About this model
Original publication: | |
Kernik et al. (2019): "A computational model of induced pluripotent stem-cell derived cardiomyocytes incorporating experimental variability from multiple data sources" J Physiol. 2019 Sep 1; 597(17): 4533-4564. | |
DOI: | |
Figure 07
Pacemaker/funny current (If) model optimization
The voltage dependent activation gating variables were modeled here. experimental iPSC‐CM data collected from Ma et al. (2011) and Kurokawa Lab Li et al. (2017) in order to optimize data specific model. Activation gate parameters were optimized using the steady-state activation and activation time constants from experimental data (Fig. 7. A and B). I-V curves for If (Fig. 7. C).
Current_If.cellml is the main CellML files which has all the formulation for Pacemaker/funny current, Its associated Sedml file contains all the simulation settings.
All the CellML files and SED-ML files related to this channel need to be downloaded in a same folder (Current_If, gating_If, parameter_If, parameter, unit) as well as python script ( In the python script, required Sedml file (Current_If.sedml) is loaded into the script and by running the code following figure is reproduced.``_ is used to generate the simulation and reproduces the graph shown in Figure 8 in the original study. In order to reproduce Figure 8, once all the files are downloaded to the same folder, execute the following script from the command line (command prompt):
cd [PathToThisFile]
A, optimized steady-state activation with dataset-specific model fits. Different colour represent experimental iPSC-CM data from multiple laboratories. B, Time constant of If activation gate. C, I-V curves.