Location: Metabolic Component Library @ 38fe44af096f / CellML-source / CellMLTools / cpp_rdf / cellmlfile.cpp

Randall Britten <r.britten@auckland.ac.nz>
2013-04-17 15:40:27+12:00
Trivial whitespace changes, and moved import to be adjacent to peer import.
Permanent Source URI:

// CellML file class

#include "cellmlfile.h"
#include "filemanager.h"


#include <QFile>
#include <QTextStream>
#include <QUrl>

#ifdef QT_DEBUG
    #include <QTime>


#ifdef Q_OS_LINUX
    #include <stdint.h>
    // Note: the above header file is required on Linux, so we can use uint32_t
    //       (required to 'properly' make use of the CellML API). Now, we would
    //       normally have
    //           #include <cstdint>
    //       but this is not supported by the current ISO C++ standard. Indeed,
    //       to include it will generate the following error at compile time:
    //           error: #error This file requires compiler and library support
    //           for the upcoming ISO C++ standard, C++0x. This support is
    //           currently experimental, and must be enabled with the -std=c++0x
    //           or -std=gnu++0x compiler options.
    //       and well, we don't want to enable either of these options since
    //       support is still only experimental, so...


#include "IfaceVACSS.hxx"

#include "CellMLBootstrap.hpp"
#include "VACSSBootstrap.hpp"


namespace OpenCOR {
namespace CellMLSupport {


CellmlFile::CellmlFile(const QString &pFileName) :
    // Instantiate our runtime object

    mRuntime = new CellmlFileRuntime();

    // Reset ourselves



    // Delete some internal objects


    delete mRuntime;


void CellmlFile::reset()
    // Reset all of the file's properties

    mModel = 0;

    mRdfApiRepresentation = 0;
    mRdfDataSource = 0;

    mUriBase = QString();


    mValid = true;


    mLoadingNeeded       = true;
    mValidNeeded         = true;
    mRuntimeUpdateNeeded = true;


iface::cellml_api::Model * CellmlFile::model() const
    // Return the model associated with our CellML file

    return mModel;


iface::rdf_api::DataSource * CellmlFile::rdfDataSource() const
    // Return the data source associated with our CellML file

    return mRdfDataSource;


bool CellmlFile::load()
    if (!mLoadingNeeded)
        // The file is already loaded, so...

        return true;

    // Reset any issues that we may have found before


    // Get a bootstrap object and its model loader

    ObjRef<iface::cellml_api::CellMLBootstrap> cellmlBootstrap = CreateCellMLBootstrap();
    ObjRef<iface::cellml_api::DOMModelLoader> modelLoader = cellmlBootstrap->modelLoader();

    // Try to load the model

#ifdef QT_DEBUG
    qDebug("%s:", qPrintable(mFileName));

    try {
#ifdef QT_DEBUG
        QTime time;


        mModel = modelLoader->loadFromURL(QUrl::fromPercentEncoding(QUrl::fromLocalFile(mFileName).toEncoded()).toStdWString());

#ifdef QT_DEBUG
        qDebug(" - CellML Loading time: %s s", qPrintable(QString::number(0.001*time.elapsed(), 'g', 3)));
    } catch (iface::cellml_api::CellMLException &) {
        // Something went wrong with the loading of the model, so...

        mIssues << CellmlFileIssue(CellmlFileIssue::Error,
                                   tr("the model could not be loaded (%1)").arg(QString::fromStdWString(modelLoader->lastErrorMessage())));

        return false;

    // In the case of a non CellML 1.0 model, we want all the imports to be
    // fully instantiated

    if (QString::fromStdWString(mModel->cellmlVersion()).compare(Cellml_1_0))
        try {
#ifdef QT_DEBUG
            QTime time;



#ifdef QT_DEBUG
            qDebug(" - CellML full instantiation time: %s s", qPrintable(QString::number(0.001*time.elapsed(), 'g', 3)));
        } catch (...) {
            // Something went wrong with the full instantiation of the imports,
            // so...

            mIssues << CellmlFileIssue(CellmlFileIssue::Error,
                                       tr("the model's imports could not be fully instantiated"));

            return false;

    // Analyse our CellML file

#ifdef QT_DEBUG
    QTime time;


    // Retrieve the URI base

    ObjRef<iface::cellml_api::URI> xmlBase = mModel->xmlBase();

    mUriBase = QString::fromStdWString(xmlBase->asText());

    // Retrieve all the RDF triples associated with the model

    ObjRef<iface::cellml_api::RDFRepresentation> rdfRepresentation = mModel->getRDFRepresentation(L"http://www.cellml.org/RDF/API");

    if (rdfRepresentation) {
        mRdfApiRepresentation = QueryInterface(rdfRepresentation);

        if (mRdfApiRepresentation) {
            mRdfDataSource = mRdfApiRepresentation->source();
            ObjRef<iface::rdf_api::TripleSet> rdfTriples = mRdfDataSource->getAllTriples();
            ObjRef<iface::rdf_api::TripleEnumerator> rdfTriplesEnumerator = rdfTriples->enumerateTriples();

            forever {
                ObjRef<iface::rdf_api::Triple> rdfTriple = rdfTriplesEnumerator->getNextTriple();

                if (!rdfTriple)

                mRdfTriples << new CellmlFileRdfTriple(this, rdfTriple);

#ifdef QT_DEBUG
    qDebug(" - CellML analysis time: %s s", qPrintable(QString::number(0.001*time.elapsed(), 'g', 3)));

    // All done, so...

    mLoadingNeeded = false;

    return true;


bool CellmlFile::reload()
    // We want to reload the file, so we must first reset it


    // Now, we can try to (re)load the file

    return load();


bool CellmlFile::save(const QString &pNewFileName)
    // Determine the file name to use for the CellML file

    QString fileName = pNewFileName.isEmpty()?mFileName:pNewFileName;

    // Make sure that the RDF API representation is up to date by updating its
    // data source


    // (Create and) open the file for writing

    QFile file(fileName);

    if (!file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text)) {
        // The file can't be opened, so...


        return false;

    // Write out the contents of the CellML file to the file

    QTextStream out(&file);

    out << QString::fromStdWString(mModel->serialisedText());


    // The CellML file being saved, it cannot be modified (should it have been
    // before)
    // Note: we must do this before making sure that mFileName is up to date
    //       since we need the old file name to update the modified status of
    //       the CellML file...


    // Make sure that mFileName is up to date

    mFileName = fileName;

    // Everything went fine, so...

    return true;


bool CellmlFile::isValid()
    if (!mValidNeeded)
        // The file has already been validated, so...

        return mValid;

    // Load (but not reload!) the file, if needed

    if (load()) {
        // The file was properly loaded (or was already loaded), so check
        // whether it is CellML valid
        // Note: validateModel() is somewhat slow, but there is (unfortunately)
        //       nothing we can do about it. Then, there is getPositionInXML()
        //       which is painfully slow, but unlike for validateModel() its use
        //       is not essential (even though it would be nice from an
        //       end-user's perspective). So, rather than retrieve the
        //       line/column of every single warning/error, we only keep track
        //       of the various warnings/errors and only retrieve their
        //       corresponding line/column when requested (definitely not neat
        //       from an end-user's perspective, but we just can't afford the
        //       time it takes to fully validate a model that has many
        //       warnings/errors)...

#ifdef QT_DEBUG
        QTime time;


        ObjRef<iface::cellml_services::VACSService> vacssService = CreateVACSService();
        ObjRef<iface::cellml_services::CellMLValidityErrorSet> cellmlValidityErrorSet = vacssService->validateModel(mModel);

#ifdef QT_DEBUG
        qDebug(" - CellML validation time: %s s", qPrintable(QString::number(0.001*time.elapsed(), 'g', 3)));

        // Determine the number of errors and warnings
        // Note: CellMLValidityErrorSet::nValidityErrors() returns any type of
        //       validation issue, be it an error or a warning, so we need to
        //       determine the number of true errors

        int cellmlErrorsCount = 0;

#ifdef QT_DEBUG

        for (int i = 0, iMax = cellmlValidityErrorSet->nValidityErrors(); i < iMax; ++i) {
            ObjRef<iface::cellml_services::CellMLValidityError> cellmlValidityIssue = cellmlValidityErrorSet->getValidityError(i);
            ObjRef<iface::cellml_services::CellMLRepresentationValidityError> cellmlRepresentationValidityError = QueryInterface(cellmlValidityIssue);

            // Determine the issue's location

            uint32_t line = 0;
            uint32_t column = 0;
            QString importedFile = QString();

            if (cellmlRepresentationValidityError) {
                // We are dealing with a CellML representation issue, so
                // determine its line and column

                ObjRef<iface::dom::Node> errorNode = cellmlRepresentationValidityError->errorNode();

                line = vacssService->getPositionInXML(errorNode,
            } else {
                // We are not dealing with a CellML representation issue, so
                // check whether we are dealing with a semantic one

                ObjRef<iface::cellml_services::CellMLSemanticValidityError> cellmlSemanticValidityError = QueryInterface(cellmlValidityIssue);

                if (cellmlSemanticValidityError) {
                    // We are dealing with a CellML semantic issue, so determine
                    // its line and column

                    ObjRef<iface::cellml_api::CellMLElement> cellmlElement = cellmlSemanticValidityError->errorElement();
                    ObjRef<iface::cellml_api::CellMLDOMElement> cellmlDomElement = QueryInterface(cellmlElement);

                    ObjRef<iface::dom::Element> domElement = cellmlDomElement->domElement();

                    line = vacssService->getPositionInXML(domElement, 0,

                    // Also determine its imported file, if any

                    forever {
                        // Retrieve the CellML element's parent

                        ObjRef<iface::cellml_api::CellMLElement> cellmlElementParent = cellmlElement->parentElement();

                        if (!cellmlElementParent)

                        // Check whether the parent is an imported file

                        ObjRef<iface::cellml_api::Model> importedCellmlFile = QueryInterface(cellmlElementParent);

                        if (!importedCellmlFile)

                        // Retrieve the imported CellML element

                        ObjRef<iface::cellml_api::CellMLElement> importedCellmlElement = importedCellmlFile->parentElement();

                        if (!importedCellmlElement)

                        // Check whether the imported CellML element is an
                        // import CellML element

                        ObjRef<iface::cellml_api::CellMLImport> importCellmlElement = QueryInterface(importedCellmlElement);

                        if (!importCellmlElement)

                        ObjRef<iface::cellml_api::URI> xlinkHref = importCellmlElement->xlinkHref();

                        importedFile = QString::fromStdWString(xlinkHref->asText());


            // Determine the issue's type

            CellmlFileIssue::Type issueType;

            if (cellmlValidityIssue->isWarningOnly()) {
                // We are dealing with a warning

                issueType = CellmlFileIssue::Warning;
            } else {
                // We are dealing with an error


                issueType = CellmlFileIssue::Error;

            // Append the issue to our list

            mIssues << CellmlFileIssue(issueType,
                                       line, column, importedFile);

#ifdef QT_DEBUG
        qDebug(" - CellML warnings vs. errors time: %s s", qPrintable(QString::number(0.001*time.elapsed(), 'g', 3)));

        if (cellmlErrorsCount)
            // There are CellML errors, so...

            mValid = false;
            // Everything went as expected, so...

            mValid = true;

        mValidNeeded = false;

        return mValid;
    } else {
        // Something went wrong with the loading of the file, so...

        return false;


bool CellmlFile::isModified() const
    // Return whether the file has been modified

    return Core::FileManager::instance()->isModified(mFileName);


void CellmlFile::setModified(const bool &pModified) const
    // Set the modified status of the file

    Core::FileManager::instance()->setModified(mFileName, pModified);


CellmlFileIssues CellmlFile::issues() const
    // Return the file's issue(s)

    return mIssues;


CellmlFileRuntime * CellmlFile::runtime()
    if (!mRuntimeUpdateNeeded)
        // There is no need for the runtime to be updated, so...

        return mRuntime;

    // Load (but not reload!) the file, if needed

    if (load()) {
        // The file is loaded, so return an updated version of its runtime


        mRuntimeUpdateNeeded = !mRuntime->isValid();

        return mRuntime;
    } else {
        // The file coudln't be loaded, so...

        return 0;


QString CellmlFile::fileName() const
    // Return the CellML file's file name

    return mFileName;


CellmlFileRdfTriples * CellmlFile::rdfTriples()
    // Return the CellML file's RDF triples

    return &mRdfTriples;


QString CellmlFile::uriBase() const
    // Return the CellML file's URI base

    return mUriBase;


CellmlFileRdfTriples CellmlFile::rdfTriples(const QString &pCmetaId) const
    // Return all the RDF triples which are directly or indirectly associated
    // with pCmetaId

    return mRdfTriples.contains(pCmetaId);


void CellmlFile::clearRdfTriples()
    // Delete all the RDF triples and clear our list

    foreach (CellmlFileRdfTriple *rdfTriple, mRdfTriples)
        delete rdfTriple;



}   // namespace CellMLSupport
}   // namespace OpenCOR

// End of file