2 = (hsv.s>90)?hsv.s-10:hsv.s+10,
					s3 = (hsv.s>95)?hsv.s-5:hsv.s+5,
					v1 = (hsv.v-20>20)?hsv.v-20:hsv.v+20,
					v2 = (hsv.v-30>20)?hsv.v-30:hsv.v+30,
					v3 = (hsv.v-30>70)?hsv.v-30:hsv.v+30;

				return new dxc.Palette([
					dojox.color.fromHsv(h1, s1, hsv.v),
					dojox.color.fromHsv(hsv.h, s2, v2),
					dojox.color.fromHsv(h2, s2, v1),
					dojox.color.fromHsv(h2, s3, v3)
				]);		//	dojox.color.Palette

			complementary: function(/* Object */args){
				var base = dojo.isString(args.base)?new dojox.color.Color(args.base):args.base,
					hsv = base.toHsv();

				var h1 = ((hsv.h*2)+137<360)?(hsv.h*2)+137:Math.floor(hsv.h/2)-137,
					s1 = Math.max(hsv.s-10, 0),
					s2 = rangeDiff(hsv.s, 10, 100),
					s3 = Math.min(100, hsv.s+20),
					v1 = Math.min(100, hsv.v+30),
					v2 = (hsv.v>20)?hsv.v-30:hsv.v+30;

				return new dxc.Palette([
					dojox.color.fromHsv(hsv.h, s1, v1),
					dojox.color.fromHsv(hsv.h, s2, v2),
					dojox.color.fromHsv(h1, s3, v2),
					dojox.color.fromHsv(h1, hsv.s, hsv.v)
				]);		//	dojox.color.Palette

			splitComplementary: function(/* Object */args){
				var base = dojo.isString(args.base)?new dojox.color.Color(args.base):args.base,
					dangle = args.da || 30,
					hsv = base.toHsv();

				var baseh = ((hsv.h*2)+137<360)?(hsv.h*2)+137:Math.floor(hsv.h/2)-137,
					h1 = (baseh-dangle+360)%360,
					h2 = (baseh+dangle)%360,
					s1 = Math.max(hsv.s-10, 0),
					s2 = rangeDiff(hsv.s, 10, 100),
					s3 = Math.min(100, hsv.s+20),
					v1 = Math.min(100, hsv.v+30),
					v2 = (hsv.v>20)?hsv.v-30:hsv.v+30;

				return new dxc.Palette([
					dojox.color.fromHsv(h1, s1, v1),
					dojox.color.fromHsv(h1, s2, v2),
					dojox.color.fromHsv(h2, s3, v2),
					dojox.color.fromHsv(h2, hsv.s, hsv.v)
				]);		//	dojox.color.Palette

			compound: function(/* Object */args){
				var base = dojo.isString(args.base)?new dojox.color.Color(args.base):args.base,
					hsv = base.toHsv();

				var h1 = ((hsv.h*2)+18<360)?(hsv.h*2)+18:Math.floor(hsv.h/2)-18,
					h2 = ((hsv.h*2)+120<360)?(hsv.h*2)+120:Math.floor(hsv.h/2)-120,
					h3 = ((hsv.h*2)+99<360)?(hsv.h*2)+99:Math.floor(hsv.h/2)-99,
					s1 = (hsv.s-40>10)?hsv.s-40:hsv.s+40,
					s2 = (hsv.s-10>80)?hsv.s-10:hsv.s+10,
					s3 = (hsv.s-25>10)?hsv.s-25:hsv.s+25,
					v1 = (hsv.v-40>10)?hsv.v-40:hsv.v+40,
					v2 = (hsv.v-20>80)?hsv.v-20:hsv.v+20,
					v3 = Math.max(hsv.v, 20);

				return new dxc.Palette([
					dojox.color.fromHsv(h1, s1, v1),
					dojox.color.fromHsv(h1, s2, v2),
					dojox.color.fromHsv(h2, s3, v3),
					dojox.color.fromHsv(h3, s2, v2)
				]);		//	dojox.color.Palette

			shades: function(/* Object */args){
				var base = dojo.isString(args.base)?new dojox.color.Color(args.base):args.base,
					hsv = base.toHsv();

				var s  = (hsv.s==100 && hsv.v==0)?0:hsv.s,
					v1 = (hsv.v-50>20)?hsv.v-50:hsv.v+30,
					v2 = (hsv.v-25>=20)?hsv.v-25:hsv.v+55,
					v3 = (hsv.v-75>=20)?hsv.v-75:hsv.v+5,
					v4 = Math.max(hsv.v-10, 20);

				return new dxc.Palette([
					new dojox.color.fromHsv(hsv.h, s, v1),
					new dojox.color.fromHsv(hsv.h, s, v2),
					new dojox.color.fromHsv(hsv.h, s, v3),
					new dojox.color.fromHsv(hsv.h, s, v4)
				]);		//	dojox.color.Palette
		generate: function(/* String|dojox.color.Color */base, /* Function|String */type){
			//	summary
			//		Generate a new Palette using any of the named functions in
			//		dojox.color.Palette.generators or an optional function definition.
				return type({ base: base });	//	dojox.color.Palette
			else if(dxc.Palette.generators[type]){
				return dxc.Palette.generators[type]({ base: base });	//	dojox.color.Palette
			throw new Error("dojox.color.Palette.generate: the specified generator ('" + type + "') does not exist.");