KACh knowledge page


Landing page for the muscarinic potassium channel (K-ACh).

Other names include: G protein-coupled inwardly rectifying potassium channel (GIRK)

This channel transports potassium ions across the plasma membrane according to the concentration gradient, and is activated through muscarinic receptors that are in turn activated by acetylcholine (ACh). K-ACh is part of the inward rectifying (K-ir) family.

These channels are heterotetramers composed of two GIRK1 and two GIRK4 subunits.



The following list contains the constituents of K-ACh.

Variants within the human species
Channel name Alias Gene Structure
KCNJ3 GIRK1/Kir3.1 Uniprot 1 SMR 1
KCNJ5 GIRK4/Kir3.4 Uniprot 4 SMR 4

Existing models

Link to other PMR workspaces or exposures
Title Author
BG_K_ACh S Fong

Models denoted by [*] are not in bond graph form. Models denoted by [^] are part of a whole cell model.

Other annotations

Item Database
I(KACh) inward rectifier potassium channel complex Gene Ontology
Derived from workspace KACh knowledge page at changeset 0990441f7397.
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