Location: A review of cardiac cellular electrophysiology models @ a80b964384c0 / dojo-presentation / js / dojo / dojox / grid / util.js

David Nickerson <nickerso@users.sourceforge.net>
2010-05-04 12:37:19+12:00
adding initial version of SED-ML L1V1 file reproducing what is in graphs/BR-INa-variants.xml
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// summary: grid utility library
	var dgu = dojox.grid.util;

	dgu.na = '...';

	dgu.fire = function(ob, ev, args){
		var fn = ob && ev && ob[ev];
		return fn && (args ? fn.apply(ob, args) : ob[ev]());
	dgu.setStyleHeightPx = function(inElement, inHeight){
		if(inHeight >= 0){
			var s = inElement.style;
			var v = inHeight + 'px';
			if(inElement && s['height'] != v){
				s['height'] = v;
	dgu.mouseEvents = [ 'mouseover', 'mouseout', /*'mousemove',*/ 'mousedown', 'mouseup', 'click', 'dblclick', 'contextmenu' ];

	dgu.keyEvents = [ 'keyup', 'keydown', 'keypress' ];

	dgu.funnelEvents = function(inNode, inObject, inMethod, inEvents){
		var evts = (inEvents ? inEvents : dgu.mouseEvents.concat(dgu.keyEvents));
		for (var i=0, l=evts.length; i<l; i++){
			inObject.connect(inNode, 'on' + evts[i], inMethod);

	dgu.removeNode = function(inNode){
		inNode = dojo.byId(inNode);
		inNode && inNode.parentNode && inNode.parentNode.removeChild(inNode);
		return inNode;
	dgu.arrayCompare = function(inA, inB){
		for(var i=0,l=inA.length; i<l; i++){
			if(inA[i] != inB[i]){return false;}
		return (inA.length == inB.length);
	dgu.arrayInsert = function(inArray, inIndex, inValue){
		if(inArray.length <= inIndex){
			inArray[inIndex] = inValue;
			inArray.splice(inIndex, 0, inValue);
	dgu.arrayRemove = function(inArray, inIndex){
		inArray.splice(inIndex, 1);
	dgu.arraySwap = function(inArray, inI, inJ){
		var cache = inArray[inI];
		inArray[inI] = inArray[inJ];
		inArray[inJ] = cache;