- Author:
- Tommy Yu <tommy.yu@auckland.ac.nz>
- Date:
- 2010-06-03 17:50:46+12:00
- Desc:
- Added dcterms namespace.
- Permanent Source URI:
- http://models.cellml.org/workspace/per_pixel_lighting/rawfile/bb8de20fda1144980719ec1994ff896ae44a9c00/fp.txt
TEMP lightVec, viewVec, reflVec, normal, attenuation, Len, finalCol, lightContrib, reverse, tex, tex2;
PARAM two = {2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0};
PARAM m_one = {-1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0};
#Set up reverse vector based on secondary colour
MAD reverse, two, fragment.color.secondary.x, m_one;
TEX tex, fragment.texcoord[0], texture[0], 2D;
#Normalize the normal.
DP3 normal.w, fragment.texcoord[3], fragment.texcoord[3];
RSQ normal.w, normal.w;
MUL normal.xyz, fragment.texcoord[3], normal.w;
#Reverse the normal if required
MUL normal, reverse, normal;
#Normalize lightvec and viewvec.
DP3 Len.w, fragment.texcoord[1], fragment.texcoord[1];
RSQ lightVec.w, Len.w;
MUL lightVec.xyz, fragment.texcoord[1], lightVec.w;
DP3 viewVec.w, fragment.texcoord[2], fragment.texcoord[2];
RSQ viewVec.w, viewVec.w;
MUL viewVec.xyz, fragment.texcoord[2], viewVec.w;
#Calculate attenuation.
MAD attenuation, state.light[0].attenuation.z, Len.w, state.light[0].attenuation.x;
RCP Len, lightVec.w;
MAD attenuation, Len.w, state.light[0].attenuation.y, attenuation.x;
RCP attenuation.x, attenuation.x;
DP3_SAT lightContrib.x, normal, lightVec;
# Phong:
DP3 reflVec, lightVec, normal;
MUL reflVec, reflVec, two;
MAD reflVec, reflVec, normal, -lightVec;
DP3_SAT lightContrib.y, reflVec, viewVec;
MOV lightContrib.w, state.material.shininess.x;
#Accelerates lighting computations
LIT lightContrib, lightContrib;
MAD finalCol, lightContrib.y, fragment.color, state.lightprod[0].ambient;
MAD finalCol, lightContrib.z, state.lightprod[0].specular, finalCol;
MAD finalCol, finalCol, attenuation.x, state.material.emission;
#Ambient lighting contribution;
MAD finalCol, fragment.color, state.lightmodel.ambient, finalCol;
#Alpha value;
MOV finalCol.w, state.material.diffuse.w;
MUL finalCol.xyz, finalCol, tex;
#Swizzle the colours to show something different
#MOV result.color, finalCol;
MOV result.color, finalCol.yxzw;