
Periodic stimulation

In the periodic stimulation experiment, the membrane potential model is configured and parameterised with an applied periodic stimulus current.

You can change the parameters of stimulation amplitude, duration and period in the component stimulus_protocol_params. By default, the current is 0.

You can also modify the parameters of temperature T, initial depolarization Vinitial and boundary condition of the potential Vb, in the component parameters, initial_conditions and boundary_conditions respectively.

The simulation experiment can be obtained by loading the corresponding SED-ML document into OpenCOR and executing the simulation.

Membrane action potential

Figure [1] shows the action potentials with different initial displacement of membrane potential (The parameter setting is in the component initial_conditions).


Membrane potentials for initial depolarizations of -90, -15, -7 and -6 mV at 6 C

Subthreshold responses

When the displacement of membrane potential is less than the threshold for setting up a spike, characteristic subthreshold responses are seen [2].


Responses to stimuli during positive phase

The depolarization stimulation can be applied at various times during the positive phases of the membrane action potential. Figure [3] shows the responses of the membrane when it is depolarized by -90 mv at t = 0, 4.7284, 5.7302, 7.7352s


Form of action potential at 18.5 C

You can change the temperature T in the component parameters. Figure [4] shows the action potential at 18.5 C with initial depolarization of -15 mV.


Membrane potentials for initial depolarizations of -15 mV at 18.5 C

Anode break excitation

To simulate anode break responses where current is made to flow inward through the membrane, we set the initial potential value to be 30 mV. Meanwhile, the m, n and h gate have the steady state values for V = 30mV when t = 0. That is, we set Vb = 30 in the component boundary_conditions. The simulation result is shown in Figure [5].
