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Located in Exposures / An updated computational model of rabbit sinoatrial action potential to investigate the mechanisms of heart rate modulation.
Located in Exposures / Renal Na+/H+ antiporter (NHE3) model
Located in Exposures / 3fd
Located in Exposures / Model of a rabbit Purkinje cell
Located in Exposures / Steady state HMT
[Ca2+]i oscillations in sympathetic neurons: an experimental test of a theoretical model
[Ca2+]i oscillations in sympathetic neurons: an experimental test of a theoretical model
Located in Exposures / Friel, 1995
[Ca2+]i oscillations in sympathetic neurons: an experimental test of a theoretical model
[Ca2+]i oscillations in sympathetic neurons: an experimental test of a theoretical model
Located in Exposures / Friel, 1995
[Ca2+]i oscillations in sympathetic neurons: an experimental test of a theoretical model
Located in Exposures / [Ca2+]i oscillations in sympathetic neurons: an experimental test of a theoretical model
[Ca2+]i oscillations in sympathetic neurons: an experimental test of a theoretical model
Located in Exposures / [Ca2+]i oscillations in sympathetic neurons: an experimental test of a theoretical model
[Ca2+]i oscillations in sympathetic neurons: an experimental test of a theoretical model
Located in Exposures / [Ca2+]i oscillations in sympathetic neurons: an experimental test of a theoretical model