Location: A review of cardiac cellular electrophysiology models @ a80b964384c0 / dojo-presentation / js / dojo / dojox / data / ClientFilter.js

David Nickerson <nickerso@users.sourceforge.net>
2010-05-04 12:37:19+12:00
adding initial version of SED-ML L1V1 file reproducing what is in graphs/BR-INa-variants.xml
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// This is an abstract data store module for adding updateable result set functionality to an existing data store class
	var lrs;
	var addUpdate = function(store,create,remove){
		// create a handler that adds to the list of notifications
		return function(item){
					create:create && item,
					remove:remove && item
	lrs = dojo.declare("dojox.data.ClientFilter",
			constructor: function(){
				// summary:
				//		This is an abstract class that data stores can extend to add updateable result set functionality
				// 		as well as client side querying capabilities. This enables
				//		widgets to be aware of how active results change in response to the modifications/notifications.
				//	description:
				//		To a update a result set after a notification (onNew, onSet, and onDelete),
				// 		widgets can call the updateResultSet method. Widgets can use the updated
				//		result sets to determine how to react to notifications, and how to update their displayed results
				//		based on changes.
				// 		This module will use the best available information to update result sets, using query attribute
				// 		objects to determine if items are in a result set, and using the sort arrays to maintain sort
				// 		information. However, queries can be opaque strings, and this module can not update
				// 		results by itself in this case. In this situations, data stores can provide a isUpdateable(request) function
				// 		and matchesQuery(item,request) function. If a data store can handle a query, it can return true from
				// 		isUpdateable and if an item matches a query, it can return true from matchesQuery. Here is 
				//		definition of isUpdateable and matchesQuery
				// 		isUpdateable(request)  - request is the keywords arguments as is passed to the fetch function.
				// 		matchesQuery(item,request) - item is the item to test, and request is the value arguments object
				//				for the fetch function.
				//		You can define a property on this object instance "cacheByDefault" to a value of true that will 
				// 		cause all queries to be cached by default unless the cache queryOption is explicitly set to false.
				// 		This can be defined in the constructor options for ServiceStore/JsonRestStore and subtypes. 
				// example:
				//		to make a live-result-set data store from an existing data store:
				//	|	dojo.declare("dojox.data.MyLiveDataStore",
				//	|		dojox.data.MyDataStore,dojox.data.LiveResultSets], // subclass LiveResultSets if available
				//	|		{}
				//	|	);
				this.onSet = addUpdate(this,true,true);
				this.onNew = addUpdate(this,true,false);
				this.onDelete = addUpdate(this,false,true);
				this._updates= [];
				this._fetchCache = [];				
			updateResultSet: function(/*Array*/ resultSet, /*Object*/ request){
				//	summary:
				//		Attempts to update the given result set based on previous notifications
				//	resultSet:				
				//		The result set array that should be updated
				//	request:
				//		This object follows the same meaning as the keywordArgs passed to a dojo.data.api.Read.fetch.
				//	description:
				// 		This will attempt to update the provide result based on previous notification, adding new items 
				// 		from onNew calls, removing deleted items, and updating modified items, and properly removing
				//  	and adding items as required by the query and sort parameters. This function will return:
				//		0: Indicates it could not successfully update the result set
				//		1: Indicates it could successfully handle all the notifications, but no changes were made to the result set
				//		2: Indicates it successfully handled all the notifications and result set has been updated.
					// we try to avoid rerunning notification updates more than once on the same object for performance 
					for(var i = request._version || 0; i < this._updates.length;i++){
						// for each notification,we will update the result set
						var create = this._updates[i].create;
						var remove = this._updates[i].remove;
							for(var j = 0; j < resultSet.length;j++){
									var updated = true;
						if(create && this.matchesQuery(create,request) && // if there is a new/replacement item and it matches the query 
								dojo.indexOf(resultSet,create) == -1){ // and it doesn't already exist in query
							resultSet.push(create); // should this go at the beginning by default instead?
							updated = true;
					if(request.sort && updated){
						// do the sort if needed
					if(request.count && updated){
						// do we really need to do this?
						// make sure we still find within the defined paging set
					request._version = this._updates.length;
					return updated ? 2 : 1;
				return 0;
			querySuperSet: function(argsSuper, argsSub){
				//	summary:
				//		Determines whether the provided arguments are super/sub sets of each other
				// argsSuper:
				// 		Dojo Data Fetch arguments 
				// argsSub:
				// 		Dojo Data Fetch arguments 
				if(argsSuper.query == argsSub.query){
					return {};
				var clientQuery = dojo.mixin({},argsSub.query);
				for(var i in argsSuper.query){
					if(clientQuery[i] == argsSuper.query[i]){
						delete clientQuery[i];
					}else if(!(typeof argsSuper.query[i] == 'string' && 
							// if it is a pattern, we can test to see if it is a sub-pattern 
							// FIXME: This is not technically correct, but it will work for the majority of cases
						return false;
				return clientQuery;
			//	This is the point in the version notification history at which it is known that the server is in sync, this should
			//	be updated to this._updates.length on commit operations.
			serverVersion: 0,
			cachingFetch: function(args){
				var self = this;
				for(var i = 0; i < this._fetchCache.length;i++){
					var cachedArgs = this._fetchCache[i];
					var clientQuery = this.querySuperSet(cachedArgs,args);
					if(clientQuery !== false){
						var defResult = cachedArgs._loading;
							defResult = new dojo.Deferred();
							return self.clientSideFetch({query:clientQuery,sort:args.sort,start:args.start,count:args.count}, results);
					var serverArgs = dojo.mixin({}, args);
					var putInCache = (args.queryOptions || 0).cache;
					if(putInCache === undefined ? this.cacheByDefault : putInCache){
						// we are caching this request, so we want to get all the data, and page on the client side
						if(args.start || args.count){
							delete serverArgs.start;
							delete serverArgs.count;
							args.clientQuery = dojo.mixin(args.clientQuery || {}, {
								start: args.start,
								count: args.count
						args = serverArgs;
					defResult= args._loading = this._doQuery(args);
				var version = this.serverVersion;
					delete args._loading;
					// update the result set in case anything changed while we were waiting for the fetch
						args._version = version;
						args.cacheResults = results;
					return results;
				return defResult;
			isUpdateable: function(/*Object*/ request){
				//	summary:
				//		Returns whether the provide fetch arguments can be used to update an existing list
				//	request:
				//		See dojo.data.api.Read.fetch request
				return typeof request.query == "object";
			clientSideFetch: function(/*Object*/ request,/*Array*/ baseResults){
				// summary:
				//		Performs a query on the client side and returns the results as an array
				//	request:
				//		See dojo.data.api.Read.fetch request
				//	baseResults:
				//		This provides the result set to start with for client side querying
					// filter by the query
					var results = [];
					for(var i = 0; i < baseResults.length; i++){
						var value = baseResults[i];
						if(value && this.matchesQuery(value,request)){
					results = request.sort ? baseResults.concat() : baseResults; // we don't want to mutate the baseResults if we are doing a sort
					// do the sort if needed
				var start = request.start || 0;
				return (start || request.count) ? results.slice(start,start + (request.count || results.length)) : results;
			matchesQuery: function(item,request){
				var query = request.query; 
				var ignoreCase = request.queryOptions && request.queryOptions.ignoreCase;
				for(var i in query){
					// if anything doesn't match, than this should be in the query
					var match = query[i];
					var value = this.getValue(item,i);
					if((typeof match == 'string' && (match.match(/[\*\.]/) || ignoreCase)) ?
						!dojo.data.util.filter.patternToRegExp(match, ignoreCase).test(value) :
						value != match){	  
						return false;
				return true;
			makeComparator: function(sort){
				//	summary:
				// 		returns a comparator function for the given sort order array
				//	sort:
				//		See dojox.data.api.Read.fetch
				var current = sort.shift();
					// sort order for ties and no sort orders
					return function(){}; // keep the order unchanged
				var attribute = current.attribute;
				var descending = current.descending;
				var next = this.makeComparator(sort);
				var store = this;
				return function(a,b){
					var av = store.getValue(a,attribute);
					var bv = store.getValue(b,attribute);
					if(av != bv){
						return av < bv == descending ? 1 : -1;
					return next(a,b); 
	lrs.onUpdate = function(){};