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Fibre Dispersion Law (Version B)
Hyperelastic modelling of arterial layers with distributed collagen fibre orientations
Located in Exposures / Gasser, Ogden, Holzapfel, 2006
A pharmacodynamic model for the time course of tumor shrinkage by gemcitabine + carboplatin in non-small cell lung cancer patients
A pharmacodynamic model for the time course of tumor shrinkage by gemcitabine + carboplatin in non-small cell lung cancer patients
Located in Exposures / Tham, Wang, Soo, Lee, Lee, Yong, Goh, Holford, 2008
One-dimensional Rabbit Sinoatrial Node Models: Benefits and Limitations
One-dimensional Rabbit Sinoatrial Node Models: Benefits and Limitations
Located in Exposures / Garny, Kohl, Hunter, Boyett, Noble, 2003
One-dimensional mathematical model of the atrioventricular node including atrio-nodal, nodal, and nodal-his cells
One-dimensional mathematical model of the atrioventricular node including atrio-nodal, nodal, and nodal-his cells
Located in Exposures / Inada, Hancox, Zhang, Boyett, 2009
One-dimensional mathematical model of the atrioventricular node including atrio-nodal, nodal, and nodal-his cells
One-dimensional mathematical model of the atrioventricular node including atrio-nodal, nodal, and nodal-his cells
Located in Exposures / Inada, Hancox, Zhang, Boyett, 2009
One-dimensional mathematical model of the atrioventricular node including atrio-nodal, nodal, and nodal-his cells
One-dimensional mathematical model of the atrioventricular node including atrio-nodal, nodal, and nodal-his cells
Located in Exposures / Inada, Hancox, Zhang, Boyett, 2009
Modified version of the model which runs to recreate the published results.
A Mathematical Treatment of Integrated Ca Dynamics within the Ventricular Myocyte
Located in Exposures / Shannon, Wang, Puglisi, Weber, Bers, 2004
The original version of the model, true to the published set of equations, replete with typographical errors contained in the publication.
A Mathematical Treatment of Integrated Ca Dynamics within the Ventricular Myocyte
Located in Exposures / Shannon, Wang, Puglisi, Weber, Bers, 2004
Cooling, Hunter, Crampin, 2009. Dual Calcium Protocol
Located in Exposures / Cooling, Hunter, Crampin, 2009. Dual Calcium Protocol / Cooling, Hunter, Crampin, 2009. Dual Calcium Protocol
Located in Exposures / Mohr, Taylor, Newell, 2008