Location: Metabolic Component Library @ 38fe44af096f / CellML-source / CellMLTools / src / componentlibrary / LibraryGenerator.java

Randall Britten <r.britten@auckland.ac.nz>
2013-04-17 15:40:27+12:00
Trivial whitespace changes, and moved import to be adjacent to peer import.
Permanent Source URI:

package componentlibrary;

import java.util.TreeMap;

import tools.CellMLLoader;
import tools.CellMLReader;
import tools.CellMLWriter;

import cellml_api.CellMLComponent;
import cellml_api.CellMLElement;
import cellml_api.Model;
import cellml_api.Units;
import cellml_api.UnitsIterator;
import cellml_api.UnitsSet;

/* Generates a compact library from the single components and units
 * for reuse.
 * This is the file which is ultimately imported.
public class LibraryGenerator {
	//private static final String LIBRARY_FILE="C:/Users/mkoenig/Desktop/CellML/models/MetabolicLibraryCellML/MetabolicComponentLibrary-v0.1.cellml";
	private static final String LIBRARY_FILE="MetabolicComponentLibrary-v0.1.cellml";
	/* Collects all units and basic components in one CellML file. */
	public static void generateCompactLibraryFile(TreeMap<String, RCellMLComponent> rccMap){
		CellMLLoader cLoader = new CellMLLoader();
		Model lib_model = CellMLReader.createModel(cLoader.getCellMLBootstrap(), "1.1");
	    lib_model.setName("MetabolicComponentLibrary" );
	    // Get the kinetics components (library components & respective units)
		for (String key: rccMap.keySet()){
			RCellMLComponent rcc = rccMap.get(key);			
			Model model = rcc.getModel();
			// Copy the units
			UnitsSet unitsSet = model.getAllUnits();
			UnitsIterator iter = unitsSet.iterateUnits();
			for (int i=0; i<unitsSet.getLength(); i++){
				Units units = iter.nextUnits();
				ComponentCopy.insertCellMLElementToModel((CellMLElement) units, lib_model);
			// Copy the kinetics component
			CellMLComponent component = rcc.getKineticsComponent(); 
			ComponentCopy.insertCellMLElementToModel((CellMLElement) component, lib_model);
		// Write the model to the library file
		CellMLWriter.writeToFile(lib_model, LIBRARY_FILE);
	public static void generateZip(){
		//TODO: pack the necessary resources
	public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception{
		TreeMap<String, RComponent> cMap = RComponentImporter.readComponentsFromCSV();
		TreeMap<String, RCellMLComponent> rccMap = RCellMLComponent.generateRCellMLComponents(cMap);