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Infection dynamics in HIV-specific CD4 T cells: Does a CD4 T cell boost benefit the host or the virus?
Infection dynamics in HIV-specific CD4 T cells: Does a CD4 T cell boost benefit the host or the virus?
Located in Exposures / Wodarz, Hamer, 2007
Infection dynamics in HIV-specific CD4 T cells: Does a CD4 T cell boost benefit the host or the virus?
Infection dynamics in HIV-specific CD4 T cells: Does a CD4 T cell boost benefit the host or the virus?
Located in Exposures / Wodarz, Hamer, 2007
Infection dynamics in HIV-specific CD4 T cells: Does a CD4 T cell boost benefit the host or the virus?
Infection dynamics in HIV-specific CD4 T cells: Does a CD4 T cell boost benefit the host or the virus?
Located in Exposures / Wodarz, Hamer, 2007
Dynamic rerouting of the carbohydrate flux is key to counteracting oxidative stress
Dynamic rerouting of the carbohydrate flux is key to counteracting oxidative stress
Located in Exposures / Ralser, Lehrach, Krobitsch, Wamelink, Kowald, Gerisch, Heeren, Struys, Klipp, Jakobs, Breitenbach, 2007
Distribution of a persistent sodium current across the ventricular wall in guinea pigs (Epicardial Cell)
Distribution of a persistent sodium current across the ventricular wall in guinea pigs.
Located in Exposures / Sakmann, Spindler, Bryant, Linz, Noble, 2000
Distribution of a persistent sodium current across the ventricular wall in guinea pigs (Endocardial Cell)
Distribution of a persistent sodium current across the ventricular wall in guinea pigs.
Located in Exposures / Sakmann, Spindler, Bryant, Linz, Noble, 2000
Distribution of a persistent sodium current across the ventricular wall in guinea pigs (Midmyocardial Cell)
Distribution of a persistent sodium current across the ventricular wall in guinea pigs.
Located in Exposures / Sakmann, Spindler, Bryant, Linz, Noble, 2000
Different Myofilament Nearest-Neighbor Interactions Have Distinctive Effects on Contractile Behavior
Different Myofilament Nearest-Neighbor Interactions Have Distinctive Effects on Contractile Behavior
Located in Exposures / Razumova, Bukatina, Campbell, 2000
A Model of Beta-Cell Mass, Insulin, and Glucose Kinetics: Paythways to Diabetes
A Model of Beta-Cell Mass, Insulin, and Glucose Kinetics: Paythways to Diabetes
Located in Exposures / Topp, Promislow, de Vries, Miura, Finegood, 2000
Rhythmic secretion of prolactin in rats: action of oxytocin coordinated by vasoactive intestinal polypeptide of suprachiasmatic nucleus origin
Rhythmic secretion of prolactin in rats: action of oxytocin coordinated by vasoactive intestinal polypeptide of suprachiasmatic nucleus origin
Located in Exposures / Egli, Bertram, Sellix, Freeman, 2004