Location: get-library @ ce9d2edc7bf7 / README.rst

David Nickerson <nickerso@users.sourceforge.net>
2015-02-03 18:03:13+13:00
adding an initial attempt at starting to create a comprehensive renal epithelial cell showing all the possible transporters and annotating them with UniProt terms. Currently this is just a basic start, but will gradually refine and add details. Using encapsulation to indicate location of the transporter on the apical or basolateral membrane, but this probably isn't the best way and should annotate containment, but not sure how to do this in OpenCOR. Also, OpenCOR doesn't provide direct access to UniProt terms for creating the annotations as it is not currently supported via PMR2, so I am manually adding the UniProt annotations. They are correctly displayed in OpenCOR.
Permanent Source URI:

This is the library of models/modules used by get-creator when creating epithelial cell models in CellML. See the `GET documentation <http://get-documentation.readthedocs.org/>`_ for all the details. This repository is (manually) synchronised with the get-library workspace in the Physiome Repository at: http://models.physiomeproject.org/workspace/19f/.