
Clamped current model

The Clamped current component defines the complete equations of the total ionic current. It combines the imported ionic current components:

  • L-type Ca2 +  channels: ICaL

It instantiates the imported Ionic currents component with computed PO using ICaL channel states component, while the Nernst potential ECa computation is defined by the Nernst potential component.

  • T-type Ca2 +  channels: ICaT

It instantiates the imported Ionic currents component with computed PO using ICaT channel states component, while the Nernst potential ECa computation is defined by the Nernst potential component.

  • Voltage dependent K +  channels: IKv

It instantiates the imported Ionic currents component with computed PKv = xKv*yKv. The gating kinetics is defined in the imported gating kinetics component, while the steady states of x and y gate are defined by the imported IKv gating steady state component, the Nernst potential EK computation is defined by the Nernst potential component.

  • Large conductance Ca2 +  and voltage activated K +  channels: IBK

It instantiates the imported Ionic currents component with computed PO using IBK channel states component, while the Nernst potential EK computation is defined by the Nernst potential component.

  • Na +  channels: INa

It instantiates the imported Ionic currents component with computed PO using INa channel states component, while the Nernst potential ENa computation is defined by the Nernst potential component.

  • Na + - K +  pump: INaK
  • Na + - Ca2 +  exchanger: INCX
  • Non-selective sodium leak current: INS_Na
  • Non-selective potassium leak current: INS_K

The intracellular ionic concentrations Ca2 + i, Na + i and K + i should be given by the clamping parameters.