Location: A 3D human whole-body model with integrated organs, vasculature, musculoskeletal and nervous systems for mapping nerves @ 0e87cfe22ee3 / README.rst

elias-soltani <egha355@aucklanduni.ac.nz>
2023-05-12 12:01:05+12:00
Added more bones and muscles. nerves were modified to match human flatmap. arteries and veins modified.
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In this workspace, we have the workflow and configuration files needed to produce the human whole-body scaffold with embedded organs, muskuloskeletal, nervous and vasculature systems for the `SPARC <https://commonfund.nih.gov/sparc>`_ project. 

.. image:: thumbnail.png
   :width: 100%
   :alt: Rendering of the human whole-body scaffold with embedded organs.

This workspace involves the creation of a 3D human whole-body model that integrates multiple systems, including the musculoskeletal and cardiovascular systems, along with embedded organs such as the stomach, colon, heart, lung, bladder, brainstem, and spinal cord. The body model also included a registration of the nervous system, which was a critical component in the study of the nerves.

Preliminary fitting to human geometry has been performed. While the body coordinates field is laid out in the regular coordinates, the geometric coordinates field is fitted to the body of the animal of interest (human here) including consistent positioning of interior layers such as between the core cavities and outside layers, at the diaphragm and at each organ fiducial point obtained from the image data. Then the organ fiducial markers were embedded in the body scaffold. The embedded organs include lungs, heart, stomach, bladder and colon. 

The muscles and bones data are obtained from Anatomography (BodyParts3D V4.3i; DOI: 10.1093/nar/gkn613) human skin and diaphragm data. The muscles and bones scaffolds are fitted to the data. The organ fiducial points were obtained from Anatomography.

Additionally, the data for the vasculature system was obtained from Anatomography. An automated workflow was developed to obtain the central path of the vessels. The algorithm calculates the radius for each vessel, and then cubic Hermite splines are fitted to the central paths using least-square minimization to achieve smooth and continuous curves.

Please see the `SPARC Portal <https://sparc.science>`_ for more details about the SPARC project.