------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DojoX IO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 0.4.0 Release date: 07/04/2008 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Project state: experimental ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Credits Bryan Forbes (bryan@reigndropsfall.net) Kris Zyp (kris@sitepen.com) James Burke (jburke@dojotoolkit.org) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Project description scriptFrame.js - Uses an iframe for dojo.io.script requests. Useful in some long-polling comet situations in Firefox and Opera. Those browsers execute scripts in DOM order, not network-receive order, so a long-polling script will block other dynamically appended scripts from running until it completes. By using an iframe for the dojo.io.script requests, this issue can be avoided. xhrMultiPart.js - Constructs multi-part mime XHR requests. Useful when wanting multi-part requests but not using a form with a file input. Note that it does not allow you to send files from local disks -- a form with a file input is required for that use case. xhrMultipart is not useful in that use case. xhrPlugins.js - An adapter registry for having multiple XHR handlers (like XDomainRequest, CS-XHR, proxy, and window.name) windowName.js - Cross-domain transport using window.name xhrWindowNamePlugin.js - window.name plugin for XHR adapter registry httpParse.js - HTTP message parser. Parses to an XHR like interface. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dependencies: DojoX IO xhrMultiPart depends on Dojo Core and DojoX UUID's generateRandomUuid function. xhrWindowNamePlugin depends on dojox.secure.capability for safe JSON parsing ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Documentation ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Installation instructions Grab the following from the Dojo SVN Repository: http://svn.dojotoolkit.org/var/src/dojo/dojox/trunk/uuid.js http://svn.dojotoolkit.org/var/src/dojo/dojox/trunk/uuid/* http://svn.dojotoolkit.org/var/src/dojo/dojox/trunk/secure/* Install into the following directory structure: /dojox/uuid/ /dojox/secure/ AND Grab the following from the Dojo SVN Repository: http://svn.dojotoolkit.org/var/src/dojo/dojox/trunk/io/* Install into the following directory structure: /dojox/io/ ...both of which should be at the same level as your Dojo checkout. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Additional Notes The information contained in this README does not pertain to DojoX XHR IFrame Proxy. For that information see proxy/README.