Location: BG_K_ATP @ f7866162901c / parameter_finder / output / TEMP.cellml.txt

Shelley Fong <s.fong@auckland.ac.nz>
2022-04-11 14:58:43+12:00
Changing method of number of channels present. Guess density. Using SA of human iPSC for Kernik. Updating volumes
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def model individual_K_ATP as
 def import using "units_and_constants/units_BG.cellml" for
        unit mM using unit mM;
unit fmol using unit fmol;
unit per_fmol using unit per_fmol;
        unit J_per_mol using unit J_per_mol;
unit fmol_per_sec using unit fmol_per_sec;
        unit C_per_mol using unit C_per_mol;
  unit J_per_C using unit J_per_C;
        unit microm3 using unit microm3;
  unit fF using unit fF;
        unit fC using unit fC;
  unit fA using unit fA;
        unit per_second using unit per_second;
  unit millivolt using unit millivolt;
        unit per_sec using unit per_sec;
  unit J_per_K_per_mol using unit J_per_K_per_mol;
        unit fmol_per_L using unit fmol_per_L;
  unit fmol_per_L_per_sec using unit fmol_per_L_per_sec;
        unit per_sec_per_fmol_per_L using unit per_sec_per_fmol_per_L;
  unit uM using unit uM;
        unit mM_per_sec using unit mM_per_sec;
  unit uM_per_sec using unit uM_per_sec;
        unit pL using unit pL;
  unit m_to_u using unit m_to_u;
def import using "units_and_constants/constants_BG.cellml" for
            comp constants using comp constants;

    def comp environment as
    var time: second {pub: out};
    // initial values
var q_K_i: fmol {init: 1e-888, pub: out};
var q_K_o: fmol {init: 1e-888, pub: out};
// From submodule
var v_K_ATP: fmol_per_sec {pub: in};
ode(q_K_i, time) = vvv;
ode(q_K_o, time) = vvv;

def comp K_ATP_parameters as
var kappa_K_ATP: fmol_per_sec {init: 0.0571297, pub: out};
var K_K_i: per_fmol {init: 0.0644254, pub: out};
var K_K_o: per_fmol {init: 0.0732107, pub: out};
def comp K_ATP as
        var time: second {pub: in};
        var R: J_per_K_per_mol {pub: in};
        var T: kelvin {pub: in};
        // parameters
var kappa_K_ATP: fmol_per_sec {pub: in};
var K_K_i: per_fmol {pub: in};
var K_K_o: per_fmol {pub: in};
// Input from global environment
var q_K_i: fmol {pub: in};
var q_K_o: fmol {pub: in};
// Constitutive parameters
var mu_K_i: J_per_mol;
var mu_K_o: J_per_mol;
var v_K_ATP: fmol_per_sec {pub: out};
mu_K_i = R*T*ln(K_K_i*q_K_i);
mu_K_o = R*T*ln(K_K_o*q_K_o);
v_K_ATP = ppp;
def map between environment and K_ATP for
vars time and time;
vars q_K_i and q_K_i;
vars q_K_o and q_K_o;
vars v_K_ATP and v_K_ATP;
def map between K_ATP and K_ATP_parameters for
vars kappa_K_ATP and kappa_K_ATP;
vars K_K_i and K_K_i;
vars K_K_o and K_K_o;
def map between constants and K_ATP for
vars R and R;
 vars T and T;