Location: Approximating Sine Waves @ a591bf63a482 / documentation.html

David Nickerson <nickerso@users.sourceforge.net>
2012-07-23 16:54:49+12:00
updating the top-level documentation to get ready for creating an exposure.
Permanent Source URI:

This workspace provides a collection CellML models primarily developed for testing software tools and the model repository. There are models for calculating sine using the MathML sin operator, a parabolic approximation, and a differential equation approximation.

The CellML document sin_approximations_import.xml is the top-level CellML model. It imports the three sub-models which define the three ways of calculating sine. The SED-ML document sin_approximations_sedml.xml describes a simulation experiment which computes a sine wave over the interval 0 to 2*pi using these three methods and plots a graph showing that they all give similar results (see image below). sin_approximations_import.xml also contains a CSim summary description of the simulation experiment defined in sin_approximations_sedml.xml such that CSim can be used to perform the actual numerical computations required to produce the data shown in the graph below.