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Located in Exposures / FCU_ExcitationContraction_Coupling
Located in Exposures / FCU_guanylylCyclase
Female-specific model and GHRH alone is being injected
Model-projected mechanistic bases for sex differences in growth hormone regulation in humans.
Located in Exposures / Farhy, Bowers, Veldhuis, 2007
Female-specific model and GHRH alone is being injected
Model-projected mechanistic bases for sex differences in growth hormone regulation in humans.
Located in Exposures / Farhy, Bowers, Veldhuis, 2007
Located in Exposures / Hill, 1972 - a model of feto-maternal oxygen exchange
Fibre Dispersion Law (Version A)
Hyperelastic modelling of arterial layers with distributed collagen fibre orientations
Located in Exposures / Gasser, Ogden, Holzapfel, 2006
Fibre Dispersion Law (Version B)
Hyperelastic modelling of arterial layers with distributed collagen fibre orientations
Located in Exposures / Gasser, Ogden, Holzapfel, 2006
Located in Exposures / David Cumin PhD Model
Finite element modelling of contracting skeletal muscle
Finite element modelling of contracting skeletal muscle
Located in Exposures / Oomens, Maenhout, van Oijen, Drost, Baaijens, 2003
Finite element modelling of contracting skeletal muscle
Finite element modelling of contracting skeletal muscle
Located in Exposures / Oomens, Maenhout, van Oijen, Drost, Baaijens, 2003